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Anyone fishing open water? And I'm acually going Ice Fishing!!

Old Ironmaker

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Rumour has it a few have been braving the wind and cold and launched their boats here on Erie and got into some nice Perch. I wouldn't think a fellow fisherman would lie. I'm not sure where they found emerald shiners, are they available? Maybe salties. It is tough getting Erie perch without either of them no matter what I see on TV Saturday mornings.


It wouldn't happen to be you would it Fish Farmer? I said I knew a few nuts from OFC that it might be. I'll tell you what though once it gets up into the low teens I am willing to think about it. I don't know if my snow suit still fits around the middle though. I should have bought the one with the elastic waist band.


I'll find out if it fits as we are heading to Calendar Bay Sunday for our reunion. Finalized with 10 of us going. 3 to a room and I'll take the physiatrists couch. No Busch Beans on the menu. Cousin Ralph and his Son-in-law are flying into Buffalo from Atlanta. His SIL has never seen a frozen anything let alone lake, a good ole southern boy. They wanted to know what are Long Johns and what in Heavens name is a Tuque? This should be fun.

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My jiggin hand is twitching, and my brain is on the Detroit river for some reason. I was going to hitch the boat the other day to head over to Huron for a half day but none of my regular crew was free! If this is the best of winter, I'm ready for spring. Otherwise freeze already and let's have atter!

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Yes Porkpie I hear you Sir. Please Mr. Winter make up your mind already, is it mid winter, late winter, early spring or what? I have seen the Sun for 10 minutes all year, maybe less. It's getting to me and everyone I know. I never thought I would ever in my life say it but I will take a bitter cold dry day with some snow on the ground with a bluebird sky than these plus 1 or 2 degree dreary, grey, wet, damp and deep bone throbbing days anytime. I swear I've gone through a case of Voltaren arthritic cream this month. We had the wood stove blazing at the shop today with the door open and everyone was fighting for the best spot in front of it. That dry heat felt so good. We probably were fighting to get some UV rays.


It used to be pass me the blunt now it's pass me the Voltaren.

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Pics, during a break head over to #1dock and throw a spoon off the rock wall. We have caught a few fish there. Blue and chrome Little Cleo was the ticket. Tell Pete Sch. I said it was OK.


Johnny D

I don't have security clearance for that area.. Plus that type of thing will get you fired. Pete himself got into some trouble driving over there... There used to be good perch fishing off the dock at Erie works about 10 years ago and the ramp stayed open late into the year... If the launch was available at Bayfront I'm sure a few boats would be going out.. There was a guy out sailing on the bay last week!!
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I really don't want to talk about my trip from Hell. We went out for the dusk bite the first afternoon we arrived. On the way back I felt my back tighten up from the people mover trailer smacking the ice. Woke in the middle of the night writhing in pain. My back was twisted like a pretzel and pain down the front of my thighs ending a 2 swollen knees. I knew it, I knew it, I knew my body wouldn't take the ride on the ice. I laid on the floor for 2 days while the guys fished. I couldn't even cook for them. I didn't think I would be good to travel yesterday AM. But I made out OK. I rode back in a mini van laying on my back. I loaded up on meds and a few sleeping pills. 8 hour ride that took 5 1/2 up. I'm not using a cane today. The boys took good care of my old ass.


The kid from Atlanta could not believe a lake that big could freeze. He also never felt cold like that and we told him it wasn't cold at all. The nutbar stripped down to his gotchees and went outside to time himself until he couldn't take the cold anymore. Of course they locked all the doors.


The boys caught a few small Pics the first afternoon and only a few Monday and Tuesday. I lost a nice Pike at the hole the first afternoon. The fishing was terrible, no more Nipissing for me unless it's the West Arm and that saddens me, it's where I caught my first real fish and learned how to tie a knot.


The "cottage" we stayed in was a luxury vacation home we got through a friend of a friend, granite counter tops, stainless appliances, jet tub, 4 bedrooms 3 baths, it was a surprise as we were told it was a shack before we got there. We told the southern boy all our camps are like that. They all had a good time though and that's what it was all about. That's it for me ever going out on the ice again unless I can walk out.


I'm so happy you asked TJames and now I'm having a anxiety attack.

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I really don't want to talk about my trip from Hell. We went out for the dusk bite the first afternoon we arrived. On the way back I felt my back tighten up from the people mover trailer smacking the ice. Woke in the middle of the night writhing in pain. My back was twisted like a pretzel and pain down the front of my thighs ending a 2 swollen knees. I knew it, I knew it, I knew my body wouldn't take the ride on the ice. I laid on the floor for 2 days while the guys fished. I couldn't even cook for them. I didn't think I would be good to travel yesterday AM. But I made out OK. I rode back in a mini van laying on my back. I loaded up on meds and a few sleeping pills. 8 hour ride that took 5 1/2 up. I'm not using a cane today. The boys took good care of my old ass.


The kid from Atlanta could not believe a lake that big could freeze. He also never felt cold like that and we told him it wasn't cold at all. The nutbar stripped down to his gotchees and went outside to time himself until he couldn't take the cold anymore. Of course they locked all the doors.


