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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. hey thats great....we can never have enough tackle stores,it means more competition and lower prices....good-luck with your new store guys.....cheers
  2. yes i just seen it on the 6 ocklock news and he was doing over 200kph....when the accident happened.....they said it looked like a horror movie on the ice....he would have been like a bug hitting the windsheild of your car....its too bad for the family ....it was VERY STUPID......THATS WHAT HAPPENS....AND HE WAQS A COP HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.....
  3. well from what everyone is saying,i guess the lakes are all very slushy,and lots of water on the ice and will be even more after all that rain last night.....so becareful,and make sure the ice is good.....good luck cheers
  4. that must have been a horrible accident ,and it was at night,why were they doing radar runs at night....THAT IS VERY STUPID,AND THATS WHEN PEOPLE DIE,A POLICE OFFICER SHOULD KNOW BETTER ,well thats to bad ,and i cant get over why people do these things at night,do ya think booze was involved,...what a waste
  5. totally.. ..amazing pictures and yes that was a little close to that grizzly bear,and those pics of the salmon in that stream,WOW. ..what a great place to go fishing...and lots of wildlife...thanks for sharing cheers
  6. sorry to hear the bad news about your dog,hope you feel better soon,you did the right thing.he would have wanted it this way,you still have all those great memories.
  7. very nice scenery pics,every time i see pics of lakes or rivers i picture myself in my boat and wonder what kind of fish would be there,keep them pics comming.....cheers
  8. there is no such thing as enough fishing tackle or fishing related items.. ...lol... it never , never ends.....cheers
  9. way to go....great report and yes those whities look very tasty.....too bad about the lakers but like you said.nothing to complain about cheers
  10. well never mind the fall. ..the salmon will be starting to school up in a few weeks around the welland canal,and that whole area,i cant wait we will be after them real soon,just wait ting to get my boat out of storage and get things ready.....ohhhhh....yaaaaaa cheers and yes i read that article and hope they are right,it will be hard to beat last years success...
  11. well done carol.. ..congrats on your first steelhead,and wouldnt you know its bigger than cliffs fish....and you will feed the family with it....WTG cheers
  12. yes its a great sale and the reel trade in is amazing,last year i picked up a few reels and saved about $80 bucks,and its a good cause,and as usual thyere is alot of other stuff on sale that are not in the flyers...and it will be very busymaybe see some of you guys there and maybe roger is working this weekend....cheers
  13. well done . ..again as usual...lol wtg,you sure you know how to bag&tag them....just a question???? did you leave any for us......cheers
  14. well those walleyes love the gulps....i like to use the minnow gulps 3 inch...rainbow smelt,and the black minnows work well ....cheers
  15. i love salmon fishing and fish lake ontario lots of times and have been chartering for about 15 yrs,and i have crewed on several boats and fish the derbys as well,i will start in a few weeks from now,down around port dalhousie,that pic of you looks like the welland canal.i love that spot in early april ....cant wait.....
  16. well maybe some of your neighbours seen the car or truck wayne i hope they ask stuff like that....hope they get whoever did this.....
  17. this is the best thread in along time guys...its great what a difference of opinion....cheers
  18. the members have it bang on,i would not buy it. ..to much wrong and way to old,like the old saying BUYER BEWARE, and when something sounds to good to be true. ..well you know the rest....get something a little newer and you wont have those problems.....good luck in your deciesion....cheers
  19. thats not bad if everything is split between that many people but for just a few its a little steep for a weekend,maybe a few members will be willing to go and have a OFC, fishing G2G ,that would be cool,well good luck in selling your package deal,its too bad you guys cant go....cheers
  20. well global warming is here to stay ...look at the canadian arctic,the north pole is almost ice free,its never been like that before,so get used to it....they say,and more in-consistant weather,and more freakish and far more damaging storms too,its a mess out there we are still in big trouble....
  21. WOW.. ..the scenery is breathtaking,and the fishing up there is some of the best in the world,great report & pics,and it looks like you guys ate walleye everyday,very nice thanks for sharing your trip....cheers
  22. yes it seems that everything acually happens in just that order, oh ya and dont forget the holidays and spa weeks,oh ya we could have fun with that one for sure.....cheers
  23. for sure what the others said ,and i would for sure want to hear it run,check the lower unit for damage and make sure that there is no water in the gearcase oil,as well as prop damage and if its been lubricated,its all pretty basic just check everything out......good luck
  24. well i have always yhought that fish can remember ,i dont know why i just always asummed that they could,so this is very interesting,and might explain some certain fishing situations...cool thanks for posting that article....cheers
  25. yes i used to feed them and i had 14 bird feeders in my yard,i had about 20 different kinds of birds comming and even had a hawk attack a dove right on top of a feeder there was feathers everywhere,i used to get 50lb bags of seed for 5 bucks ,and i used to have the blue jays land on my hand and take a peanut.....i love to feed the birds,its very relaxing to watch them carry-on, cheers
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