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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. thanks alot ernie . ...and yes that machine is amazing,and it is REAL FAST.....0-1,000 in 3 seconds flat,well we will have to do it again ...cheers
  2. nice report,and they are great looking lakers ...way to go....cheers
  3. yuuuummmmyyyyyyy. ...walleye,they are so tasty....cheers
  4. hey guys i was just wondering what part of western quebec is this place located,i have heard of this place and i am curious,as to where these lakes are....cheers
  5. wow. ..i didnt even know we were going to have one,but i sure can see the moon is really full and bright tonight ,maybe someone can tell us what time its going to be tommorow night......cheers
  7. very interesting pics,oh and those dino saur eggs are small ice chunks that have been worn away bashing on the rocks and worn smooth just like the rocks on the shoreline.....cheers
  8. WOW.. ..very cool pics,and yes they are very rare,can an albino moose be hunted legally,i hope not.....cheers
  9. the big oil companies are all in bed together and are all crooks plain and simple....its a very complicated issue with no resolve in sight i curse them everyday
  10. they sure are some big pike you caught up there...and gotta love that scenery way up north....cheers
  11. carol you are still THE WALLEYE QUEEN, AND CLIFF YOU ARE THE WALLEYE KING. ..i think you guys have both caught the biggest walleyes of 06,fishing season they are both the biggest that i have heard about,and everyone elses walleye pics do look great as well,i will post mine tommorow as i am on company time right now....cheers
  12. yes it looks like bama,was hit extremly hard with alot of people dead according to CNN,glad your ok glen....and im sorry about all those kids killed in their school,......sad day
  13. thats a couple of nice bows there4 guys WTG...and at least it was worth fighting all that bad weather....cheers
  15. yes thats a good one.. ...when i read your topic,i thought oh-no,, ,,whats this thread all about...well im glad you cleared that up for us...lol..lol too bad about the real cougar,can they hunt them,i dont know,they sure are a very majestic cat thats for sure......cheers
  16. well i just seen on the 12pm CTV.. .news that there is a major train wreck just east of the pickering train station and it has now effected the go-train as well and it is leaking toxic acid as well as deisel fuel...so this is going to have major complications for the commute home too.. ..just what we needed and now that huge storm is going to make things alot worse,so stay tuned to the radio and the news if you have someone comming home on the train tonight.....just thought everyone should know,even traffic on the 401,is stopping to look the opp,is saying to stay away from the area....cheers
  17. welcome aboard sir, you will love it here and im sure that we can all learn alot from you and we are glad to have you as part of our family here at OFC, so enjoy....cheers shawn
  18. cool video cliff,its to bad angelina was in school carol was very nice in inviting julie and ang,to go feed the birds as well,....i had one fly right in my car when i was feeding them ,he didnt want me to go,and followed me to my car,they are so tame and just cant wait to you feed them and im sure sydney had fun...cheers
  19. WOW.. ..very inspireing video,thats very cool,and you guys sure caought alot of fish,and everyone sure was happy,very cool....great pics....cheers
  20. thanks steve thats great to know,we will be out there maybe the second or 3rd weekend of april,we go out of port dalhouise,so please keep the updates comming and maybe i will see you out there fishing for salmon....cheers
  21. ya right on...last year was one of the best ever for us and all us charter guys out of port darlington,there was 5of us made it to the podium for the salmon derby,so this year they say will be the same due to a great 2002 spawning year,and the baitfish population is stable and good,i cant wait to get out on lake o,in a few weeks and get some spring fat salmon near the welland canal.....and walleye will be great again,i do excellent for them and i have a new boat so im just pumped and ready for the soft water....cheers
  22. way to go everyone.. .you guys did pretty good for the weekend,and even got one for a nice fish-fry....nice pics and thanks for the report....cheers
  23. well done. ..nice looking natural lakers,its real good to see those little guys as they are proof that they are naturaly producing....cheers
  24. great day on the water gregg,they are some real nice lakers thats for sure. ...keep up the great work,you sure know how to find them.....right -on....cheers
  25. good luck tonyb,looking forward to seeing all those pics, so go get them....cheers
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