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Government coming after me for taxes that I've already paid


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I just got a letter in the mail from the Ontario provincial government asking whether I paid taxes on my boat. I bought it in 2015, sold it in 2018. And YES, I paid taxes at the local government office in 2015 right after buying the boat. Did everything to the book.

And now they want proof that I paid the taxes and I can't find the receipt. I'm quite diligent with all my boating paperwork but this one seems to have slipped through the cracks. Does this mean I have to pay the taxes again?

If so, what a crock that is. Does the local office keep a record of transactions maybe? I know the exact date the taxes were paid.

Edited by Sterling
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This crap's been going on for years.

I bought a new boat 20 years ago and paid all the taxes, then a couple years later I got the same letter as you did. I still had the bill of sale so sent them a copy to prove everything was paid and then awhile later got the same letter again so once again I sent them a copy. About a year or so later I got my 3rd letter wanting proof of taxes paid but this time I just ignored the morons and never heard them again.

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I had them come after me for my boat tax

i told them I bought the boat from a dealer that collected the tax, so its the dealers  issue not mine and gave them the name of the place I bought it

and in an un-nice way told them to leave me alone

never heard from them again


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7 minutes ago, Terry said:

I had them come after me for my boat tax

i told them I bought the boat from a dealer that collected the tax, so its the dealers  issue not mine and gave them the name of the place I bought it

and in an un-nice way told them to leave me alone

never heard from them again


Exactly what Terry said, here's the name of the boat dealer, go hound them and bother people who don't pay their taxes.

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9 minutes ago, Garnet said:

get off public forums  and think about what you need.


8 minutes ago, craigdritchie said:

How did you pay the taxes? If you paid by cheque, direct deposit, bank draft or credit card, your bank will have a record of it. They may charge you a few bucks to dig it out, but it beats the alternative.

Debit card at the government institution. Hadn't thought of this option. The transaction will be on record. THANK YOU.

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if this is political Im sorry

but surprise surprise, just another example of the tax man being a complete joke

2 real life examples from the last year

my father had shares that he owned in the company that he works for. The CRA decides that last year they were going to reclassify the shares and subsequently an additional amount of taxes would be owned related to the dividend payments that were being issued on an annual basis...no big deal, my father was fully prepared to pay the back taxes that he was required to pay as the CRA had made their decision regarding the classification of the shares. My father immediately pays the CRA the additional tax owed when he gets a letter a month later from the CRA claiming him that they require him to pay 6 years in interest payments immediately on the amounts owed because he failed to pay the appropriate amount of taxes and that if he failed to pay them the interest immediately they were going to press charges...remember the CRA are the ones that decided to change the classification of his shares.

second one that i ended up just winning 2 weeks ago

I moved from my house in Toronto the vancouver 2 years ago. I then subsequently moved back to toronto and continued working 7 months later. As part of my taxes for that year I claimed my moving expenses and had all of the neccesary documents to back up my claims.

Last year a year after i make the claim i recieve a notice via the My CRA webmail application that i signed up for rather than receiving mail documentation (im terrible at losing stuff) in the fall that I owe the CRA all of my moving expenses credit back because i failed to provide the required documentation to back my claim. Confused as hell i contacted them and said, umm how was I supposed to provide you with the documentation that you are requesting if you never asked me for it? they responded well...we did we sent you a letter via mail...well i thought that i signed up to recieve correspondance digitally like how you just contacted me right now...but whatever, ok where did that letter go to? my address in vancouver?...no...we the request for proof for your moving expenses to the address that you moved away from ?

The CRA then agrees to send me everything all over again to the correct address, i immediately put everything together including a letter from the CFO a CA at the company that i work for proving that i was never reimbursed any moving expenses...a year passes and i get a notice about 2 months ago saying that they are going to press charges against me for not paying them with interest included. So i call them again and say whats going on i never heard anything related to what i provided you...they request that i submit my dispute online and remind them of the documentation that i submitted...i do that again and i recieve a note a week later saying that my dispute is denied, the same one they asked me to submit because its now been over a year since the original matter began...

In the end 2 weeks ago i called again and said what the hell is going on?! and finally someone tells me...oh...i see that everything has been cleared up, we are going to be issuing you a credit for the tax refund that you never got this year because we thought you had outstanding amounts owed to us...

ya...thats how straight these guys have it.

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37 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

if this is political Im sorry

but surprise surprise, just another example of the tax man being a complete joke

2 real life examples from the last year

my father had shares that he owned in the company that he works for. The CRA decides that last year they were going to reclassify the shares and subsequently an additional amount of taxes would be owned related to the dividend payments that were being issued on an annual basis...no big deal, my father was fully prepared to pay the back taxes that he was required to pay as the CRA had made their decision regarding the classification of the shares. My father immediately pays the CRA the additional tax owed when he gets a letter a month later from the CRA claiming him that they require him to pay 6 years in interest payments immediately on the amounts owed because he failed to pay the appropriate amount of taxes and that if he failed to pay them the interest immediately they were going to press charges...remember the CRA are the ones that decided to change the classification of his shares.

second one that i ended up just winning 2 weeks ago

I moved from my house in Toronto the vancouver 2 years ago. I then subsequently moved back to toronto and continued working 7 months later. As part of my taxes for that year I claimed my moving expenses and had all of the neccesary documents to back up my claims.

