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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Turn fish alarm off. And you want to see your balls you know what I mean
    3 points
  2. don't you want to pick up the cannon ball on the screen? I would think that would be important so you know exactly where your bait is. As far as the fish alarm? Just turn that off so it doesn't drive you nuts
    3 points
  3. I hope Canadians keep supporting the businesses that advertised to Canadians, that advertise in Canadian dollars, that want us there all the time and not just when the target market dries up.
    3 points
  4. My Opinion ... This is great news ! we're 10 min N of the town , so were kind of local. Every year since we've lived here (4yrs) i 've taken my now 10 year old down to fish for Salmon . THIS year it was insane !!! crazier than other years . Great chance to teach a new angler about ethics ...........
    3 points
  5. Atlantic numbers are going to flourish.
    3 points
  6. I hope your family is well Whopper. I say this with all due respect to our south of the boarder friends here . Until the USA gets a grip on this virus, there is no way I hope, our side will allow the boarder to open for friendly travel. This virus is not a joke .
    3 points
  7. If your on FB, contact Meegs. He makes a knock off that works great .
    2 points
  8. Just remember your sonar measures how far the cannonball is from the transducer , not how far down it is. 75 feet from the transducer with the cables angled back a bit may only be 60 feet down even though they are marking 75 feet on the screen. Revisit you high school geometry.
    2 points
  9. Uh, you want to see the balls on the screen... As for those guys using the front trolling motor, they're using it to steer while the kicker or main does the pushing Putting them on auto pilot is fantastic.
    2 points
  10. I’m sure Pigeons gonna be busy this weekend after this report lol.
    2 points
  11. Well it has been a while since I posted a fishing report. The summer has seen short day trips to Lake Ontario as I try to figure out the salmon/trout thing. Although that has been a blast, my "first love" is still musky fishing. When our planned trip to Myrtle Beach got cancelled, the suggestion was made by family to head to Pigeon Lake. I was not going to argue with that decision! Winds were big and the floating weeds were plenty. Thank goodness for rod holders that can get those tips down in the water. Since it was a family vacation, fishing was not the primary activity. However, the muskies were on and we were able to catch a bunch over the course of the week. Each time I went, I took a few passengers along. Since they were all newbies, trolling was the way to go. Managed to get a few people onto their first (and second, third and fourth fish). One of the nicest fish came as I was out with my 2 oldest boys...a special moment!
    1 point
  12. Haven’t seen those since 50lbs ago
    1 point
  13. I use my electric as autopilot. I fish by myself a lot and it’s nice to be able to fight a fish and re-rig up and just let the electric follow my track or route or heading depending on how I set it. don’t leave home without it
    1 point
  14. Not going to find many chrome salmon this time of year on Lake O. You'll wanna be fishing staggers in close. After dark is definitely the ticket. J13s, big Moonshine glow spoons etc. Your best bet for the Lymans will be used or just buy some Luhr Jensen JPlugs.
    1 point
  15. The $20 parking fee at Bronte and 16Mile creek is for cars WITH TRAILERS. Again why guys rolling Lake O don't launch at Humber West for free eludes me
    1 point
  16. The City of Oakville actually bought a expensive flats boat to police the notorious area south of Rebecca st down to the main harbour at Lakeshore rd. They were doing a great job nailing the poachers that would fish illegally from shore in the Bronte estuary but the whole thing is controversial. I understand why they ban fishing from shore in the estuary due to the fact that one side of the river there is private property and the other is a city park that has, correctly in my view, been designated as a fishing free park up to Rebecca st. Lots of guys fished there at night though and they littered, started fires, (usually using garden furniture stolen from the private property), stole boats from the private property etc. You can fish from a boat as long as you don't beach it or anchor up (this is a detailed question as to what is considered anchoring up) Personal watercraft (seadoos) are banned in this area . There are lots of guys that want this area opened up to shore fishing but so far that has not happened. As far as Bronte pier and fishing there I would say that it really is not nearly as bad as say Port Hope. There are lugans for sure, There are snaggers for sure. But overall it's not nearly the gong show as the upstream activity at Bronte, Credit, Ganny, Saugeen, etc. is. Salmon season attracts meat hunters and roe hunters in droves and this is always going to be the case. Why anyone would want to keep a Lake Ontario salmon eludes me and I am dead set against roe angling in any form so if it was banned tomorrow I would be a happy camper. At this point I am concerned that the authorities are moving to implement a P3TA friendly shoreline by limiting access all over Lake Ontario (including Port Dalhousie which will shortly be a non fishing location). The massive expenditure of $$ directed to shoreline enhancement being done these last few years is aimed at turning our shorelines into a colossally expensive walking promenade for dog walkers and tourists very similar to the shoreline in Chicago. In that context banning pier fishing looks like the municipal goal.
