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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. You have my gracious appreciation!
  2. Wow, and i thought my 1 lbers were big lol.
  3. Best wishes, i hope for the best for you and your wife.
  4. To this day the best fish fight ive had was my pb 44" pike, this thing gave me everything! It jumped a few times, it took a couple twisting runs, she lifted just her head out of the water and shook violently and to top it all off when i got her close to the boat she went into a gator roll and the hooks popped out just as my buddy slid the cradle under her. That fish took about 2 1/2 min to get to the boat where as the big musky i just caught probably took half that. Mind you, the sheer power of the musky is something else, seemingly turning around on full drag and meandering its way to the boat on its schedule not mine lol. Imo both are strong aggressive predators with a few tricks up their sleeves so i give them both due respect, however i will reserve judgement on which is better until after i put a couple hundred musky under my belt to get a better sample size.
  5. Valid point bill, i guess i just cant help but try prop up poor old pike against the big bad musky lol
  6. The one thing i didnt understand about that episode was there was no mention of it possibly being a big pike, pike get to 50+" and can be incredibly aggressive. They have the same basic shape of head and mouth full o teeth yet its just assumed a muskie bit someone? Lol I guess it doesnt make for good tv to have 2 possible suspects...
  7. They are pretty fish, maybe i have to set aside a trout day this fall
  8. Why do i feel like theres going to be hundreds of these in my canal come spring? Lol
  9. Hahaha
  10. Good reminder that musky can frustrate anyone at times, funny he gets it on the light gear.
  11. Yea im watchin it too, hope he gets a big one!
  12. Thats a wicked gator man! Its nice when you get rewarded for toughing it out!
  13. Depends on what you are fishing for, there is no right or wrong answer. Ive fished shore spots on a river for smallies when i was younger where i would catch 10-20 a day. A week later id catch 2-4. Weather, time of year, species, water temp etc,etc all play a factor. Learn what you can about your target then go at them hard, change tactics change approach until something clicks. If you go a few times and nada then maybe its time to move on. I have had a lot of skunk days in my life with all different manner of fish, however i learn just as much on those days as i do the great ones. Get out there and make it happen, nothing and i mean nothing replaces experiance.
  14. Sent you a pm
  15. Sounds like a fun outing, congrats on the pb pici!
  16. I agree that shore fishing can help you learn things that you might not need to pick up in a boat, from the time i was a few years old until i was 20 most of my fishing was done from shore. The bonus was when i did get in a boat i was rarely unsuccesful because i knew how to fish every single corner of a spot before i moved. Shore fishing certainly helps to teach patience.
  17. I couldnt agree more, follow the rules and go wherever you please. better yet grab a stick out of the bush tie some line and a fly to it and go rub elbows with the fly guys lol, maybe they wont bug ya!
  18. I might have to try this and get back to you...
  19. My buddy has an early 70s johnson 25, im not sure how close they are but i couldt try get a pic.
  20. It never fails, some people have nothing better to do than to harass others. Id sure hate to be the guy who tells me i cant fish...
  21. Couldnt agree more, they are beautiful!
  22. Wow, some people amaze me
  23. That looks like a good time!
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