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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Haha, saw that eh? I was pretty quick to change it. Im pretty proud of my pb pike but it just cant touch this beast.
  2. My nissan 9.9 will do a whole 20kph on a car topper, My 91 chaparral 20 ft with the v8 305 used to do 50mph with just me but now its about 47, boat full of people it will still go over 30mph.
  3. Thanks again fellas! I agree it was a little rough out there and i should have stayed a little more north towards the trent canal where we were protected by the point to some extent, but it was crammed with boats for most of the morning. We kept it pretty close to shore as a precaution but neither of us had gotten real concerned about the conditions to that point.
  4. Haha ol, my buddies and i have always joked that it aint the size of the boat its the size of the heart of the man. That little 12 holds probably half of my pbs. Thanks for the kind responses, i cant fire the cameraman cause hes the netman too lol!
  5. Thanks guys! Coming from a big musky guy like you lew that means a lot! I owe you one too sinker... Black and orange baby black and orange! On the release i figured i would add the last pic, my last contact with this monster as she kicked out of my hands for good.
  6. I could be wrong but i think it is 50 metres from shore has to be 10kmh or less. Nobody likes a clown i have a 12 footer that is routinely rocked by stupid people.
  7. Nice bass man!
  8. Went out to balsam today for a morning fish with my good buddy mark, the weather forecast looked bad for my 12 ft tin tippy but we went anyway and were greeted at the launch with some heavy wind and some big chop. There were boats everywhere and i had wondered if there was a tourney of some sort going on cause these guys were literally fishing on top of each other and eventually on us too lol. We had a limited range due to the chop so we did our best to get away from the boats and throw some casts mostly with inlines and shallow invaders, from 6:30 to 11:00 we didnt see a fish and only had a couple small taps to show for our efforts. The waves had started getting out of hand so we were on one of our last drifts, i had gotten sick of the spinner not starting in the waves so i fired on a magnum bulldog and started firing for the hills, i was laughing and joking with mark that i had no idea how to fish this bait so i just started letting it sink a couple feet then a fairly straight retrieve. Well, my 5th cast towards the deep edge and the bait stopped dead, i set the hook and it was game on. This battle was as much haul her to the boat as it was stay on my feet, after a couple minutes of intense battle mark slides the net under her. When i saw it in the water it looked big but when i pulled it out of the net i was shocked, this fish went 48" on the tape and i did not get a girth because i wanted to get her back in the drink asap. She was 2" longer then my old pb but a heck of a lot heavier and thicker, she had an absolute massive head on her and im still shaking as i type this. I never thought i would catch this size of kawartha muskie so early into my balsam tenure but there she was. Thank you for taking the time to read, heres some pics! Tightlines! P.s. First couple pics were really blurry im hoping i can clean them up somehow.
  9. Try photobucket, i got the app just so i could post pics on this site. Sounds like a good time!
  10. Some nice pics there man!
  11. Personally i love this time of year for pike fishing and now muskie as well, the boats are staying home the lakes are wide open and its hamner time! I find i get more smallies on simcoe while pike fishing this time of year as well so i would include that as an option. There is definitely good fishing to be had in the late fall and and sometimes better than any summer fishing.
  12. I love the posts, the write ups are well done the pictures and videos are fantastic and i dont think there is much more people could ask for. If anything your posts may push people into doing something they have been on the fence about for years. If there was an issue wouldnt the site admin bring it up? Keep up the good work bud!
  13. Thats a real shame, after every trip to lake o i have to meticulously clean all the fleas off the riggers, rods, reels, lines, and inside and out of the boat. I can see how some might not go through the trouble after heading to thier next destination. A few minutes from each individual can help stop these things from happening.
  14. Wow, those are some serious pike! I gotta get a trip organized through you soon!
  15. Nice job man!
  16. Cool report man!
  17. If hes planting rice illegally he should be stopped or charged to prevent further damage to the lake.
  18. Fantastic drew! I love how you get the whole family out there one way or another. Im taking notes so i can get my girl out when shes big enough.
  19. Good fishing fellas! Aka shag that beard is seriously respectable! 10/10
  20. That is a sweeeeeeet bowfin dude! Yea they sure do put up a fight and mind your fingers around that vise of a mouth too lol
  21. Hit up the kawarthas for a quick morning fish with an old buddy of mine, on the water by 6:30 and off by noon when the heat and boats got outta hand. I boated my first decent ski of the season and by that i mean long cause she sure didnt weigh much lol. Caught on a #8 cowgirl.
  22. Not bad lol
  23. Im takin a buddy to do half a day of kawartha skis so ill post up if we get one. Be safe out there fellas!
  24. Time to outfit my bow with a reel.
  25. A buddy of mine has found many obscure parts for his old johnson, evinrude, and mercury motors on ebay for a fair price, however he advises not to buy anything from china.
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