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Fishing Not Allowed at Night


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Yeah but the opp put out a statement and said if you are in a rental hut or your own , you can’t fish for 24 hours   It is them once again misinterpreting the rules. So I told others to leave your hut for a short time and fish outside. Take video to prove you didn’t spend 24 hours in the hut. But I still believe they will figure it out and post a retraction. Because there is no curfew. 

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Oh man the world we live in right now. Let's look at this quote from the article: . 

"It's basically the same idea here. We don't want people going out for non-essential travel, period. The point is, you go out, you get your exercise, you enjoy nature, you enjoy fishing, but then you come back at the end of the night."

Uhhh....don't they realize they are causing MORE travel? The guy who stays the night travels THE EXACT SAME amount as the guy who just goes for the day! Once there and once back! Now, since they are not permitting you to stay, you have to travel more if you had planned to fish a couple days...drive there, drive home because not permitted to stay, so drive back out in the morning, then drive home again. 

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This is insane... Does no one think any of these orders or whatever through before they spew them out? It's incredible that no one knows what the rules are and how to enforce any of them. Everyone is just making up their own rules as they go it seems and like half the fisherman think your allowed to fish and then the other half of fisherman think your not allowed to fish.

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This whole thing is starting to get very frustrating. I can't get a hair cut, barbers aren't considered essential but they are now going to allow dog groomers to open back up. People are traveling into Toronto to go skating, thats a no no but if they want to travel to Toronto and stand in line incase someone doesn't show they can take a chance and might get in. Total insanity!

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16 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

This whole thing is starting to get very frustrating. I can't get a hair cut, barbers aren't considered essential but they are now going to allow dog groomers to open back up. People are traveling into Toronto to go skating, thats a no no but if they want to travel to Toronto and stand in line incase someone doesn't show they can take a chance and might get in. Total insanity!

Just identify as a dog :) yep super ridiculous. I can see my friends and family but 30k people can land from whatever country every week and hopefully they quarantine... crazy. 

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3 minutes ago, Big Cliff said:

This whole thing is starting to get very frustrating. I can't get a hair cut, barbers aren't considered essential but they are now going to allow dog groomers to open back up. People are traveling into Toronto to go skating, thats a no no but if they want to travel to Toronto and stand in line incase someone doesn't show they can take a chance and might get in. Total insanity!

As far as haircuts go I can help you with that Cliff.  When this  gong show started I was already overdue for a haircut. An old work friend has always cut his own hair so I asked him for some help. He said go to Walmart and buy the cheapest  Wahl hair kit you can and  follow the instructions which are good or Utube some videos. Spent $29.99 in June read the instructions,  watched a few videos and gave it a go. First cut Debbe trimmed the back for me but my last 2 cuts I have did 100% myself and I can honestly say I can not tell the difference between the cuts I give myself over the cuts I was paying $25 for so essentially my first cut paid for my kit and its free from now on. 

My buddy says he gets about 5-7 years out of his clippers before it craps out and has to buy another one.

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59 minutes ago, crappieperchhunter said:

As far as haircuts go I can help you with that Cliff.  When this  gong show started I was already overdue for a haircut. An old work friend has always cut his own hair so I asked him for some help. He said go to Walmart and buy the cheapest  Wahl hair kit you can and  follow the instructions which are good or Utube some videos. Spent $29.99 in June read the instructions,  watched a few videos and gave it a go. First cut Debbe trimmed the back for me but my last 2 cuts I have did 100% myself and I can honestly say I can not tell the difference between the cuts I give myself over the cuts I was paying $25 for so essentially my first cut paid for my kit and its free from now on. 

My buddy says he gets about 5-7 years out of his clippers before it craps out and has to buy another one.

Have not paid for a cut or trim in 12 years. My Wahl set lasted  15 years, and I got a new set for Christmas. $60 for the clipper or $150 a year for the barber

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Back to the original subject, I sent an email to the MNRF to clarify if we could fish at night and got an answer back today.  Not surprised that they didn't actually address my question but sent back the "pick one" of the gov't gibberish.

Thank you for your email.


There is a combination of measures that come into effect between Tuesday January 12, 2021 and Thursday, January 14, 2021, including a provincial declaration of emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, orders under that Act, and amendments to regulations under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act, 2020


The enhanced public health and workplace safety measures are in effect for all of Ontario and are anticipated to be in place until at least Thursday, February 11, 2021.

Under the provincial emergency, the following enhanced enforcement authorities are in place:

    • All provincial offences officers, including police officers, will have the authority to disperse crowds indoors as well as outdoors.

