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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2020 in all areas

  1. So the past year I have had some changes going on work wise and relationship wise (wait this is stating off sounding odd based on the title of the post). Changed shops, still in the auto industry as an advisor but with a smaller private place vs a dealership. Met a woman 18 months ago and things are going so well I asked her to marry me (2nd time's a charm if the 1st failed, right?). I recently listed and sold my house in less than in week for over asking price too. So what's this new toy you say? I decided to get back into a truck. Tomorrow I pick up my new 2020 Sierra 1500 Elevation edition all blacked out in what they call Pacific Blue. After the house sale is closed in early May it just might be time to boat shop too. Thanks for reading and have a good one all. It's going to feel great to be back in a truck vs my little 2017 Chevy Cruze. It was/is a good car but I need some more space.
    2 points
  2. So after more than 30 days in the hole ( ICU ) he has finally regained some sort of consciousness, not perfect, but a start in the right direction, his situation is still fluid, but he is noticing nurses!
    2 points
  3. I’ve been waiting to open this thread because January was too far from open water season for me. Now that sports will be wrapping things up for a bit I figured this would be a good night to take a look and share mine. I bought this from another member here in the spring of 2013 and it has been perfect. The single thing to fail was a winch strap a few years ago.
    2 points
  4. Lately I have been going back through some old fishing journals to find blog post inspiration A few notes stood out - the notion of a big swing on a tactic or a spot - the Fishing Hail Mary so to speak Brought some big smiles to my face thinking about some of these wings that took us from skunk to touchdown lol https://www.northernjacks.com/post/the-hail-mary
    1 point
  5. The Facebook page for this event has announced a reschedule to May 31, 2020. Too bad, this was looking to be a very big event for the area. Hopefully it will happen on May 31st and the same numbers turn out. Press Release March 13th 2020 – Peterborough ON. Due to unfortunate circumstances of the COVID-19 Virus we are sad to inform you that the Peterborough Tackle Swap and Fishing Show that was scheduled to take place at the Memorial Centre on March 15th will be postponed until May 31st 2020. Due to the world pandemic of the COVID-19 Virus we have no choice but to take the advice of health officials and experts and postpone the event. This was not an easy decision but the safety of our vendors and attendees and the great city of Peterborough is our top priority. We were able to work with the Memorial Centre and secure a new date of May 31st and we will release more details shortly regarding that date. To all our vendors and supporters, attendees and anglers everywhere we appreciate your support and by following suit with other organizations across the country we feel this is the responsible decision to make. All concerns can be address to show promoter. May 31st Save the date! Kyle Carruthers Peterborough Tackle Swap and Fishing Show 905-809-9682 [email protected]
    1 point
  6. With the bad access yesterday,I had to plan on another spot. Had my mind made up . That was til this morning and said I got an hour and a half before day light, so lets take a drive and check out a spot. If it,s not good to get on,I would head to plan A . Well I arrived and there were guys standing around looking at the access . I said, whats the problem ? I look and tell them, it,s a hell of a lot better then where I went in yesterday. I quickly unload the hut and smitty, load up the gear,park and gonzo. Well I did wait for light today,as I didn't know the area . One fella yells out, watch the crack. I could see it out there and would heed his warning . I get to the crack and here comes a couple of ATV,s . I watch and they go back and forth looking for a spot. I walk up,see a good spot, test and ya,good. Cross no problemo . Once I am across, I turn on the navionics. Scroll and see a spot . Head right to it. HMMMM, there are holes around . Must be a good spot. Sit for an hour,mark 2 fish . Not so good . Move time. Hit the bottom of a drop. Sit for 1/2 hour. 1 fish. Move again . Thank goodness there was no snow. Travel by foot was sweet . Hit 2 more spots and mark but they move on fast. I did not like the feel of the bottom . Silty. I could lift the meegs a foot off bottom before I marked it , and my fly was close to the bottom . I scan the area seeing where everyone is sitting . No one looks very excited . I look at the navionics again . Look to where I might want to go. Say to self,why is no one fishing that little hump ? Since it was walking closer to my launch area,I decided to go and try . Set up,drop,bang bang, fish comes in . Tap tap ,fish comes in,rises and smashes my fly . WOOT WOOT, fish on . Get it top side and I have happy feet . Quick dispatch, and back down goes the meegs . 10 minutes later,a mark and tap tap and tip goes up. Set idiot . Miss. Rip and pound the meegs and another comes in. 1 tap and on . That is aggressive . Number 2 is top side . I am doing the happy dance, but then stop so no one knows I am on fish . With the sun warming everything up fast, and the odd ice pound,I'm thinking, do not push yer luck today . Packed up and headed in . Last thing I need is another dip or have to walk miles to find a crossing spot at that crack . Crack was fine when I got to it still, thank goodness. Friday will not be a day to be out by the looks of it, so Saturday might be the last day as Sunday looks like a real windy one too . I am good if this is my last. Not my best of season, but it made me work for my fish. Dang, that is hard work .LOL Now to the reason for 2 different takes . Clean the fish and found one had gobys,the other was full of midge hatch. They were still squirming when I pushed them out of the belly. So the meegs for the goby bite, the fly for the bug bite.
