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Covid vacine, will you,wont you ?


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18 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

Lmao you really used the term “sheep” come on man. 

please define the “bull” I have attributed to this conversation. Please show me the lies or non fact based information I have provided in this entire thread? Unless you are part of the group that believes that everything being published in the epidemiology summaries are lies? 

if that’s the case, then enjoy your time living in fear of the boogy man aka “globalistst and the elite”

how well is the flu shot working out? So you are blatantly questioning the science of the flu shot? Lol come on man. Do you also think the polio vaccine is not effective as well?

The flu shot has been scientifically proven to reduce transmission of the flu entirely between 40 and 60 percent dependant on the dominate strain each year and on top of that reduces severity of symptoms should someone unfortunately contract the illness after having the shot. 



Ya... you just echo the opinion that is given to you through the MSM and blend in with the crowd like the good sheep you are. You don't like being called a sheep but you have grouped me into several groups. Can't take what you give?

I live in no fear of anything or anybody. I have simply questioned the safety and effectiveness of this new "vaccine" which has been pushed to market in 1/10th the time of any other medication out there. I suppose you have experience in the industry and know everything about the regulatory approval and clinical trials.

The flu shot... 40-60% of the time? So lets run the strawman argument here like you have. Can anyone prove the people who got the flu shot would have actually gotten the flu without the shot? Here's a real serious question for you: How many people who get the MMR vaccine actually get any of the three? That is what a vaccine does, not 40-60%.

Again, I am only questioning a single thing so all of these other groups you have put me in and all of these other things you say I am afraid of and all these other words you have put in my mouth are BULL. 

Edited by jonasdry
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37 minutes ago, jonasdry said:

Ya... you just echo the opinion that is given to you through the MSM and blend in with the crowd like the good sheep you are.

BAH bahhhhh


giving you references from the Ontario Epidemiology report is not MSM. Lets clear that up. Once again, I have not once provided any references to any publications from "MSM" (i love that you guys have a special name for that now too)

Every single reference here I have provided are from scientific documents being published by either our local health units, or other scientific sources. Not a single article from any media company to be found. Tough to have a discussion when one side simply provides facts from vetted sources while the other is arguing with "what ifs" from youtube lol

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2 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

BAH bahhhhh


giving you references from the Ontario Epidemiology report is not MSM. Lets clear that up. Once again, I have not once provided any references to any publications from "MSM" (i love that you guys have a special name for that now too)

Every single reference here I have provided are from scientific documents being published by either our local health units, or other scientific sources. Not a single article from any media company to be found. Tough to have a discussion when one side simply provides facts from vetted sources while the other is arguing with "what ifs" from youtube lol

Keep being awesome and assuming everything. Youtube as a source... hahah you would know eh. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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On 12/22/2020 at 2:22 PM, jonasdry said:

Where's the conspiracy theory? Now you are just labelling, assuming and name calling. I have worked for several pharma companies. I have been part of about 20 regulatory filings. I know what's involved with them. I don't trust rushing anything to market without due process, which in this case is what they haven't done.

How well is that flu shot working out? I know as many people who have gotten sick after receiving it than I do who have not.

You can call me all the names you want and label me as whatever you want but I have never said anything about a conspiracy or any of the Bull you have added to this. My concern is lack of due process and clinical trials for what they are injecting into people. You may be a good sheep and believe everything you hear on the 6 o'clock news, but some of us actually think about things.

I truly do understand where you're coming from but at the same time think you must have worked for some seriously shady pharma companies to develop your stance. Are they infallible....hell no, but what company/industry is. Questioning this is the right mindset to have but you have to admit there is a ton of misinformation out there which send a lot of folks down the wrong path which leads to ignorance/anti type folks. I'm not sure where your FLU vaccine stance comes from as I witness the exact opposite as you with no one getting sick year after year (of influenza) opposed to non-vaccine people (they aren't anti-vaxers just don't go out of their way to receive the shot)  & about every other year they come down with something that floors them.  Now it can be said they don't rush off to the hospital to be tested so whatever they have caught is a unknown but common language says "the Flu" so there is that. 

In the end it'll be likely a year before enough Covid vaccine becomes available for us common folk + the fact there is another 185+ companies working on a potential solution that the best one will prevail (one hopes).   

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14 hours ago, aplumma said:

y'all just can't play nice. Consider this your only warning it will be locked next time there is an insult typed. 


You should lock it anyhow. If someone can't post a valid fact and experience based concern about the lack of proper clinical trials and testing of something being injected into people without being labeled as all the things akrisoner has done to me, there is no point in allowing discussion about it. I'm glad we have people like him who are experts in all this stuff thanks to reading some stuff on the interwebs.

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2 hours ago, ckewley said:

I truly do understand where you're coming from but at the same time think you must have worked for some seriously shady pharma companies to develop your stance. Are they infallible....hell no, but what company/industry is. Questioning this is the right mindset to have but you have to admit there is a ton of misinformation out there which send a lot of folks down the wrong path which leads to ignorance/anti type folks. I'm not sure where your FLU vaccine stance comes from as I witness the exact opposite as you with no one getting sick year after year (of influenza) opposed to non-vaccine people (they aren't anti-vaxers just don't go out of their way to receive the shot)  & about every other year they come down with something that floors them.  Now it can be said they don't rush off to the hospital to be tested so whatever they have caught is a unknown but common language says "the Flu" so there is that. 

In the end it'll be likely a year before enough Covid vaccine becomes available for us common folk + the fact there is another 185+ companies working on a potential solution that the best one will prevail (one hopes).   

There was nothing shady about the places I have worked. None of the places I worked ever took shortcuts in the regulatory process or performed phase 3 clinical trials in a few months just to try and be first to market with anything.

