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OK, I'll open the can of worms, US Presidential Election thread

Old Ironmaker

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It really does boggle ones mind that a person could actually vote for Trump.....then again the Terminator was the governor of California and Jessie the Body Ventura the governor of Minnesota.....having said that voting for a Clinton is not something to be proud about either given their sorted criminal past....good luck with your election....

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Does anyone out here really think the President of the U.S. actually "runs" the country? Or determines policy? Or even has a real "agenda" to push? You want to be nominated for president in the U.S.? All you really need is money...and a lot of it. Without it, you have no chance...and I mean none.


Donald or Hillary. Doesn't really matter...they're not running the country.

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Does anyone out here really think the President of the U.S. actually "runs" the country? Or determines policy? Or even has a real "agenda" to push? You want to be nominated for president in the U.S.? All you really need is money...and a lot of it. Without it, you have no chance...and I mean none.


Donald or Hillary. Doesn't really matter...they're not running the country.


Exactly, vote for the party that best represents your point of view, just have to hold your nose a lot tighter in the US this election. My wife is a US citizen , I don't talk politics at home :ninja:

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T Bone has hit a nail squarely on it's head. How can 1 person rule the world.


Canadave, that Joe McCarthy statement you made saying it has been proven he was a great American patriot has me questioning anything you may write in the future. From what I have read over the years my take is he was a delusional racist. I am going to go out and read that book though before I make any statements to the contrary about McCarthy. 60 Minutes just yesterday did a piece on the Rosenberg's. Guilty, darn right they were, but Mrs. Rosenberg's crimes did not warrant an execution that was based on fabricated testimony given during the trial. That admission of perjury came from the lips of the witness that committed the perjury, Mrs. Rosenberg's own brother whom she recruited.

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Old Iron Maker .. I hope you do read that book. I fortunately came across it accidently in a thrift store in Alabama two winters ago. The information is highly researched and documented. The Rosenbergs gave atomic information to history's second greatest mass murderer Joseph Stalin which enabled the U'S.S.R. to develop the atomic bomb. That being the case I hope they were slow roasted in the electric chair. What's very scary is that Robert Oppenheimer, the head of the Manhatten project was also likely passing on nuclear secrets to Stalin. Soviet moles in the American government at the time were estimated at over 300 and the State department was the most extensively infiltrated. I checked it out for you and it's available on Amazon for $1.26 plus $3.99 shipping. If you do get it let me know what you think.

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manitoubass2 It's scary that a total fraud like Obama was elected twice and a pathological incompetent liar and power monger like Hilary will likely be the next Prez. Joe Biden is nothing less than a clown and he made it to the number 2 position. John Kerry is also a narcissistic con artist and could have been court-martialled for incompetence. He was hated by the men under him (read the Swift Boaters) when he as a 90-day wonder commanded a swift boat in Vietnam. He recommended himself for two purple hearts for scratches that wouldn't require a Band-Aid. I'm old enough to remember him making a speech as an anti-war demonstrator, accusing the American troops of being war criminals. The head of the Romanian KGB who defected to the U.S. in 1979 stated that that lie was created by the KGB of the Soviet Union and there was Kerry being their useful idiot mouth piece and he made it to Secretary of State.

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but there's a chance he would surround himself with good people and I'd be hoping they'd do whatever it takes to keep him in line.



Very small chance. Why would good people want to taint their reputation by associating with a moral degenerate such as Trump??


O I--I think you should do your duty as a citizen and choose the best of a bad bunch.

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Old Iron Maker .. I hope you do read that book. I fortunately came across it accidently in a thrift store in Alabama two winters ago. The information is highly researched and documented. The Rosenbergs gave atomic information to history's second greatest mass murderer Joseph Stalin which enabled the U'S.S.R. to develop the atomic bomb. That being the case I hope they were slow roasted in the electric chair. What's very scary is that Robert Oppenheimer, the head of the Manhatten project was also likely passing on nuclear secrets to Stalin. Soviet moles in the American government at the time were estimated at over 300 and the State department was the most extensively infiltrated. I checked it out for you and it's available on Amazon for $1.26 plus $3.99 shipping. If you do get it let me know what you think.

Ill be reading this as well.


Just outta curiousity, who is the worlds #1 mass muderer???