    1 point
  7. Got a freezer full of stuff to cook up. Was at Brants factory and Starskys this morning. Loaded up . Going to make a mash potato,herring and beet salad this weekend.
    1 point
  8. I think SARS was much worse then this . I remember it well . I do not see the same preparations being done . I will be a loner til this is over. On the ice far far away from anyone, unless they are catching, then I might stay a few yards away from them .
    1 point
  9. Nice truck, I own one too, a 2018 good little truck, a couple of mentions after owning one for 2 years. What tranny did it come with? My 8 speed seems to shift hard from 1st to 2nd occasionally. Dealership says its normal... and to wait and see if there is a software update for the truck... Also terrible wind noise on the front windows, coming from the seals around the side mirrors... this is a known "soft" issue with these trucks. Other then that shes been a good truck and hauls my 38' camper with ease. Good luck with your new "baby" and congrats on the upcoming nuptials. G.
    1 point
  10. Out of the box it should be just fine. After you've got used to it, then worry about the advanced menus and mucking around fine tuning it.
    1 point
  11. Many have had great days out Albert . They unlike me,have machines, so walking makes me limited,unless it is like it is out there now. I have been able to walk to those 1-2 mile spots . If I can get out one more day this weekend,I will give these 2 new ties a try .
    1 point
  12. play with the sensitivity and contrast settings while imaging. I specifically find that down and side imaging can be tuned very nicely dependent on the structure/bait you are attempting to image. you can come up with some very impressive stuff if you dial your settings in right See the bait, find the fish.
    1 point
  13. Using advance setting lets YOU control the unit. I find this very helpful.
    1 point
  14. It's all in the install. Spend a few dollars and do a good install you will get great results. There's also a normal mode and advance mode you will find it in menus.
    1 point
  15. There are a bunch of videos on youtube about them if it helps.
    1 point
  16. They’re pretty good units I have 2 of them. No complaints here about them. I would say before you install it in your rig get a small 12v battery hook it up and mess around with the unit in simulation mode. That way you can get a better feel for settings you might like and when it comes to open water you’ll be better prepared and dial it in that much easier. Actually only one complaint you can’t display time, bearing, speed and water temp at the same time on those units only 3 of them. That bugs me a little other then that it pretty sweet.
    1 point
  17. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ I have been following this one a bit, has a chart of all the countries that have it and numbers of recovered and deaths and such. But we only know what they tell us, so it could be worse or better than it seems to be.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Glad to hear things are going well for you young man, it's about time! 🤗
    1 point
  20. Here in southern Ohio people are flippin out . Emptying the store shelves.
    1 point
  21. wow you got some real relics there...welcome
    1 point
  22. Rizzo - great video. Its one of those videos that all of the people who know I love to fish send me Out4Trout - awesome story and that's exactly what I was trying to convey - those things only work at a 10% clip but they are remembered 100% of the time
    1 point
  23. Yep, just lynx up here.
    1 point
  24. What I have heard Brian is that people who get it, beat it and feel well enough to go back to work can still be shedding the virus... and they don't know how long that will continue. HH
    0 points
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