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Yep, posted today. Should help further divide an already divided community. Many there claim they are permanent residents as they go to NZ for the Winter and live at the lake for the Summer as their only Canadian residence, yet we're only considered "Seasonal" residents and we're there longer than many of them from Mother's Day Monday into mid October. No matter to me.. I don't need a launch to get to my camp and have three boats on shore! :D ....not that we plan to go up anyhow until this is done, other than me alone checking the place for security at some point.. 

Edited by irishfield
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32 minutes ago, irishfield said:

Yep, posted today. Should help further divide an already divided community. Many there claim they are permanent residents as they go to NZ for the Winter and live at the lake for the Summer as their only Canadian residence, yet we're only considered "Seasonal" residents and we're there longer than many of them from Mother's Day Monday into mid October. No matter to me.. I don't need a launch to get to my camp and have three boats on shore! :D ....not that we plan to go up anyhow until this is done, other than me alone checking the place for security at some point.. 

Could you not social distance just as good there?

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30 minutes ago, Crimsongulf said:

Could you not social distance just as good there?

Of course it is less likely to get the virus when you and perhaps a spouse is the only people in a few hundred acres or more of space. The Gov discourages people traveling from highly densely populated cities to rural areas as they are more likely to pass it on up in God's country. Also the more vehicles on the road the more likely accidents will occur then the accident victims are going to need 1st responders and the resources associated with an accident. This is how I understand the no travel ban advice, it isn't law, yet. 

Our property is listed as "Seasonal Residential." No one including our politicians can tell us what exactly seasonal residential really means. There was a time about 12 years ago someone started the rumour that the Real Estate Police dressed in black riot garb were going to take you from your warm beds in the middle of the night and throw you out to the Coywolves. Our town councilor assured everyone no one is getting tossed from their cottages or homes. What the definition for a cottage isn't even clear. Some of the new cottages being built out here are 3500 sqft or larger McMansions not Grandma and Grandpas little 2 bedroom cottage with a little woodstove. In our neighbourhood 80% of the seasonal residential homes are lived in year round. Some go to warmer climates for the winter, some like us are away only a month during the winter, sometimes. I would love to be in court when that $750.00 ticket is brought forward. The guy can call Premier Doug Ford as a witness. 

Johnny D/hunkered down in Selkirk ON.

9 days no smoking so far. We are actually going to stop counting. That is a good thing. Feel pretty good to, not great but good.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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2 hours ago, irishfield said:

I did say possibly ! Someone brought it in and it wasn't the residents. So it was either a PSW, Nurse, Admin staff, visitor, or?

Actually, it was very likely a resident that transferred there from toronto, unscreened and was one of the first 3 residents with it, before my wife got sick.

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OK here is why IMHO hospitals are focusing on the virus rather than on other 'elective' surgeries and such. 

Not happy to explain this but here's the logic. Point out where I'm wrong cuz I hope i am...

1. Hospitals and Homes are just screening employees for obvious symptoms. The rest get in to work and possibly infect patients and fellow staff. Think about that. Why? Well if all workers were screened then a big bunch would have to leave along with everyone they had been in contact with. So the result is worker-empty hospitals and Homes and big bucks paid to hospital workers who do have sick day provisions. No way part time call ins could cover the manpower loss.   

2. Hospital workers are generally given crappy non-N95 masks which are supposed to be worn to prevent spread to others rather than to protect the worker. Even N-95 masks don't screen the virus completely. It is too teeny. So 11% of these workers show symptoms. How many are infected but don't?

3. So if other patients are brought in for elective procedures they may become infected. About 11% of the infected are healthcare workers and this without really any testing. No doubt more. At Homes they don't have sick days so are used to working sick to pay bills with their relatively lower-than-hospital-worker wages.

4. So hospitals are basically saying they don't want non-virus/elective procedure patients there for their own safety and hospital liability concerns. Nor do hospitals want to have hospital-infected patients and their family/visitors with them carry the virus back out to increase it in the general population. 

5. Healthcare workers don't know who among them are asymptomatic virus carriers. They do not know if they are taking it home to loved ones. 

 6. Homes are privately run businesses where profit is the goal. Minimum staff and cleaning in some. Now existing staff are told to do way more but without proper PPEs and if they get sick they get to go home sans pay. If they do show virus symptoms they get to go home sans sick pay for ? period of time and infect others there as a bonus. No wonder spread in Homes is so widespread. 

7. Yet despite the above, the notion is circulating that Home workers should not get extra 'hazard pay' and that they or hospital workers should not be allowed at the front of the line at stores.  

IMHO people desperate for work need to funnel aggression and suggestions/demands at their elected reps not on the working stiffs trying to control this virus.  

