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OFAH vs Town of Port Hope


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I can see that, those charges could easily be debated in court and waste tax payer's money in the court system, even if the guy is brutally guilty.


Catching someone fishing without a license is pretty cut and dry. So what's the advantage of catching someone fishing without 2 licences, the provincial licence and the Port Hope licence?


If the snagger buys 1 licence he could buy 2.


If not, it could be easily argued "I've got an Ontario licence, I didn't know you need another licence to fish here"


You'll probably ignore this but whatever, I think this is the wrong path to take.


Your points are well taken, Chris. And believe me, I don't like this situation any more than you do. We all pay more than enough taxes in this province as it is, we shouldn't have to buy yet another license because some people are goons.


Part of Port Hope's original proposal that got lost in all the fuss about another license was to simply ban fishing in town at night. I don't have a problem with this ..... IF that gives the cops something concrete they can charge poachers with. There's no arguing in court, you're either fishing in the dark or you're not. The snaggers can't wiggle out of those charges.


Let's face it, the worst of the carnage is the stuff that goes on at 2 in the morning when guys are down there slicing fish like Jack the Ripper. They can't really do that in daylight, when there are people around. So if banning night fishing gives the cops a concrete way to nail those idiots once and for all, then I would be willing to accept that. I'd like it even better if the fine was substantial.


The whole issue at Port Hope amounts to some idiots leaving trash all over and piles of sliced up fish to stink up the town. Get rid of those guys, and we're not even having this discussion.


I would have preferred to see OFAH work with Port Hope to find a solution - even supporting a night fishing ban - than to just dig in their heels and become antagonistic. That was disappointing, and it does nothing to solve the problem.

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As I understand it, they voted to ban night fishing in Port Hope on City parklands in the downtown so far which is fine. It's banned by MNR regulation on the saugeen, so why the MNR would leave this to council who knows. If they where smart they would ban night fishing for salmon entirely. Other than pier fishing, I've only ever seen headlampers and netters at night anyway.

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As I understand it, they voted to ban night fishing in Port Hope on City parklands in the downtown so far which is fine. It's banned by MNR regulation on the saugeen, so why the MNR would leave this to council who knows. If they where smart they would ban night fishing for salmon entirely. Other than pier fishing, I've only ever seen headlampers and netters at night anyway.



yes they did. fishing is banned from the dam down to the mouth from 8pm til 6am from mid august to sept 30. mnr probably left it to council to pass as a bylaw because it was too late to change the mnr regs, since the printed versions were already out

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It is not banned from the dam to the mouth it is banned from joyclin/molson street bridge to Robertson bridge from aig 15 to sept 30

There is a lot wrong with the fisheries act as well as the FWCA THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED


Edited by chessy
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Yup, lets impose a new law for the people who dont follow the laws... sounds legit



As with other topics (firearms!) this is simply another case of punishing law abiding citizens by creating more regulations that do nothing to reduce crime while making life harder for those who do follow the rules. Criminals don't follow the rules and some text on a piece of paper does nothing to help solve the problem.


Enforcement and making crooks pay is the only answer. Anything else is simply punishment for those who already follow the rules.

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if there is an issue with compliance with the regs and with garbage pickup, i see no issue with the town charging extra for policing and garbage cleanup, many pics always surface in sept and is a well known place that gets repeatedly abused, everyone mentions it needs extra enforcement, and i believe last year the local police started to assist with that

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There are many Chinese, Korean, Russian, Sir Lankin etc. that are fishing up threw town that are less than skilled anglers.


They are not the ones gutting fish for roe!


The ones gutting fish all own 12-15 foot rods walk around 2 k of cloths and are generally called Steelheaders.


And the crazy thing is I can gift a fish with or without the roe. It takes no brain power to pick them out.


Port Hope has 4 Tim Horton in a tiny town.


Port Hope has a 2% problem and they are proposing 80% solution. I think it will last one year until local small biz start screaming.


My problem is it will be the best year of my life so I say do it, here's my $40.


They are also open up a huge human rights/discrimination case. Everybody else can use parks just not anglers.

