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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I agree that you cant make conclusions based on one fish but i think most of us know that fish slime is a critical part of a fishes makeup, i ve never used a handling glove myself but if you do i thought most people would wet a proper rubber glove not use your work glove. The less you handle any fish the better off its going to be, i dont think you need video proof to know that.
  2. I went down had a look, from what i understand he was sitting at the launch a while and people told him not to go out but he did anyway, he didnt make it far. The canal is only a couple feet deep so his car didnt sink over the roof thankfully, it was some fancy 130,000 audi so i guess lesson learned. Tow truck driver snapped both cables trying to get it out and smashed out his rear window. The car in the ice was destroyed after, total writeoff id say. He got lucky in my opinion.
  3. Looks like a sweet trip mike!
  4. It was 200 last year, and i didnt get sniped.
  5. Ive never fished the beaverton area but i do agree cooks bay can be finicky at times, the perch follow the bait and ive slayed jumbos in as little as 6 feet of water out to 25 in cooks bay. If you are not willing to move around to stay on them you wont be as succesful on cooks. I will add i rarely go to the gilford side i like to stay on my side of the bay.
  6. I have a hard time believing those are from another fish, i dont have a guess myself but id rule fish out.
  7. Loved the day of skis, learned a lot when i shut up long enough to listen lol. Petes a solid dude and definitely worth the price of admission just for the company let alone the fishing. 160
  8. All but one of those tickets were south simcoe or barrie.
  9. Well i guess you wouldnt want to know about all the ones i got before i started fighting them eh? Lol. For the record they werent all speeding tickets and i have slowed down a little, havent had a ticket in years.
  10. I fight my tickets through a place in newmarket called ticket experts, $250 every time regardless of the number of tickets. Out of the 5 times i have taken a ticket to him i got off clean 4 of them. My work doesnt look too kindly on tickets these days so i have to fight them regardless, however i have saved a ton on insurance by fighting them
  11. Congratulations!
  12. Thats terrible bud, always sad to see this stuff happen. I have a 100lb american bulldog that is truly a big suck, but no matter what i will never trust her 100% particularily around my daughter, you just never know with an animal. Best of luck with whatever you do.
  13. East side of cooks bay is in bad shape, before this warm spell we had 5-7" of ice and 4-6" was clear. Now you would be lucky if there was 4" of soft white ice that is porous from the water running through it. I will not be out anytime this weekend personally but will be keeping an eye on conditions.
  14. What a cow, man i gotta go get some european pike.
  15. Nice,always fun to get out with friends for some perchin.
  16. Nice man! Thats a sweet variety!
  17. Wow that ice is clear, ive always found it a little unnerving sittin on ice like that. Nice whitie!
  18. I was out on cooks bay sunday afternoon and was surprised at how man permanent huts were out there, ice were i went was 6" tops and with the warmer weather i wouldnt be bringing a machine back out until it gets cold again for a bit. Extreme caution should be exercised over the short term.
  19. Damn dude thats too close, ive been through the ice when i was a kid and its the worst feeling in the world. Glad you made it out.
  20. Sweet vid dude! Nice gator!
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