The boys caught a few small Pics the first afternoon and only a few Monday and Tuesday. I lost a nice Pike at the hole the first afternoon. The fishing was terrible, no more Nipissing for me unless it's the West Arm and that saddens me, it's where I caught my first real fish and learned how to tie a knot.


The "cottage" we stayed in was a luxury vacation home we got through a friend of a friend, granite counter tops, stainless appliances, jet tub, 4 bedrooms 3 baths, it was a surprise as we were told it was a shack before we got there. We told the southern boy all our camps are like that. They all had a good time though and that's what it was all about. That's it for me ever going out on the ice again unless I can walk out.


I'm so happy you asked TJames and now I'm having a anxiety attack.


When did you go and who was leading the trip? Sounds like you might have been with my father in law, name's Mike?


This time of year Nipissing really slows down. There's a good 2-4 week lull where the catching isn't so good. But it shouldn't have been that bad. I was at the shack with the wife last night and did fine. Last weekend I went alone and blew through a dozen minnows in no time.


I would suggest moving your trip to the 1st or 2nd week of opener. I guarantee you'll do muuuuuuch better.


Hope the back improves though :).

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Thanks for the well wishes guys, feeling better, Get older but don't get old. Sterling, there was a guy named Mike, he's my brother. Unless my niece is secretly married he's not the same Mike. I know opener at Nip is always best, the trip was booked when it was because of scheduling 10 guys together at the same time. I knew it wouldn't be great. When you have 5 pairs of boots banging around inside a hut fish tend to not bite. This wasn't about serious ice fishing. Eating, serious, Texas Hold Em', serious, very serious, drinking without someone saying you had enough, deadly serious.


It wasn't about the fishing this trip, it was the journey, the destination and a 35 year reunion for 6 of us. 3 guys didn't have anything ice fishing related to bring. Plenty of tackle to go around. Who knows maybe I'll go in 35 years from now. I'll only be 97, my Dad will be 90 in a few months. Nona lived to be 96 and was working in the garden the day she died.

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I believe that Nipissing's glory days are in the rear view mirror.


But yes, a fishing trip with buddies does not need a lot of fish to be successful. In fact, the BEST ice fishing trip I ever did was four or maybe five days and I did not wet a line! :whistling:


OIM do you wear a back brace when you are out? I find that the brace makes a huge difference when I am riding my ATV and when doing any lifting at all, even light stuff, and when ice fishing, sitting on my chair looking down the hole. In all cases, it saves a bunch of Robaxacets.



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My back brace is in a bag somewhere around here along with my wrist, elbow, neck, knee and ankle braces. I kid you not. I need a brain brace.

I HEAR ya!


I used to visit a physiotherapist for chronic epicondylitis (tennis elbow). I was the only patient she ever heard of who got it from filleting so many fish...........


But the rest of them are not so bad compared to the agony your back can give you! Hence the back brace..............



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Funny you mention he tennis elbow, I got my tennis elbow from trolling in fast water on the Ottawa. The Dr. wouldn't write out a script for a rod holder. It flairs up if I swing a hammer, so I put my hammer away and drive screws instead.




I was remiss in not answering you. So you were one of those nuts braving the ice flows. Today actually looks and feels like winter here on Erie. About 150 yards of the same stuff in your pics here today. Must have been cold last night, nothing on the shoreline yesterday except for the pair of Eagles hunting. So wonderful to see considering when I grew up in Hamilton we had 2 species of birds, brown ones and black ones. I remember asking a buddy who is an outdoorsman once while golfing. " Mario, what is the name of that bird? The black one with the red wings". I really did so help me.

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Funny you mention he tennis elbow, I got my tennis elbow from trolling in fast water on the Ottawa. The Dr. wouldn't write out a script for a rod holder. It flairs up if I swing a hammer, so I put my hammer away and drive screws instead.




I was remiss in not answering you. So you were one of those nuts braving the ice flows. Today actually looks and feels like winter here on Erie. About 150 yards of the same stuff in your pics here today. Must have been cold last night, nothing on the shoreline yesterday except for the pair of Eagles hunting. So wonderful to see considering when I grew up in Hamilton we had 2 species of birds, brown ones and black ones. I remember asking a buddy who is an outdoorsman once while golfing. " Mario, what is the name of that bird? The black one with the red wings". I really did so help me.

I'm pretty sure you have at least 2 mental disorders, and you're a genius.


Frig your posts are awesome???


(And mods, he's a friend. Just joking)

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The big Nip has been absolutely incredible for us this year and anyone else familiar with the lake and is willing to put at least a little bit of work in. Nothing to reach triple digits of walleye in a weekend between two guys, and we get keepers every trip out. Just because you sat (or in your case, laid) in a shack in CBay and didn't catch much of anything is not at all representative of where the fishery is going. Any operator who is half way serious about putting his clients on good walleye fishing is not setting up in Callander bay.

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A brain brace?? Now that is a good one! Sorry to hear of the pain you're going through. Joey's statement is bang on about operators setting up in Callendar Bay. Any good reports I ever read says the guys getting some nice walleye are with operator's who are set up on the south shore. Lottsa fish but many are under the slot. I believe you can only have 2 walleye over 18.3" in your possession. So, my way of thinking is, 2 fish over 18" for the frying pan is great. Catch & release the others is still a lot of fun!

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