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Barry Willis

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First and foremost please understand I'm not posting this for anyone to feel sorry for me, maybe I shouldn't be posting it at all but several of my friends here on the Fishing Forum became very fond of my boy and best friend on the planet, Trooper. I posted a couple pics of him when H H came up with the idea and a great one of sharing pics of our four legged buddy's. I liked each and every one of them. Sadly Trooper passed away Saturday morning. I know I'm not the only one to have gone through this, it's the hardest thing, I've been through it a few times and if anything it just gets harder. Man, life is sure empty without him. I seldom went any where without him, we loved each other to death. His biggest thing was meeting people, he liked every one. He was always so happy as all dogs should be. Thank you.








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My condolences on the loss of your pal. I lost my dog Roxanna back in September. 11 and a half years of my life spent with her. They truly become a part of us. Rox either came out on the boat for a little bass fishing with me or waited on the dock for my return. 


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Thank you very much and my sincere condolences on your loss of your Roxanna. She looks like a sweetheart that loves dad. Our boy before Trooper - Farley, shepherd lab and golden was with us for 17.5 years. Trooper wasn't even quite seven years old and appeared to be healthy as a horse, there was a very special bond between the two of us. Thank you and so long for now.

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19 hours ago, Barry Willis said:

Thank you very much, I'm very sorry you lost yours as well. He was a very handsome guy. It's the hardest thing to go through. I still can't believe he's gone. I am still constantly looking for him in the house and out in the yard. 

I completely hear ya.  I work from home and I expect to round a corner and be tripping over her, or when I come home I expect to see her at the door greeting me, or even getting a snack in the fridge - I expect to hear her come running (she could hear a cheese wrapper a kilometer away). 

It gets easier every week but I do enjoy the time we spent and am not ready to even think about getting another dog yet.  On my morning walks I do stop and say hi to many of the dogs in the neighborhood and share the love!  Take care brother and one day at a time!

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We've had dogs in the past that I loved dearly but there was something different between Troopy and I. a special kind of Bond that we had. I always stop and say hi to other dogs as well, always have even when I walked him as he loved other dogs and especially people. Great Pyrenes were bred to protect animals and people especially the young little ones. Funny you mentioned that she (sorry, I thought it was a boy) could hear a cheese wrapper a kilometer away, he was the same way especially when it came to cheese. He thought he should have a treat every five minutes, he didn't get one but he got his fair share. I'm not sure we will get another dog. we're getting up in years and in all fairness to the dog if it out lives us I don't want it to feel as though we've abandoned it. Thank you very much for the kind and very nice letter. Take care my Friend and Merry Christmas.



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