    • Similar to the provision under ROA, individuals have a duty to identify when a police officer has reasonable and probable grounds that an offence under EMCPA has been committed.

    • Additionally, enforcement personnel have the authority to issue tickets.

A person is required to remain in their place of residence and only leave their home for purposes permitted under the Stay-at-Home order, including:


•           Obtaining food

•           Exercise

•           Exercising an Aboriginal or treaty right as recognized and affirmed by the section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.


Everyone needs to consider their purposes when deciding on activities that take you out of your household and possibly into contact with others.


If you do engage in fishing for a permitted purpose, you are encouraged to do so close to home, and only with other members of your household and you are there for the purpose of fishing.  You are required to remain at your place of residence otherwise.


Individuals are required to follow applicable social gathering restrictions and should to maintain physical distancing at least 2 meters (6 feet) from other individuals who are not a part of their household. Anyone gathering outside is strongly urged to wear a mask.


 For more information on COVID-19, please visit www.ontario.ca.




NRISC web reader - MC

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While you guys are right that there is no curfew, tickets that are issued are not for "breaking curfew", they are specifically for "disobeying an order" under the declaration of emergency.  I am not saying you will get ticketed if you sleep in your hut.  I am saying it's possible and it's up to you if you take the risk or not.

They may may have given you more info than thought in that reply:

"If you do engage in fishing for a permitted purpose, you are encouraged to do so close to home, and only with other members of your household and you are there for the purpose of fishingYou are required to remain at your place of residence otherwise."

The Italics are mine - I can see where if you get the wrong officer and they wanted to ticket you, they could interpret your purpose as sleeping and not fishing if you have a cot and sleeping bag setup, or are actually sleeping.  It's enough ambiguity that I personally won't be attempting an ice camp until and unless they lift the stay at home order.  Good luck whatever you all decide.

Edited by Dutch01
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Just Got this reply from the Aylmer MNR office 

Good morning, Dan.


Thanks for your email seeking clarification about ice fishing during the Stay-at-Home order. Hopefully the following information will be helpful.

Under the Stay-at-Home order a person is required to remain in their place of residence and only leave their home for purposes permitted under the Stay-at-Home order, including:

·         Obtaining food

·         Exercise

·         Exercising an Aboriginal or treaty right as recognized and affirmed by the section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.


Ice fishing huts should be treated the same as indoor gatherings and only be used with other members of your household.

There are new restrictions on the rental of ice huts. Ice hut may only be rented to a person if the hut will only be used by members of the same household and the hut will not be used overnight. 


If a person owns their own ice hut, they can stay overnight.


All the best,






Melody Cairns  | Resources Operations Supervisor (Acting)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry | Regional Operations Division | Aylmer District | 615 John St. N., Aylmer, ON, N5H 2S8 | Tel: 519-773-4720 | Cell: 519-902-4631 | Email: [email protected]


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48 minutes ago, DanD said:

Just Got this reply from the Aylmer MNR office 

Good morning, Dan.


Thanks for your email seeking clarification about ice fishing during the Stay-at-Home order. Hopefully the following information will be helpful.

Under the Stay-at-Home order a person is required to remain in their place of residence and only leave their home for purposes permitted under the Stay-at-Home order, including:

·         Obtaining food

·         Exercise

·         Exercising an Aboriginal or treaty right as recognized and affirmed by the section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.


Ice fishing huts should be treated the same as indoor gatherings and only be used with other members of your household.

There are new restrictions on the rental of ice huts. Ice hut may only be rented to a person if the hut will only be used by members of the same household and the hut will not be used overnight. 


If a person owns their own ice hut, they can stay overnight.


All the best,






Melody Cairns  | Resources Operations Supervisor (Acting)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry | Regional Operations Division | Aylmer District | 615 John St. N., Aylmer, ON, N5H 2S8 | Tel: 519-773-4720 | Cell: 519-902-4631 | Email: [email protected]


Thanks Dan:  This proves the left hand has absolutely no clue what the right hands doing,  yours from the Aylmer office says it's ok. 

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5 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

This proves the left hand has absolutely no clue what the right hands doing,  yours from the Aylmer office says it's ok

I'll be printing a copy of that email, to take with me; if I do get a chance of staying overnight.


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I can’t believe how many photos are showing up with 6 to 10 people posing together for a picture of their outing

5 can be together if they are from the same family but these jokes are posting evidence of them breaking the law.  Not so bright 

and I almost want to report  them to help save  lives



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