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I Quit Caffine Nf!


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Hi all,


Almost 2 years ago I quit smoking. Now i'm trying to quit caffeine and man i was totally not expecting it to be this hard. Its not as bad as quiting smoking but 5 straight days of headaches is not to much fun i tell ya.


Anybody quit caffeine have any pointers on getting by the first week? It has been 5 days now and still have headaches but not as bad as earlier this week.


Was totally not ready for the withdrawl symptoms like i was when i quit smoking!



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A bunch of years ago... I quit for 3 months.. the first few days were hard... but after a week i felt better than ever!!! Then I had a hard weekend and had a cup on monday... and havent quit since...


I do remember what a difference it made to how I felt .. and slept... I dont smoke or drink booze so its my only vice....


Good luck!!

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Good advice from ricoboxing, you haven't just cut the caffeine you've also cut the habit of having a hot drink, flavour of coffee etc.


I have cut down my caffeine over the past couple of years, rarely drink colas anymore and I drink much less coffee.


Sounds like you've already gone "cold turkey" but I found it easier to slowly cut down, first in number of cups of coffee and then mixing up caf & decaf.



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Coffee's a tough one to quit. You'll be over the headaches in a couple of more days, just keep taking the Advil. If you like the taste of coffee, drink decaf, there is only about 10-25% of the caffeine of normal coffee. We mix half decaf and half high test for our morning brew. (Try the president's choice decaf in the green tin, it's pretty good and doesn't taste watered down.)

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Over the years I have had to give up what some call coffee and I refer to as "liquid of the gods" a few times. The headaches are the worst! I have found that a nice pain releiver with caffeine in it helps ALOT...If I remember right, excedrin (if that is available in your area, can never keep my US and Canadian brands straight) worked best for me. Never worked for me to try tea etc while quitting, always found that it just made the mental withdrawl worse......Good luck and it will get better!!!




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thanks for the replies everyone. I did quit cold turkey. i am more a coke/pepsi guy then coffee guy. i have taken advil and it does take the edge off the headaches.


I am the type of person that has to quit cold turkey though. just like smoking no cutting back slowly just quit. if i slowly cut down on coffee and pop im sure that i will never kick the habit.


No Smoking, No Caffiene.......Thank god for my good pals barley and hops!


Thanks Again!



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I dont smoke or drink booze so its my only vice....


Good luck!!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good one TJ :rolleyes:


I don't drink caffiene and haven't for years. If I do I can really tell now in my heart rate and general feeling. I drink decaf tea and coffee and can't even tell the difference now.


Get over the first few weeks, but it won't be easy and I honestly can't remeber how I coped (probably vodka :D ), and you'll never go back. You can do it.



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If you want to quit the habit of drinking the caffeine products then cold turkey works . If you would like to taper off of the caffeine part and not associate it with the habit then Jolt Gum(caffeine laced gum) could help with the headaches. Caffeine dilates the blood vessels and a fast withdrawl is why you are getting the headaches. Cold turkey on a chemical addiction is not always the best way.



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Are Y O U commiting suicide?

Take my coffee away, my hubby would go out and buy a coffee factory....When the day was done!

I am not a pretty sight in the mornings!

Granted I used to be hooked on espresso, I did wean myself from it....


But no coffee at all....You are tougher than me!



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Good for you.

Keep it up. You'll feel better without that crap.


I've never been a coffee drinker or a smoker.

I'm not a big cola or chocolate fan either. Guess I'm just naturally high.

At least that's the story I'm sticking with. ;)


I don't even drink much alcohol, except for visits to and from friends or family........

and the odd swill with my OFC buds. :D

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I've probably been a coffee drinker for 8 or 9 years. Last year I stopped for 8 months, actually wasn't hard for me at the time. I simply worked out like a fiend and replaced my coffee with vanilla soya mixed with fruit. Funny thing is, my acid reflux went away as well, hmm. But I am drinking coffee again, but by choice, I like it, but only at most 2 a day, sometimes none. I used to get a strain in the back of my neck, figured my body was jonesinit for a coffee, but it goes away. Take some of that liquid gel advil, bam. Just takes time for your body\mind not to crave it. Now if I could only do that with smoking. :dunno: Good luck.

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