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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2021 in all areas

  1. There is a lot of confusion Cliff, I might have some answers for you... -post infection immunity does not mean that you can't get it again, there are many cases of folks getting it numerous times over a period of time -people who have been infected and have recuperated should get the vax, to prevent severe infection, should they be re-infected -I have not heard of rebound effect for people who have had it and been fully vaccinated. I do know of people who have had it numerous times, have suffered from long term "brain fog" only to receive the vax and have those symptoms go away within days of receiving the vax. -Anti-body tests are far more difficult to develop than vaccine, they are in process -nursing home tests are not the same as the full blown test at the clinic... they are less reliable portable units. Similar to what the airports are using. They are however, better than nothing You are correct in being concerned and cautious, the "variables of concern" are much more dangerous, especially when you consider that it is now taking out healthy people in the prime of their life... 35 -50 year olds. Watching the Jays game in Texas... get ready for numbers there to spike! No masks, distancing, nothing... just like when the winter storm hit them, money before people. HH
    5 points
  2. That won't be happening until you germy Southerners get your act cleaned up. OH, and that useless loser in Ottawa gets his $%^t together!!! I won't hold my breath.
    3 points
  3. Saw this, interesting and thought it well done , it is truly very simple . I would guess all makes are very similar
    2 points
  4. I actually suspect this WILL be the case Paul. A yearly shot just like the Flu shot that I have never taken (as I've only had the Flu once in my life as a kid) but my Wife gets it (a shot) every year. Covid shot, if it's every year.. it's every year and it will be in my arm !
    2 points
  5. No problem Cliff. There is no play book for this type of thing and as such, we see conflicting reports from various sources. People in the know are learning as they go along and passing what they find out as they learn it. The only thing we can be sure of is that isolation and distancing do work. Science is playing catch up with a disease that is not static, hence the conflicting messages. My suggestion to all is to connect with your doctor if you are not sure and follow their advice. HH
    2 points
  6. The material Brian is white acrylic turned to shape on my metal and to mortise it for the reel I have a bull nose router bit in a metal lathe/mill combo and a vertical riser to hold in place on the cross slide.
    2 points
  7. Here in Ontario you can have a sign on your boat for $50 at the sign shop. Doesn't mean you can launch or load boat. Does not mean you can find or catch fish. It just means you have $50.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Outstanding art and workmanship!
    2 points
  10. If you see someone trying to launch or retrieve his boat that appears to lack experience, don't sit and criticize him but go over and offer some advice or even offer do it for him. Too many people forget they were new and inexperienced at boating at one time themselves but would rather sit back and ridicule others rather than offering to help.
    2 points
  11. A while back I was asked by a friend to build a custom Brook Trout rod for his annual fly in trips. "No biggie" I said. Then he asked if I could make the reel seat look like a Brook Trout, well that was going to take me into new territory. I accepted the challenge and when his name came up in my build book I set to work. I was more than comfortable with all aspects of this build with the exception of the "Brook Trout" themed reel seat. Ideas cooked for a bit in my mind, then I came up with a design but I needed someone willing to take on the painting of the components I had envisioned. I reached out to my very talented friend Brandon Trafananko up on the Bruce Peninsula. He jumped at the chance to be part of this project. So in short, here are some pictures of the project from start to finish.
    1 point
  12. Where I used to fish brookies involved miles of hiking through cedar trees and underbrush following little blue line creeks. That rod is waaaaay to nice for that!!! lol BTW Spiel, I had a buddy over for a beer last week... Noel says hello. I want to go to Alaska too!!
    1 point
  13. While twitter can be a toxic cesspool, there are authoritative people there I look to for pandemic data and info, esp Dr. Warner. This is a brief list, but there are many others who only have keeping people safe, as their goal. @drmwarner @BogochIsaac @DFisman @BrooksFallis @jkwan_md
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Wow - that is one beautiful rod! Kudos to you sir Thanks for sharing Andrew
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Finally after many months and 2 tries I have the ceiling insulation installed!!!! First go was in the summer and after 10 bales of insulation the machine had mechanical issues. Fast forward to the Easter long weekend and try number 2. Got the machine out to the cabin, hooked it up and there were some issues getting it running properly. I ended up pretty much servicing the machine and then went and bought shorter extension cords. The instructions say that 50' 12 guage cords are OK but I was having voltage issues and popping the breaker on the machine until I dropped down to 25' cords. I'm just glad it's done and I don't have to worry about it anymore. 24" of insulation should keep the cabin cozy I think. 😁
    1 point
  18. You need a system and a bit of practice I have my boat ready, untie except for winch line but loosen it a bit and relock. Back in till the boat floats, stop and go unclip it, line is ready so pull it back far enough on the dock so somebody else can get a start as I go park. Get in the boat and leave. I know exactly how deep to back my trailer in the water to get the boat back on the bunks and in line. Side guides are a must for easy on. Winch it tight, safety tie and leave. Now my safety chain story. Remember around 7 years ago the OPP lost their boat off the trailer in the intersection in Barrie. The next week I was loading in town here and a couple OPP guys were watching me winch up and asked if I needed a hand...nice of them but I declined and they watched me put the safety chain on after I had the winch tight. One said, oh..thats a good idea...I kinda grinned and it was all I could do to not mention their buddies in Barrie should have thought of it last week Anyway, we don't have many launch crowds here but just be prepared and practiced to get it done
    1 point
  19. Awesome as always bud . What material are you using for the reel seat ? Can you share your set up on shaving the shape ? Looks like a rotor bit ,but how are you holding the stock to shape ? If it,s a secret,I understand .
    1 point
  20. If that stadium fills, IMO, that shows disrespect to your fellow man,women and children . Even if it was a free ticket, I would not be caught in that virus bowl. Some people just do not get it. Also, NO ONE, is fully vaccinated . The vaccines are not 100%. 95% at best .
    1 point
  21. I have zero patience for being held up at the boat ramp. Even when launching by myself I'm in and out in maybe 2-3 mins.
    1 point
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