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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2021 in all areas

  1. A while back I was asked by a friend to build a custom Brook Trout rod for his annual fly in trips. "No biggie" I said. Then he asked if I could make the reel seat look like a Brook Trout, well that was going to take me into new territory. I accepted the challenge and when his name came up in my build book I set to work. I was more than comfortable with all aspects of this build with the exception of the "Brook Trout" themed reel seat. Ideas cooked for a bit in my mind, then I came up with a design but I needed someone willing to take on the painting of the components I had envisioned. I reached out to my very talented friend Brandon Trafananko up on the Bruce Peninsula. He jumped at the chance to be part of this project. So in short, here are some pictures of the project from start to finish.
    5 points
  2. If you see someone trying to launch or retrieve his boat that appears to lack experience, don't sit and criticize him but go over and offer some advice or even offer do it for him. Too many people forget they were new and inexperienced at boating at one time themselves but would rather sit back and ridicule others rather than offering to help.
    5 points
  3. And the vaccine does not prevent you from getting it or passing it on, it just lowers the amount of agony you're going to suffer.
    4 points
  4. This last Saturday. Wife doesn’t play around when it comes to masks lol
    4 points
  5. Saw this, interesting and thought it well done , it is truly very simple . I would guess all makes are very similar
    3 points
  6. I booked into Canada’s Wonderland, appointment at 12:50 arrived at 12:15 after seeing the earlier lineups at other centres and the new hospital always booked! It was amazingly organized and I was out at 12:44. Went back Thursday with my wife and the same thing. She was at 3 and we left at 2:45. Going back in July for round two. I got Pfiszer and she got Maderna. No side affect at all, not even pain at the injection site. Keep well.
    2 points
  7. Boat has been wet a bunch this year. Lake O, Georgian Bay, etc. Love the spring!
    2 points
  8. I have zero patience for being held up at the boat ramp. Even when launching by myself I'm in and out in maybe 2-3 mins.
    2 points
  9. I dunno. I think that sentiment is a little tone deaf. No one saw this coming. You can social media till your eyes bleed in this 2nd year but if the bulk of Canadian fishermen live in the GTA, how many Canadians are going to drive anywhere near the distance to Thunder Bay and your establishment? As a lodge owner you may have made a big investment in 2019 and I bet there are a lot of operations where they are now fully dependent on the wife's income to keep their establishment afloat. In this situation bull-crap to, "only the strong survive". There is a lot of chance and luck playing into this also. If your place is on the French River you're golden, you will be fully booked and it's the best of times. If on the other hand you're on Lac Seul and you had a STRONG business with 95% American customers, you could be on your knees. This is exactly why I'm doing it different this year and making the trek out that way. Go fish in a different pond, it's an adjustment that if enough of us made it, then it could make a difference. Like a mini Ontarian fishing Dunkirk. You get a banner fishing year in prime fishing weeks with some lodges more then 1/2 empty. To boot some places are offering discounted rates. Win-win.
    2 points
  10. I know someone that already has about 10 days in the boat, been eating salmon already.
    2 points
  11. I’ve been out for bass already !
    1 point
  12. Just because you have CHARTER on your boat means nothing. I had a couple in front of me at Rosedale launch struggling. 25 ft boat they just picked up at second marina to east of Rosedale launch. I'm in hurry to get home and to work but I wait a bit. They had the worst loading condition heavy current and howling wind and trailer way to far in water. So I go over ask if they need help. Husband driving boat little reluctant but agrees. I get wife to pull truck ahead get boat loaded all good. By the time he got back to launch I had my boat load and just climbing out. He was amazed and want explanation , I told him about my work thing and that I would be back tomorrow the time I would be launching and time I would be loading. Next day he was waiting for me went threw the full deal. Ran into from time to time for few years. Always said thank you just a great guy that need a little help.
    1 point
  13. Or, you know, people could just be better. I think I’ll stick with my plan.
    1 point
  14. Newest post is up As much as I would love to do all my fishing on hard to access Northern lakes the reality is a big chunk of my fishing is at the cottage with the family Over the years I have simplified what I take w me since I have to make room for family, dog and all of the gear that comes w middle age Here’s an overview of my setup which has served me really well the last few summers https://www.northernjacks.com/post/cottage-fishing-set-up-with-the-family Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  15. Just have your crepe in the boat before you hit the launch. I really really enjoy watching the guy with his boat in the water still on the trailer proceed to put the cooler, the ropes, bumpers, tubing gear, then text his buddies that he’s on the way and then launch the boat, only to park it on the launch side of the dock rather than the opposite side out of the way while he goes and parks the car and then waits for his kids to get into the boat. sigh... or last year, a crew of folks at chemong launch were putting their dinghy in full of fishing gear. They threw it up literally right beside the ramp so close that all of their fishing rods sticking out were in the way of the ramp. I just proceeded to back in missing all of their gear by an inch. Then when I got out to let the boat out I grabbed their rods and moved them to the side for them, they still didn’t understand what I was doing even while I picked up their fishing rods.
    1 point
  16. Did you bring an XL coffee and foot stool, might take a while to read. Charge batteries before leaving home, if you have muffs, do a quick start to make sure it starts at the launch. Put all your fishing gear into the boat in the parking lot. Put plug in boat. Undo all straps except winch( depends on launch). If you need a Ford with back up assist, then take up a different hobby or go practice at Wmart. Launch, and get the heck out of the way.
    1 point
  17. Not sure about BRAVE, but definitely HARD CORE..........
    1 point
  18. There was a post on another board by a bud that was perch fishing and one of the perch had a large 1.5" Mayfly nymph in it . I thought wow that thing is huge and well,I got to tie some of these. So I did.LOL The hooks are to light for whities,but I will fix that soon,as I want to use these for whities as a dropper. Opener will be here soon on the small rivers and streams,I have been watching a lot of Euro Nymphing . I am very intrigued in trying this, so I tied up some to try. Weighted fly on the bottom and a light one on a dropper. You can tandem or tri this set up. I will start with the tandem, and work my way up . One tangle at a time .LOL
    1 point
  19. I too was amazed at how well organized they were at the Evinrude Center...we had been warned not to get there more than 10 minutes before our scheduled time as you were not allowed to get in line before your time was called...(unless you want to sit and wait in your car...LOL) ...Same once you go inside...well organized...We also go back in July !
    1 point
  20. I just found out I’m eligible for vac now, I’m getting it.
    1 point
  21. Sorry to hear buddy. SUCKS big time. Hope they are negative.
    1 point
  22. Yesterday was year anniversary of Dr. Fauchis speech saying there was no need to wear a mask lol. Year later still way to many unknowns about the virus and the vaccines. If your waiting for 100% no risk you have a long wait.
    1 point
  23. Well, this story just keeps on getting better.... On Friday, we got a call at the house from Toronto Public Health, they were looking to speak with my son. (If you recall, my son has been working non stop for the pas three weeks all the while two members of his department have tested positive) they informed him that he has now completed his "mandatory" 2 week isolation period! Well, that was news to us as he had not received a call from public health until this call! Needless to say, we are infuriated! I spoke to the store manager who explained to me that public health was made aware of all "potential" transmissions and that he should have had a call from P.H. three weeks ago. I have tried to reach public health to discuss, but they are CLOSED today! HH
    0 points
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