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Photobucket Grrrrrrrrrrr


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Like I as well as others on a fixed pension I use my phone to talk to people. Strange eh? I do have a text pen with a rubber dooey and actually text if I remember my reading goggles, otherwise I don't get a hold of some people. Some don't open voicemail anymore. I have a tablet and a laptop here. I will not pay for Data Usage because I don't need to be that connected. I know of I still had the business it would be a mandatory tool. But for me and many others the extra 75 or more I was quoted or what ever it is is just simply redundant. I know people that won't walk to the next room to use a PC and would rather strain to see what is on a 3" by 5" screen. I'm not talking about guys in business, these are roofers and stay at home Mom's and Grandmothers that pay a good chunk of change for their Apps. I don't get it. Heck my Weather app is still the Weather Rock. If there would still be clocks on our DVD players mine would be flashing 12,,,12,,,12,,,12 all day. I have turned into my parents. I am done for I truly believe. And to think I taught an introductory PC and Windows course in 95'.


What is the average cost per month Data Usage for you guys?

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I guarantee you fella's who are using a pc would see A LOT more pics if we could upload from mobile. Hell, I might even post reports again.



You can upload from your mobile. You just need the App. This is how I've been posting pictures to various sites for at least two years. Unfortunately, I'll probably be shifting my pics over to another hosting site because of these changes. I do not post pics for profit so I'm not paying anything for this service when there are other sites out there that I can use.

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I can't imagine the small businesses and hobbyists using PB are very happy at this point but, little in online media seems to suggest anyone can do a thing about this.

I've got a few ideas but I won't mention them here. Hopefully some of those small business guys and hobbyists are loose cannons.


This is extortion. From now on nobody will trust them with anything valuable. They obviously don't have a business plan for longevity. They're extorting money while they can. PB is a sinking ship.

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I've got a few ideas but I won't mention them here. Hopefully some of those small business guys and hobbyists are loose cannons.


This is extortion. From now on nobody will trust them with anything valuable. They obviously don't have a business plan for longevity. They're extorting money while they can. PB is a sinking ship.


Totally agreed Chris. But what the hell can anyone do about it? I'm just honestly hoping now, that all those using the place for free, leave soon. Those that can easily move out of their plans, do so ASAP. Businesses look to other hosts that are cheaper, and go! That this is just a temporary threat, nightmare or whatever.. to drastically thin the herd and see who or what remains. As has been said, don't want to even think of the costs ahead... or work... or both which may come of this.


Need a group of 10 to share an account there now, that'd maybe work under their new plan and rates for the 500 plus deal. But it'd still likely be the work to change everything that kills.

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I think it's only a matter of time before the lights go out for good with PB.


I refuse to pay so my PB account won't do third party hosting. I have a report on Mike's site and all the photos were toast. I tried to move my album to Mike's PB. I'm not the best with tech stuff but I spent a lot of time trying and I couldn't do it. I had to find all the pictures again on memory cards, upload them again and redo the report. It was tedious and not fun at all.


Maybe some tech guys can fairly easily move all those pictures and back them up? I'm thinking now is the time to do that though. There's a chance everything could be lost.


Dave and Rick, you guys are downloading albums off PB, have you tried upload them to another photo site? Mine were buggered up and wouldn't work.

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Who in Heavens name needs to save 5000 personal photos? M2B2 that's who. Take it from this older guy now that has about 10 huge boxes of faded photographs and slides some going back to 1800's that were my wife's Great Grand parents. The only time you look at a few of them is before you give them to the next generation or in her case some to the Niagara Historical Society.


But I get it otherwise I wouldn't have 10 boxes of the things.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Well, I have a vacation report I was going to put up, with pics. Now, I have no idea how I can post the pics, so no report from McGregor Bay from me.

If anyone has a recommendation, I'm all ears. I did set up an Imgur account, but I can't figure out how to move the pics from my pc to their web site. I am and will always be, a technical dunce!


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I can't get me photos off. Outta 5000 or so I got about 800 moved

The ones that you have moved, have you tried to do anything with them other than view them? I tried to move mine to other photo sites and it wouldn't work. I think coming off PB they are changed and not the same as the raw image that was uploaded. I wouldn't be surprised if PB did this on purpose.

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The ones that you have moved, have you tried to do anything with them other than view them? I tried to move mine to other photo sites and it wouldn't work. I think coming off PB they are changed and not the same as the raw image that was uploaded. I wouldn't be surprised if PB did this on purpose.

Actually, I haven't. I better try


Wow PB is gonna be boycotted very quick!

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I'm getting out my 35MM cameras and talking the film in to the Drug Store. I shouldn't have sold all my film processing stuff years ago. Just like wax records film is going to make a comeback.

Have you seen what a hasslebad is worth?


Photographers seek these old items for big bucks!

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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/qKqvG"><a href="//imgur.com/qKqvG">Bass</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>





oops, that didn't work

Edited by chris.brock
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Bass https://imgur.com/gallery/qKqvG


Turns out that was only imgur


All my photos went to Flickr, but I don't know how to post them?




Very easy!!!

Click on the picture you want to share.

Now click on the right facing arrow down in the bottom right corner.

Copy the BBCode and paste in your post.


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You can upload from your mobile. You just need the App. This is how I've been posting pictures to various sites for at least two years. Unfortunately, I'll probably be shifting my pics over to another hosting site because of these changes. I do not post pics for profit so I'm not paying anything for this service when there are other sites out there that I can use.

What App? Please explain. The PB App?? Yeah, no.



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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/qKqvG"><a href="//imgur.com/qKqvG">Bass</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>





oops, that didn't work

You clicked on the embed code not the BBCode tab on the share pic screen

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