Last year a year after i make the claim i recieve a notice via the My CRA webmail application that i signed up for rather than receiving mail documentation (im terrible at losing stuff) in the fall that I owe the CRA all of my moving expenses credit back because i failed to provide the required documentation to back my claim. Confused as hell i contacted them and said, umm how was I supposed to provide you with the documentation that you are requesting if you never asked me for it? they responded well...we did we sent you a letter via mail...well i thought that i signed up to recieve correspondance digitally like how you just contacted me right now...but whatever, ok where did that letter go to? my address in vancouver?...no...we the request for proof for your moving expenses to the address that you moved away from ?

The CRA then agrees to send me everything all over again to the correct address, i immediately put everything together including a letter from the CFO a CA at the company that i work for proving that i was never reimbursed any moving expenses...a year passes and i get a notice about 2 months ago saying that they are going to press charges against me for not paying them with interest included. So i call them again and say whats going on i never heard anything related to what i provided you...they request that i submit my dispute online and remind them of the documentation that i submitted...i do that again and i recieve a note a week later saying that my dispute is denied, the same one they asked me to submit because its now been over a year since the original matter began...

In the end 2 weeks ago i called again and said what the hell is going on?! and finally someone tells me...oh...i see that everything has been cleared up, we are going to be issuing you a credit for the tax refund that you never got this year because we thought you had outstanding amounts owed to us...

ya...thats how straight these guys have it.

I feel your pain. As Canadians we pay some of the highest taxes in the world, and they just keep coming for more and more. 

Allow me to join the venting party...

Nastiest story I heard was from the sister in law, she worked as a teacher at one school for 2 months, and another school for 10 under the same employer. She received her T4 in the mail and sent it to her accountant who filed her taxes.

Turns out she should have received TWO T4s; one for each school. The first didn't come in and she didn't know. CRA mails her stating she didn't declare both her T4s and she owed $6000. $2800 in unpaid taxes, $2800 FINE and the rest in interest. She was young a the time, maybe 24, and had just bought a house. Talk about brutally punishing middle class people. Just ruthless.

What really gets me is that if the CRA has a record of your T4s, why not just mail you a tax bill after assessing them??? And any adjustments to that you can file yourself? So dumb.

And then there's out outdoor card & fishing license website. Forces you to log in and create an account but keeps NOTHING on record. You can't even reprint your license online or check whether yours is active (at least, last I checked). I once paid twice due to their buggy website and was unable to get reimbursed after endless running around. Reprinting has to be done in store and costs $10, what the hell?

I did a "leadership" course for work that costs $10,000 over 3 days (Niagara Leadership Institute). There were leaders from all sorts of private companies there, and you guessed it, a dozen government employees from questionable backgrounds. One that I can remember was a cantine lady. Seriously? 

A crazy coincidence is that one of my teammates (sitting at my table) was the lady running the entire government outdoors website / program. I told her I had a bone to pick with her and described all my issues. She couldn't offer up any solutions of course. Later she describes her workplace as totally dysfunctional and borderline corrupt. 

Sorry for rant folks, now I'm worked up.

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Thank you for the rants.     It’s good info. 

   Some people don’t post fishing trips on here because they are too busy playing games with the red tape money grabbing  goofs.  

Stand in line on your birthday to get a sticker for a lic. Plate

what does this sticker do?   I want to fish instead 

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3 minutes ago, glen said:

Thank you for the rants.     It’s good info. 

   Some people don’t post fishing trips on here because they are too busy playing games with the red tape money grabbing  goofs.  

Stand in line on your birthday to get a sticker for a lic. Plate

what does this sticker do?   I want to fish instead 

You can buy ahead of time now, I believe they send it 3-4 months in advance and have it mailed to your house no extra charge.

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1 hour ago, leaf4 said:

You can buy ahead of time now, I believe they send it 3-4 months in advance and have it mailed to your house no extra charge.

License plate stickers are yet another example. Why are they even needed on a yearly basis? Why not autobill my credit card or something?

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Have any of you had to deal with the idiots at CRA? They've been hounding me for the last 4 months, on me supposedly being $10K in the rears on my corporate tax. I have the cashed cheque to prove I payed it; but they've lost the money somewhere in their system.  Just this week they found the money; it was sitting in my HST account? Now guess what I get in the mail yesterday. A bill from CRA for the interest and penalties on the $10K that they lost; IDIOTS!!! LOL


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2 hours ago, DanD said:

Have any of you had to deal with the idiots at CRA? They've been hounding me for the last 4 months, on me supposedly being $10K in the rears on my corporate tax. I have the cashed cheque to prove I payed it; but they've lost the money somewhere in their system.  Just this week they found the money; it was sitting in my HST account? Now guess what I get in the mail yesterday. A bill from CRA for the interest and penalties on the $10K that they lost; IDIOTS!!! LOL


That is unbelievable... Wow


"We messed up... Better make it look like we didn't, let's try and charge for our mistake!" ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

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