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Loose Lips Sink Ships

Old Ironmaker

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Also Ive yet to find a picture with GPS coords online. Most cameras dont put Geotags.


Post a fishing picture, I can tell you if it has GPS coords or not.



I had to tell a well known guide on Simcoe to remove the GPS tags from his pics which were posted on this site.

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All you had to do is go where we did today to see the results. :excl:

Why not meet in Coppa's parking lot and talk outside the truck and give away the secrets. make sure no guys in black cars or wearing long coats in the summer are around!


Years ago My buddy John Powers (Toronto Star) wrote and article about Owen Sound Harbor ice fishing what a mess he created, he meant wel, there were no operators back then but with in weeks it was full. The Cronzy did the same thing during fall migration!

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Spincast, yep sure not as observant as I once was. I didn't even know that stat was available after 4000 posts. And I didn't know a visitor could actually be a spam bot whatever that type of robot is. I picture the Tin Man standing on a corner in a sandwich board.

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Mr. Bunker, you could give GPS readings for some of the places you fish up north and I gaurentee not .01 of 1% of the lurkers will go there. Even for Southern On. you can say the Ottawa and then they have to pick a spot, good luck to them. I just say at the head of the fast water, go find some.


For the Bay of Quinte we have limited out and our other boat 20 feet from us got skunked because of, location, presentation or population, or they just stink at fishing

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Another story.


3 years back my dad txted me pics of his neighbour hammering huge lakers through the ice on upper manitou and claiming he had the best spot.


My dad was curious where it was since we fished manitou a fair amaount with laker success but nothing near that size.


Within 5 minutes I had gps coordinates to the spot and texted the photo to me dad. Needless to say he was shocked.


Then began the lesson of shutting off gps location while taking pics.


Never did fish the spot but my dad did, and bragged to the kid about the spot at work to the guy who sent him the pics.


He was totally dumbfounded... my dad taught him the lesson as well lol

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I came across an app some time ago that literally posted date, time, species and lures used to catch fish. Oh and gps locations.


Cant recall what it was called but it was pretty gnarly concept for blowing up spots


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Over the past 40 years I've heard blame for over fishing placed on just about everything. Originally the blame was put on books and magazines. A lot of people grumbled about hot spot information being given out in the Molson Big Fish Contest. Then there is always the TV pro. Now we want to blame the internet. There is a grain of truth in all the accusations.

Don't forget to blame all those advertisers and sponsors hoping the generate traffic in their tourist areas. Tournament fishing plays it's part as well. There has been more than one tourny pro willing to sell GPS hotspots at $5 a spot on the internet.

Lets face reality here. Any fishing spot within reasonable distance of a major urban center is going to see a lot of fishing pressure. We are just starting to experience, in southern Ontario, what most of Europe and much of the eastern USA has experienced for quite some time. Toronto's sprawl now extends well beyond Barrie. We have only ourselves to blame. But if it makes everyone feel better, and smug, just carry on using the forums as the latest scapegoat. Maybe next year we'll be blaming RC drones.

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Yep sounds like thats the one, you spot poacher you


Now all of ofc is downloading the app lol

All the lurkers have it I bet. I haven't logged into it in a few years cause it was tagging my stuff and I had to manually removed it all.

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All the lurkers have it I bet. I haven't logged into it in a few years cause it was tagging my stuff and I had to manually removed it all.

I bet you are correct.


I dont have any fishing apps other than navionics, and this is the only site I frequent. I must have heard of the app on here. Woulda been in my iphone days though.


And bruce speaking truth

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I bet we would all be surprised how many people are putting online reports under the microscope looking for spots and tips, the closer to the GTA the more vulnerable.


Gotta admit, I've done it myself.


It's easier surfing than actually trying lakes and spots doing trial and error.