    1 point
  17. Congrats on those 2 beautiful muskies. I’m still dreaming of even one like that...
    1 point
  18. And the plastic replacement tails were hard to find, generally not available in colours one would use, and they dried out quickly, even in a sealed bag. On the other hand, the wet lure tail turned almost slimy...............
    1 point
  19. I don’t think there’s a law on a patch repair on a brake line. It’s more of a liability concern. To patch a line a tech has to disturb the original line. You leave the shop with the patched line. Another section of that line blows causing an accident. The first thing out of most people’s mouths would be. Joe’s garage just fixed my brakes. Next thing Joe knows he‘s in court defending himself on a negligence charge. In my opinion it’s twice the work and materials to patch a line then replace it. I haven’t seen your car but being 24 years old it likely needs all the lines replacing? This is easy for me to say; but doesn’t safety mean more then a few extra bucks? Dan.
    1 point
  20. I had the same problem on a 16 ft Cutter pushed by a 70HP Evinrude, and for years couldn't find the cure. (I received a lot of useless advice including from licensed and experienced boat mechanics who made me change the prop, add a planing wing, move the battery and gas tanks, etc). Until one day I discovered by pure chance that by trimming out the engine (which did not have power trim, just a pin) by 3 positions the problem was fully resolved. I encountered this again on another boat and sure enough the same remedy worked on it too.
    1 point
  21. Nice fish. Were you trolling spinnerbaits?
    1 point
  22. Going to be good returns in the next 3-4 years. Sucks for some but nothing but positives from a fishery standpoint. Instagram and Facebook might be a bit upset with the lack of hero shots.
    1 point
  23. Good luck finding the replacement tails. They were a PITA and I am guessing most folks threw them out, like I did...............
    1 point
  24. No overnight parking in the lot as well I'm told. That will cost you $50 if caught. Looks like the Credit is it boys. Or west Humber launch. I'm now in St Catherines and our beach Lakeside does not open till 8 am, and closes at 9pm now. Towed if in the parking lot at other times. The biggest shocker to me is that if you cannot show a drivers license illustrating that you live in St Catherines you can't use that public beach at ANY TIME. Politicians and municipal authorities are now showing their true colours. They WILL push the public around whenever they are given the chance. And the pandemic has given them the opportunity. Where is the OFAH in all of this. Access is the first step to eliminating our fishing rights.
    1 point
  25. those are some giants out of pigeon. my limited musky experience is primarily out of that lake and I know how special those fish are. Very well done.
    1 point
  26. My immediate and extended family are well and have had no issues. Thanks for asking.
    1 point
  27. As much as I would love to be up North right now, it is not a good time for our border to be open. I do hope that all of my friends make it through this with the least amount of harm and discomfort. I also wish all of the Lodges get enough support from Canadians to make it through and be open for business next season. Art
    1 point
  28. Musky monsters from Pigeon, impressive.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I call it the “shore fisherman special” a styrofoam worm container, a mess of birdnested monofilament, an empty pack of Canadian classics and a 6 pack of garbage beer like Busch or natty lite all thrown on the ground the stereotypes are real for these scumbags, it’s always the same junk
    1 point
  31. Nice. Did you catch any fish though?
    1 point
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