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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Seafood for the taking! Fishing has been slow ever since that cold front moved in last week, the water temperature dropped from 57°F to 50F in three days and the catching became almost non existent. A few whitings and crabs but nothing like it was. A friend and I had been talking about going digging for clams and oysters so I decided this would be a perfect time to give it a try. Unfortunately Bruce couldn't go with me today but I decided to go on my own anyway. Went and got my South Carolina salt water fishing license ($35.00 for a year) bought a clam rake $45.00 and headed out to see what I could find. I had never dug for clams before or harvested oysters so I was kind of flying blind here but the sun was shining, it was 18° and I had checked the tide charts and would be at my selected spot just before low tide; perfect! It turns out digging clams is hard work, you are walking through this black mud that will suck the boots right off your feet then you start trying to find these clams which it seems like to bury themselves several inches below the surface of the mud. It took me a bit of practice but after about half an hour of trying to figure out how and what to do I started to get the hang of it pretty well. Oysters are a lot easier; well you still have to walk through that darn mud to get to where the oysters are but they are sitting right out in the open (amid a plethora of old oyster shells) all you have to do is pick them up, perhaps break off a few old shells, wash a bit of mud off them and you are good to go. Now shucking them is a whole different story, that is an art form in itself but I've had a bit of practice now and it's getting easier. I spent three hours out there this afternoon and came home with a five gallon pail of oysters and about 1/4 bushel of the most beautiful clams. If you like fresh seafood it doesn't get any fresher than this! Today's catch: about 1/4 bushel of little neck clams Oysters About a bushel (5 gal pail) of the freshest oysters you could ever get. Considering the clams sell for about $8.00 a lb and the oysters sell for about $50.00 per 1/2 bushel I think I've already recovered my initial cost and I'm going back again tomorrow . 🙂 One last picture, this guy is called a "spot", I caught it yesterday, apparently they are excellent eating and quite abundant in these waters. They don't get very big, I believe the record is only about 2.5 lbs, a quick picture and this guy went back to grow a bit bigger. Anyway, tight lines and stay safe!
    3 points
  2. Somehow those phones always manage to hit that 6 inch hole in the hut and never land anywhere but the bullseye few years back mine fell outta my bib, I watched it bounce between my feet and then take off like a rocket and slide 3 feet across the hut for a perfect hole in one. I’ve never made such a beauty shot in 20 years of golfing.
    3 points
  3. That dinner almost makes me want to take up ice fishing Brian....Almost LOL
    2 points
  4. And we have a "wiener" ! Naw got the draw. So Nick, I'll email you and you can return your address, postal code and such by return email. Congrats Bud.
    2 points
  5. Loved my SKEETER and had it for 10 years without an issue on boat or motor. It was a great musky fishing boat and we saw plenty of action together. But when I decided to retire from fishing I sold all my gear including the boat and this was the last day I had her and the new owner picked her up just after this picture was taken. Kind of a sad day really.
    2 points
  6. A few fish from the last couple weeks. Conditions have been far from ideal lots of slush. Timmins area.
    1 point
  7. Like to start off with, Sorry to my Ohio pals that came up and had a hard fish this weekend. Long drive to deal with ice conditions and fish not co-operating. It was nice to meet you Raulf. Safe drive back home Paul, they were very polite fellas. . I moved 3 times to get away from the shiner clouds this morning. I am talking 100 ft at a time. Could never seem to get away from them. Marked fish on the bottom, but it was like pulling teeth to get them to bite. The interesting thing was, when a whitie would be coming in the area, the bottom 10 ft would clear of shiners, but when the fish came in, it would never rise up to chase. . It was amazing how they came in and not hit, or if they did, it was quick like they nudged it . Swing and misses seem to be the theme . Hard to get a grip on the hit. Finally after about 4 swings, I got a hook up. One maybe a lonely number, but I was happy with that one. Meegs, dont leave home without it. ;D Been awhile since I had a fries and whitie dinner. Oh it was so good. Lets hope next weeks temps tighten things up out there. Lots of soft and slush places out there. Then looking after this week, it,s back to non normal temps again. Step and chip.
    1 point
  8. https://globalnews.ca/video/6438754/woman-leaves-car-window-open-in-newfoundland-blizzard This made me LOL! HH
    1 point
  9. looking good Brian. I am sorry the fishing was slow with company there. Art
    1 point
  10. Lol.. almost. Looks pretty good though.....
    1 point
  11. Sad news. He understood what it meant to build a brand and was an incredible influence on bass fishing in N. America. RIP
    1 point
  12. He changed the way people fish for bass. I loved my ranger boat
    1 point
  13. Not in the same league as some of the previous,but my 16ft. Mirro-Craft. With 25 Honda and a Minncota i-pilot on the front,is all I need! I fish Erie mostly ,and catch tons of fish!
    1 point
  14. Won't ever forget all the fun I had in this one... The WarCanoe.
    1 point
  15. Made it out to the cabin. 😁 First time since October. Light was really flat so the sledding was not a lot of fun as you couldn't see squat and hitting snow humps was pretty sketchy at times. The good news is the locals have plowed some decent roads on the lake and my neighbor has plowed right to his place and put in a great big parking lot for us. 😁 Did some trail packing and left it to harden up. Not as much on the ground so far this winter and I was banging rocks so I will have to bring out the shovel and move some snow onto the trail. The snow we get here is really sugary and doesn't pack well at all and doesn't give much traction. Now for the bad news, I blew a tire on the trailer on the way home and while I was changing it out I noticed the other tire has some pretty bad cracking going on on the inside of it. My second spare has a rim leak so unless I can fix it tonight I won't be going out tomorrow. 😪
    1 point
  16. ... and Andy asked me to say hello toooo Roy !
    1 point
  17. That heavy slush is hard to do anything with. My snowblower just kept plugging up, and it’s too heavy to lift with a shovel. Straight snow is much easier to deal with.
    1 point
  18. Hopefully it does lol he still has all of his keys to the kingdom here. We also have made a few decisions here (see T.J. post at the top of the page) and we are going to also have an auto moderator feature that we should be implementing here in a short while. The feature is a new tool we have that showed up on our last upgrade and looks to be something that is going to help us get back on track to a more family friendly place we all can enjoy. Art
    1 point
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