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Bruce I don't think it is accusations by divulging locations on purpose or by accident, it more like what just happens. Out here on Erie I can give you way points and you will get skunked at the same location an hour from now and may never mark a fish there for the rest of the year. You might not be in the general location as to where they are tomorrow. Small feeder creeks and streams for sure, they can't take pressure like a big lake. The only thing I get from these 30 minute infomercials they call fishing shows today is what truck or tire to buy or what kind of Seagar line Charlie is using today. But they can screw up big time. A few years ago Izumi filmed a show on a smallish feeder creek going into Erie. They even said the name of the town and I won't. They hammered a species of fish, big fish, and showed their presentation. I said to Ted I bet that spot will be packed tomorrow because it was the same time of year and to on TV now it was filmed last year. Sure enough latter in the week we find our way into town and drive to the spot you can see from the road. No less than 6 boats because that was what would fit. A dozen more where fishing close by. We went to the only slip in town and every truck had plate keepers and dealership tags from TO or farther. I emailed him about my displeasure and he emailed me back apologizing, he was wrong he admitted.


There have always been an infinity for some anglers to learn others "honey holes". You can go back to the old "I will take you there but I need to blind fold you." My brothers former father-in-law actually told me the only way he would take me is if he blind folded me. I laughed, he didn't. This was 30 years ago. It was a hot spot. A small creek in the back woods where you could see the Smallies sitting there in fast water stacked up like cord wood. They hit anything you threw at them. It was a feeder creek on a smaller size river running into a Great Lake. I had to promise him on my mother and fathers lives and make it believable before we left home. His son who came with us was none to happy about it. The walk to the creek was covert. I have been known to embellish but I swear this is how you got there. He knew the guy in the Pro Shop at the golf course we needed to cross. The only way to get there other than to walk the river a few tough miles through the Mekong Delta. You slung a bag over your shoulder with clubs and rod and reel in it. Put a few hooks jigs, 1 or 2 floating Rappalas and split shot in a knap sack along with a canteen of water and headed to # ? Tee. Hid the bag in the grass and walked a 1/2 mile in. Only enough fish were kept for supper at the camp grounds.


That's keeping a spot secret and I have only shown 1 other person in my life. I had to Marry her to keep the secret safe. That isn't true I had to send her to live in Guam.


As far as honey holes. I have limited out when the boat parked not 12 feet from us was skunked on Klotz Lake. The same goes for trolling on The Bay of Quinte, our buddies boat trolling right next to us limited out when we never got a hit. Everything the same besides the 20 feet, same depth, same plug, line same everything except the guy holding the rods.

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Over the past 40 years I've heard blame for over fishing placed on just about everything. Originally the blame was put on books and magazines. A lot of people grumbled about hot spot information being given out in the Molson Big Fish Contest. Then there is always the TV pro. Now we want to blame the internet. There is a grain of truth in all the accusations.

Don't forget to blame all those advertisers and sponsors hoping the generate traffic in their tourist areas. Tournament fishing plays it's part as well. There has been more than one tourny pro willing to sell GPS hotspots at $5 a spot on the internet.

Lets face reality here. Any fishing spot within reasonable distance of a major urban center is going to see a lot of fishing pressure. We are just starting to experience, in southern Ontario, what most of Europe and much of the eastern USA has experienced for quite some time. Toronto's sprawl now extends well beyond Barrie. We have only ourselves to blame. But if it makes everyone feel better, and smug, just carry on using the forums as the latest scapegoat. Maybe next year we'll be blaming RC drones.


X2 I concur my friend.

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Chris Brock, is one named Huzzaba? I actually don't mind helping our friend Huzz because he is just starting fishing later in life like I did and I got help from old timers at work mostly and bought every mag and watched everything fishing. But I get a bit warm when I spend time to give someone, not just Huzz, detailed info only to find they didn't go. Did they pass it on, never thought of that once before this thread. There is an example of sending a PM to someone and inadvertently putting out info one maybe should not. Huzz buddy, don't forget, loose lips sink ships.

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You guys suck. Nobody posts reports in my area for me to steal.


Yall fly down in fancy planes drinking patron and staying at the ritz, fishing with guides and smoking cubans, cant even name the lake if yall wanted too.


Be back in abit, the red green show is on

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