8. When hospitals resume elective surgeries just like after holiday breaks then workers although getting the same pay have to work much harder since doctors/surgeons go fast and hard to catch up on the income lost during the break. Hospital workers will be getting a rough go even after this virus allows hospitals to get back serving the non-virused.

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1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

Of course it is less likely to get the virus when you and perhaps a spouse is the only people in a few hundred acres or more of space. The Gov discourages people traveling from highly densely populated cities to rural areas as they are more likely to pass it on up in God's country. Also the more vehicles on the road the more likely accidents will occur then the accident victims are going to need 1st responders and the resources associated with an accident. This is how I understand the no travel ban advice, it isn't law, yet. 

Our property is listed as "Seasonal Residential." No one including our politicians can tell us what exactly seasonal residential really means. There was a time about 12 years ago someone started the rumour that the Real Estate Police dressed in black riot garb were going to take you from your warm beds in the middle of the night and throw you out to the Coywolves. Our town councilor assured everyone no one is getting tossed from their cottages or homes. What the definition for a cottage isn't even clear. Some of the new cottages being built out here are 3500 sqft or larger McMansions not Grandma and Grandpas little 2 bedroom cottage with a little woodstove. In our neighbourhood 80% of the seasonal residential homes are lived in year round. Some go to warmer climates for the winter, some like us are away only a month during the winter, sometimes. I would love to be in court when that $750.00 ticket is brought forward. The guy can call Premier Doug Ford as a witness. 

Johnny D/hunkered down in Selkirk ON.

9 days no smoking so far. We are actually going to stop counting. That is a good thing. Feel pretty good to, not great but good.

To my knowledge we don't have the seasonal residential deal in Napanee, or at least nothing is designated on the property tax bill.


Now this is just my opinion, but before I believe the $750 ticket, I am going to have to see a copy of it.


As far as the smoking, is the food starting to taste better and food smell better cooking?  when I quit, it took a few months before all of my senses sort of got back to normal.

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On April 2nd, 1 in 10 positive cases in the province were healthcare workers. Almost all were infected from travel, not from clinical settings. 2 weeks later, the death toll in LTC sky rocketed. 


Severe travel restrictions on healthcare personnel is the only way to stop this in the future. Stockpiling PPE and making emergency plans are all well and good, but with them, all you are doing is trying to close the barn door after the animals are all out. Every infected healthcare worker weakened the system exponentially. Changes also need to be made to the LTC system also. 

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nlpaintballer you are misinterpreting that old April 2nd statement. Your very insulting and misinformed.  Here the statement is more completely...


"As for Toronto, the latest numbers show that out of at least 818 total known cases to date, at least 31 front-line workers have contracted the virus so far — including 12 physicians, 13 nurses and six other health-care workers. Earlier data suggested a higher count, but public health officials are now reporting only patient care roles.

"The majority of these cases of COVID-19 are travel-related," noted Toronto Public Health spokesperson Lenore Bromley."


So the wayyy back April 2nd number of 818 is what he is referring to re most are from travel. Not just HC workers. Makes sense if properly read. Also in Toronto where most international travel originated/returned to less than 4% (31) of the reported 818 infections were from HC workers. Oh and if 10% are HC workers traveling then why and where are the HC workers traveling to where such a large number are catching it? It should be assumed that HC travelers are catching it at the same rate as other travelers. In fact they'd be less likely to catch it since they generally have a better understanding of hygiene precautions.

At the start which was just before April 2nd the hospital HC workers were being told how to deal with Covid-19. All were following orders, learning and adapting.  Many got it while treating patients. 

To imply they got it traveling and brought it into Homers or hospitals is both wrong and a bit insulting. 


Edited by cisco
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12 hours ago, Crimsongulf said:

To my knowledge we don't have the seasonal residential deal in Napanee, or at least nothing is designated on the property tax bill.



If the address on your drivers licence isn't the address where you are... then it's not your permanent residence.

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16 hours ago, irishfield said:

Yep, posted today. Should help further divide an already divided community. Many there claim they are permanent residents as they go to NZ for the Winter and live at the lake for the Summer as their only Canadian residence, yet we're only considered "Seasonal" residents and we're there longer than many of them from Mother's Day Monday into mid October. No matter to me.. I don't need a launch to get to my camp and have three boats on shore! :D ....not that we plan to go up anyhow until this is done, other than me alone checking the place for security at some point.. 


If the municipality does not allow you access to your cottage, how much of your taxes are they refunding 

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1 hour ago, Terry said:


If the municipality does not allow you access to your cottage, how much of your taxes are they refunding 

On the other side of the coin,,,,,,,


Say you do not go to the retreat for a year cuz yer to busy . Do you ask for a refund ?


