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Unplanned Couple Of Days Off (nf)


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Hey all, I wasn't going to rant or vent, but if I don't I'll explode. The past couple of weeks have been awefull to put it mildly. A week ago last Wed. I had to have my 10yr old cat euthanized, this was very sudden, and heart wrentching for me, but it was best for him.


The following week I had to go to the hospital for a very unpleasant test, and I don't know if the test or the prep for it was worse...at least I was unconcious for the test so that's something positive. Two days after that I had to take my car to the mechanics to get looked at as it was not starting well. His son changed the glow plugs, and did something else, don't remember...car has been great since....



.....until last night when I finished work when it wouldn't start at all. Tinckered with it for a bit, went back and got one of the mechanics, who tinkered with it and realized no fuel is getting through the lines...dang! 1 1/2 or so hrs later the tow truck showed up. So not only can I not get to work for two days ( no spare car...Carp if I had the money your truck is exactly what I'm looking for ), and I am stranded at home until the mechanic hopefully has it fixed on Monday...then I'll see what a taxi ride to town will cost :( , one more nail in the coffin for my bank acct. :glare:


Those are the highlights, I left out all the "fun" I've been having a work lately.....boy will I be happy when this month is over...oh, did I mention I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet??? Hmmmm...after all this I have to wonder if I can afford to go Christmas shopping now :P


What is it Beans always says??? oh ya, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all :blink:


Hope all of you are having a better weekend...but at least I have my health right???



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well i hope your luck gets better,with xmas on our doorstep,ive just got over a few weeks like that too.i had surgery 2 times needles in my back and my car blew a head gasket and a waterpump on the 401,went 1 week with no car.oh ya and theres alot more to,,so its not just you ...i hear what you are saying....chin up :D things will get better.i had to think happy :dunno::huh: or i was going to have a friggin stroke :o:blink: or a heart attack,cheers

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Well they say things come in threes, so that's it, your three are over. It can only get better from here on in, and think of the days off as a positive. Its nice to have days off. Do something around the house you've been putting off. You'll have a sense of accomplishment when you're done.



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I know that feeling rather well Mo, been through a rough patch for the past 4 months, lol.

I might get my life back for a month now that the fall term is done. Then will have to see

what the winter term at work offers.

But, gotta keep on going, never, ever give up.


Geeeze Rene....if your going to quote me , do it right...


It's... "you'd be bad luck to a good hunting dog"... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Hang in there...the best is yet to come !


LOL, Norm, you're evil. :thumbsup_anim:

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Well thats not a very fun couple of weeks Maureen. firstly I hope your tests are coming back negative or positive as the (good) case may be. Sorry to hear the cat was put down but I am sure you know in your heart it was the right thing to do. The car being broke is no fun and I am glad that your mechanic could help you out the first time and hopefully the second time also. Before you go the taxi route maybe someone lives close enough to give you a ride to save you atleast that amount. As Joey said this is the 3rd thing so it must get better from here. Keep your chin up and remember that the holiday season is here to celebrate all of the good things that have happened this year.



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I know how ya feel Maureen, I've had umpteen friggin dental appointments since Lakair and Last Tuesdays was the most painful by far. On Oct. 10th I came home to find my 14 year old Chocolate Lab had passed away sometime during the day while I was at work.


But the worst thing happened yesterday when my wife witnessed our 6 mo. old Border Collie getting hit by some excellent person in a van that didn't even stop. I was at Home Depot buying some caulking for the house and she had to pick the pup up and rush her to the emergency clinic 25 mi. away, as of 5:00 p.m. last night it looks like the pup will survive (I'm praying she will)... but with the vet bill for emergency treatment and the pups condition... I doubt I'll be able to come up to Canada for Christmas.

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Wow, they say misery loves company, and it seems like I have some, Glen, sorry to hear about your pup, hope it turns out well, but ya, the bills are killer. Hope you can still make it up here though...if not, try for around the 24th of Feb....good times then...


Thanks for the encouragement folks, it's appreciated...



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Well, I just heard from the mechanic, and it's the injector pump :( , it needs to be re-built....actually, he'll keep that one and put one on that had been rebuilt for someone else who then decided to juck the car....This is going to cost me around 7-800 bucks :( . Did someone say things can't get any worse????


Don't know how I'm gonna pay him yet, since I just lost out on two days pay :( .... hmm anyone wanna buy some fishing gear??? Just kidding...



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Well, I just heard from the mechanic, and it's the injector pump :( , it needs to be re-built....actually, he'll keep that one and put one on that had been rebuilt for someone else who then decided to juck the car....This is going to cost me around 7-800 bucks :( . Did someone say things can't get any worse????


Don't know how I'm gonna pay him yet, since I just lost out on two days pay :( .... hmm anyone wanna buy some fishing gear??? Just kidding...




Out of curiosity, how many km on that car Mo?

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Out of curiosity, how many km on that car Mo?


The car has about 320,000 on it, which is not much really for a Diesel, I put almost 100,000/yr give or take a few thousand. It's a good car, not ready to replace it, can't afford another car right now anyway. I know someone who has 750000 on his Golf and it's still going strong.


And Lew, if O/T were available, I'd have been working it for the past few months....it's just not there right now....might start looking for a second job though...



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Okay, at 320K I can see an injector pump, just that I've seen some folks get hosed when not properly diagnosed, I almost had that happen, when the diesel mech showed up and said to the other mech, did you check the 50 amp fuze on the firewall for the glowplugs, 50cent piece almost cost me $700. New fuze $.50, put the old pump back in and ran from 1979 to 1990.

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Man, I guess I'm not the only one. Two batteries (two vehicles) and a starter in the last couple weeks. Sorry to hear about everyones pet problems. I can't believe the the person didn't stop to check the dog after they hit it. Unbelievable! Anyway about the deisel. Okay, 99.9% says this isn't your issue (not sure what yours is doing) ,but I had to mention it just incase. I didn't want to read a week down the road that this was the issue and I hadn't mentioned it I would have felt terrible. Had a buddy with a Golf who was having fuel delivery problems. Turned out the intake manifold was almost completely plugged. I'd never even heard of this happening,but apparently it's not totally uncommon with Vdub deisels. He ripped it apart himself,unplugged the manifold and the car came right back to life. His mileage etc. increased from really good to phenominal again and all is well. He said he'll have to do it after another couple hundred thousand k's. Could be worse, most cars don't even last this long.

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