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I have never had a flu shot.

I was sick one time, about 7 years ago. Never needed a hospital.

Read what you want, you can find anything on the internet.

If you are a sick type person and want a flu shot go ahead.

Don't tell me what I need to do.

Every one is different.


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There are always two sides to weigh before a yes or no decision gets made on anything.  It’s a common practice (particularly on the internet) to try and place derogatory labels on those with an opposing view (conspiracy theorist, sheep, unenlightened). That is done to try and discredit one side in the hope that others might not listen to them.

This decision is too important to fall for any of that. Make your decision based on your own review of the arguments, information as it evolves over the next few months, and your own gut and instincts. 

Unless you are over 80 or a health care worker, you still have time to hear more information and see more results before rolling up your own sleeve.

As I have opined previously, I thing the choice we have is really about taking concrete steps to put an end to this devastating pandemic, or continuing to let it fester and be stuck with the stringent public health measures for the foreseeable future.

I’m willing to take some risk for ending this. I know there are no guarantees, but waiting years for more certainty seems unpalatable too.


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Remember folks, money makes the world go around.

when the entire economy is in total collapse, shut downs are devastating businesses, and people are dying em masse like we haven’t seen in over 100 years worldwide, you are going to have an absolute flood of funding like the world has never seen come available to create a resolution to the problem. 

luckily we live in an era of human existence with the least amount of global conflict, so this funding then gets pooled and shared. The global scientific community has teamed up in a historically unprecedented manner to defeat this thing.

the risks of dying or being permanently damaged from contracting  covid are unacceptably statistically high.

the chance of you being damaged or killed by this vaccine is next to zero. 

pretty simple maths! Get your vaccine and we can beat this thing once and for all.

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1 hour ago, RickOnt said:


I have never had a flu shot.

I was sick one time, about 7 years ago. Never needed a hospital.

Read what you want, you can find anything on the internet.

If you are a sick type person and want a flu shot go ahead.

Don't tell me what I need to do.

Every one is different.


I'm pretty sure I have never said "you NEED to do this" nor would I ever! I never used to get the flu shot until, like you, maybe 10 years ago after I caught a bad flu bug and was hospitalised. Don't know about you but I was born/raised/live in the most populace city in Canada & never feared SARS/Influenza/H3N2.....etc, anyone of them. Even Covid-19 doesn't scare me per say, what does scare me though is other people & their incompetence to not spread stuff around. There is no way I'll buy that there are that many A symptomatic people walking around, most will have symptoms but ignore them because they are that self important.  

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1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

the risks of dying or being permanently damaged from contracting  covid are unacceptably statistically high.

the chance of you being damaged or killed by this vaccine is next to zero. 

Wow... Can you show any proof to backup your claim about damage or dead from the vaccine? How about the results of proper clinical trials or a 5 year study on this vaccine? I'm not saying that it's going to damage or kill anybody, what I am saying is that anyone who claims the vaccine is safe is making stuff up because it hasn't been proven safe or unsafe yet and with respect to other medication has not gone through the proper testing that *every* other drug has.

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There’s a disclaimer typically accompanying financial and stock recommendations: “Information on past performance, where given, is not necessarily a guide to future performance.”

The same could be said for a person’s immune system, particularly with a novel virus that it hasn’t had to deal with in the past. 

Time marches on for all of us. Many of the 176 patients in Ontario on a ventilator last night for COVID-19, probably would not have been had COVID-19 struck 10, 20, or 30 years ago when they were younger. Unfortunately, it is striking in 2020.

For those that do opt-into taking one of the vaccines that become available, and for the many Canadians that already, and unfortunately, caught COVID-19 and survived it, hopefully (we don’t know for certain) your system may be better-prepared to deal with it if it surfaces again in the future...

It will be those that managed to avoid catching the disease in the 2020 round, and remained unvaccinated, that will still have first-exposure risk just as we all do right now...

... and we will all be older.

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1 hour ago, knightfisher said:

Interesting viewpoint if one is open for it....

There are two assertions in there: 

“social distancing is useless”


“Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever” 

Together, they don’t seem to reconcile with the change in influenza cases in Canada this fall/winter over other years:

I wonder which of those assertions is wrong? Or would there be some other reason for the case drop?  Is it all attributable to hand-washing? Coughing into sleeves instead of hands? Border closures? No more handshaking?

The rest is mostly just a repetition of the “economic health” vs “vulnerable population health” argument.

There is no mention of the significant socioeconomic impacts of a health-care system that gets completely overwhelmed with patients, or has insufficient health-care staff to keep up with the demand that arises from everything, including COVID-19.

Many of Canada’s provincial health care systems are on the verge apparently, and it is my understanding that “flattening the curve” by “stopping the spread” in order to protect the health care system is the current driver behind the public health measures.

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2 hours ago, knightfisher said:


(part of why society is getting dumber by the minute, folks consider stuff like the above an "interesting viewpoint". Ugh)

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracies, Misleading/Unproven Information, Lack of Transparency
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Launched in March 2019, Summit News is a far-right conspiracy website. Like most questionable sources this website does not have an about page nor disclosure of ownership. The primary writer appears to be Paul Joseph Watson, who is a former editor for the conspiracy website Infowars. Although not disclosed, Paul Joseph Watson appears to be the owner and editor of this website. Further, Summit News has been banned on Facebook.

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6 hours ago, jonasdry said:

Can you show any proof to backup your claim about damage or dead from the vaccine? 

Yup...no ones died yet worldwide from the vaccine after over a million doses given in the United States alone. A global figure is not available yet. Meanwhile 49 people died today in Ontario alone from covid

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