Flip a coin,,,,,,

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Well ,no that’s your choice if you decide not to go or only go for one weekend 

Closing the access is the municipalities doing and you have no say or choice 
imagine  if they like how quite it is around there and decide to make it permanent 

ok maybe silly

but when is it ok. One month, one summer, one year, two years,  five years. The government is giving money to help businesses they made close.  Money to people they made not work. So why the hell not people who can not access their very expensive high mortgage cottages. 

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6 minutes ago, Terry said:

So why the hell not people who can not access their very expensive high mortgage cottages. 

If they can afford, they can pay.

Like the ones on GBAY whining about high water levels now, and crying for $$$$$$ to protect their water front. You can afford to live/stay there,you can afford to pay. Cry me a river,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12 minutes ago, Terry said:

 Money to people they made not work.

They need it to live where they live, feed their families. Not enjoy abroad .


No disrespect, but if you can afford,well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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water level is an act of god not the municipalities 

and they are off work So no money coming in so much for can afford it . And who says they can afford it  I have friend that has to rent their cottage out for a month or two just to pay for some of costs money just because someone has a cottage doesn’t make them rich and money to burn


Edited by Terry
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1 minute ago, Terry said:

water level is an act of god

God??????? I thought that was mother natures roll ? And GBAY, is coming back to normal levels. 


3 minutes ago, Terry said:

I have friend that has to rent their cottage out for a month or two just to pay for some of costs money just because someone has a cottage doesn’t make them rich and money to burn

This might be a sign,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Living above their expenses. Plan ahead as they say .  Ya I know some do rent or lease to subsidize,but if you have to,then your living above your means / expenses .


Some want money back for their fishing licenses . I say their whinny. Worry more about your life and family first .



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I think you don’t like people who have money

i had a business renting out houses. I was not living above my means I was trying to better myself 

that would mean anyone who buys a house or rents a house and loses their job or their spouse dies or gets sick and can’t afford to pay their rent/ mortgage is living above their means is they get what they deserve 
I'm glad I don’t see it that way

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15 minutes ago, Terry said:

I think you don’t like people who have money

i had a business renting out houses. I was not living above my means I was trying to better myself 

that would mean anyone who buys a house or rents a house and loses their job or their spouse dies or gets sick and can’t afford to pay their rent/ mortgage is living above their means is they get what they deserve 
I'm glad I don’t see it that way

So you took a chance and made it work . Ok, good for you. But would you be asking for money if the renters were not paying ? A chance you take weather  there is a virus or not.

The people renting and owning a home, need the money. That is their primary resident and means of a roof over their house . These are the people that need the money so they can pay .


To answer this

I think you don’t like people who have money

I could give a rats ass . Do not put words in my mouth. Thank you . LOL


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If they didn’t pay I took them to court

during covid 

I would try to work with them but they would pay or be gone, if the government said I couldn’t use my houses or rent them out during the pandemic, I would go after them for money for that too 


so is the guy that is renting to you living above his means.  for taking a chance to rent to all those people   

we sure differ on our opinion on these things

no doubt about it   lol 


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4 minutes ago, Terry said:

we sure differ on our opinion on these things

no doubt about it   lol 






Be safe my friend

Soon we will be fishing and this will be a thing of the past. Or maybe many will think about if this happens again .


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10 hours ago, nlpaintballer said:

On April 2nd, 1 in 10 positive cases in the province were healthcare workers. Almost all were infected from travel, not from clinical settings. 2 weeks later, the death toll in LTC sky rocketed. 


Severe travel restrictions on healthcare personnel is the only way to stop this in the future. Stockpiling PPE and making emergency plans are all well and good, but with them, all you are doing is trying to close the barn door after the animals are all out. Every infected healthcare worker weakened the system exponentially. Changes also need to be made to the LTC system also. 

What is the acronym LTC stand for? I am sure that the provinces and feds look at the cost of stockpiling anything for the future and weigh the costs associated with it at budget time and decide not to because there just isn't enough tax dollars in the coffers. Those that are complaining that our legislators should have stockpiled will be the 1st to complain their taxes went up to cover it.  

17 hours ago, Crimsongulf said:

To my knowledge we don't have the seasonal residential deal in Napanee, or at least nothing is designated on the property tax bill.


Now this is just my opinion, but before I believe the $750 ticket, I am going to have to see a copy of it.



The zoning will be on your annual tax roll, our tax statement says we are zoned "hazardous agriculture seasonal residential."

My wife tells me I believe everything initially because I'm a Libra. My scales are tipped towards the $750.00 ticket doesn't exist. 

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