Edited by Garnet
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The graphic shows major purchases or investments attributed to angling - the same thing that the other tables you mention show, but this one broken down to purchases made specifically for fishing and not made for other purposes as well as fishing (like a truck or cottage, for example).


Someone who comes to Port Hope for the day to snag salmon already bring their own tackle with them, so we can take out the fishing equipment category altogether. They aren't coming to Port Hope to buy a boat, camping equipment, a truck or a cottage, so those categories can come out too. What's left is the "Other" expenditures.


For the entire province of Ontario, "Other Expenditures" total $27.8 million dollars in 2010, which is (amazingly) the most recent data available.


That is not "manipulating statistics" as you suggest. It is simple reality.


No, it's not reality. Tables A9 and A11 are completely separate and table A11 has nothing to do with the discussion here as it applies to major purchases only, i.e. boats, trucks, real estate, fishfinders, reels, etc. Table A9 is talking about stuff like transportation, lodging, food, charters, etc.


Read descriptions on pages 8 and 9.


As a result, the claim is that "the economic impact of fishing for all of Ontario is about $27.8 million" is incorrect, since, for example, Food and Lodging angling related expenditures alone exceed $325.6 mil.


And again, I don't care how it all applies to Port Hope, since without data it's all just guesswork, I just wanted to point out that ACTUAL economic impact of fishing for Ontario is much higher than $27.8 mil and in fact far exceeds $1 bil.


Now back to the Port Hope discussion. :jerry:

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It is not banned from the dam to the mouth it is banned from joyclin/molson street bridge to Robertson bridge from aig 15 to sept 30


There is a lot wrong with the fisheries act as well as the FWCA THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED




Except that above Jocelin st bridge is the sanctuary til the 401 and closed all year, maybe my wording could have been better?

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There are many Chinese, Korean, Russian, Sir Lankin etc. that are fishing up threw town that are less than skilled anglers.


They are not the ones gutting fish for roe!


The ones gutting fish all own 12-15 foot rods walk around 2 k of cloths and are generally called Steelheaders.




Which group would you say are the ones running around with pitch forks, gaffs and giant nets? Steelheaders as well? lol

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The slicers and dump are Steelheaders.


The less skilled anglers are there for food. It's true they my not always hook them in the mouth but they take them home and eat them.


The pitch, net crew as always poacher trash.


i've seen none english speaking folks do it as well, they eat the eggs, and leave the rest to rot


at the very least, take the fish home, feed it to your dog, fertilize your garden,do something with it besides leave it rotting on the bank

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My 2 cents ,

We moved just North of Cobourg (10 min to the Ganny) 1.5yrs ago. Previous to the move I lived 5 min from the Nottawasaga (Thornton area) and fished it at least 3 times a week in the Fall and spring for a long while.

I was spoiled , to say the least, i thought Angus could get bad LOL.

I now fish with numbers in excess of 100 on most days , Garbage is Insane, angler etiquette is non exsistant in most cases from everyone and not any particular race or culture. We've had idiots wearing 3000$ worth of gear try to grease me and my boy (7yrs) out of our spot because they're "locals" and we've dealt with others that likley didn't no any better sporting 20$ worth of gear.

There was one day last year that a few guys insisted me and my boy fish a prime spot and moved so he could get in there, they weren't locals and english was a second language .

Port Hope definitely has a problem , fall being the worst time. I've stood on the walking bridges as a spectater to the carnage and its INSANE!!


I also remember when Essa township implemented their fees , drove me nuts as a tax payer to the township, honestly only started buying one once my son started fishing with me as previosly I would only drift water i was likley not to encounter any other anglers on .

Even now the reality for that system (Notty) is pontoon boats and wanna be guides.

Still a great fishery though, Miss it!!

Unfortunately as seen in Essa, anglers will still disrespect the resources , seriously whats 40$, that doesn't even buy 3 Rapala's, and hardly a decent 24 of beer.

Theres no point to a fee , charge a fee and you lose the support of your "local " anglers , this actually does carry some clout ANYWHERE !

My opinion ... shut it down in the fall , use the same regs as now, South of the CNR bridge .

I've seen both sides ..... No one wins.

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