I have never run a heater for minnows, they live in cold water you fish them in cold water so keep them in cold water.
Any big temp change will shock and kill them
Ive kept minnows a while and theres a few things to keep track of.
You need to watch the ph, the temperature, and keep the holding area relatively clean.
You need an aerator of some kind preferably a plug in one, make sure to keep the intake clean as well.
Never hurts to have a baitfish guide of some sort as there are a bunch of endangered and threatened species that you dont want to be using or keeping for bait.
Ive rarely seen them when i trapped minnows but i did toss the occasional one back that i did see.
If you are keeping more than a week feed them
Regular fishfood they will eat it( at least they did for me)
Regardless some will die just try get them out asap.
Good luck!
I love seaguar for leader material but ive never liked any fluoro as a mainline. I use power pro for my mainline on everything, spinning baitcasting ice fishing salmon trolling and floro for most of my leaders.
Ive run a concrete pump for almost 11 years and the last couple have been nothing but back and knee problems and im only 30, i have started looking into other possibilites myself. Good luck
I dont even know where you live but if i wasnt working friday id be interested! Good of you to offer!
Id offer up a day but most people dont wanna fish out of a 12 footer that doesnt leak... It sinks lol
Thanks gerritt, ive been wondering why my data has been off so much.
For those who dont want to read go to settings-cellular and scroll to bottom to turn off wi fi assist.
So should i be looking for another reel to save my te? Will i be able to get parts for it down the road?
Sorry if this is a hijack but the topic was about the te seemed like a good time to ask lol.
I have the 400 te and i love it to death, drag is strong, casting is super smooth, and just a pleasure to use, only thing i want to do different is to throw a power handle on it.
You will love it, have fun!
Not so much trailer related but i bring a first aid kit in the boat every time, has come in handy more than once boating and fishing.
Never hurts to carry a small assortment of tools, although im guilty of forgetting them on occasion.
Also never hurts to have a good strong rope capable of towing your vessel if the need arises, theres more but i ll leave it to the rest of you lol