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Right now, I don't think anyone is at liberty to believe anything either side says about the other. As far as anyone is concerned, the person they aren't voting for might as well be Satan him/herself. And in this day and age where everyone lives in a nice cozy echo chamber where their opinions are never refuted and their bias is constantly reaffirmed there's no way to change anyone's opinion. It's become so much us against them. There's plenty of evidence that the GOP made a conscious effort to disagree with everything Obama tried to accomplish, even things they agreed on. There's a classic case just recently where they over-rode a veto on a bill that was intended to allow victims families of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia because they apparently sponsored terrorists. But in turn it would in-turn allow foreign countries to sue the US for terror related issues such as civilian deaths during bombing raids. They then immediately regretted doing so, but tried to blame Obama anyway because he didn't express exactly how against it he was, as if a veto doesn't quite get the message across. I wouldn't at all put it past the Democrats to do the exact same thing if Trump were elected (be it for good reasons or not). It's too bad this is the state of affairs we live in now, where progress can't be made because of how much we disrespect the other "side" and are so willing to believe every negative thing said about them simply because we don't like them and it sounds true. Even fact checkers can't be trusted, because if they say something isn't true or the facts don't agree with what we think should be true, they're obviously biased.


Thanks for letting me vent. This us vs. them mentality needs to stop. The world will not end just because of an election. The whole thing has been a major black eye to the US and the state of democracy everywhere.

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You see Canadave. The Rosenburg's gave the Soviets secret documents that enabled them to develop an Atomic bomb? No, not really. It was actually a pencil drawn sketch without dimensions or to scale that was absolutely useless to anyone. I think you should watch yesterdays 60 Minute piece on the Rosenberg's and get back to me on that one. M2B2 has some Tinfoil hats for sale.


And I am looking forward to reading it and I will definitely read with an open mind and tell you what I think.


Sircranksalot, I could never cast a vote in that election with a clear conscious. If I did I'll write in Kattie Wynne, maybe they will take her, she might even be a better choice than the 2 they have.

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Thanks for your suggestion. As I mentioned, we know exactly what Clinton would continue to do, and she could not be unseated because her supporters are willing to overlook the worst of her actions. If/when Trump messes up he would be chased off in a short time and a very capable Pence would become president.


Hillary is certain disaster. I learned more about her from Kris Paronto at an event 10 days ago. She is bad, very bad.


Electing Trump has a chance to work for us.

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Yes Netminder I agree 100% what you say. If Trump does win Congress and the Senate will be in the hands of the Democrats and they will block every bill just because they can.


The Republicans knew exactly that allowing law suits against the Saudi's would open the US government to law suits for co-lateral damage during military action, what a mess that will be. It might be the right thing to do though. You bomb my home and kill my family because you missed and I get a general apology from the State Dept? That won't re build my home or bring back my family but a few million US dollars may help. They might think twice before they pull the trigger then.


TennesseGuy, Maybe that is the plan all along, to get Pence into the Oval Office.

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ckeyley ... This'll keep ya busy for a while.


Fool Me Twice

Culture of Corruption

Red Army

Courting Disaster

The Amateur

The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama

Obama Zombies

The Manchurian President

The Case Against Barack Obama

Deconstructing Obama

No He Can't

Conduct Unbecoming

Crimes Against Liberty

Obama's America

No Higher Power

Shadow Warrior

Judicial Watch (This one will make you want to start a revolution and string up Obama)

Treason ( One of a few by Ann Coulter that talks about Obama)

I had a few more that I have since given away but I can't remember the titles. It was probably something like Hilary and Obama should be strung up, drawn and quartered and bull upon.


Books on the Clintons


Hell to Pay

Clinton's Secret Wars

The Final Days


Because He Can


Hilary's Secret Wars

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ... Dossier on Hilary Clinton


One of my favourites on a different subject (Senator Joe McCarthy) is:

Blacklisted by History This is a 600 pager on how not only has it since been proven that Joe McCarthy was a great American patriot but he was totally innocent of charges against him and the infiltration of the American government was far worse than he claimed. Since the end of the Cold War, KGB records and records from the Venona Project, a CIA counter-espionage project at the time of McCarthy proved that every name McCarthy mentioned, were in fact KGB agents including Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs that the left to this day love to genuflect to. It's a national crime that 60 years later his name is associated with infamy.


Talking about Media bias....


I'm guessing the list above is a great place to start for Media bias. To fact check I started with "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", written by Mondo Frazier. Simon and Schuster who published the book states about the author, "Mondo Frazier is a graduate of West Liberty State University, Mondo Frazier is founder/editor/writer at Death by a Thousand Papercuts and has published more than 2,000 articles online". Death by a 1000 papercuts is an online blog of poor quality. He gives us nuggets such as this post,"The Bible says that in the end times, it will be mostly fables which are believed. Here are five of the most popular fables told in the those buildings known as the churches".


There is no credible review of his book. The author doesn't even rate a wikipedia page. The only known quantity to review his book is the National Enquirer, "The explosive tell-all by take-no-prisoners blogger Mondo Frazier reveals the command­er in chief is a “chain-smok­ing wreck” who could be hooked on prescrip­tion drugs, and claims he may have spied for the CIA in col­lege". The author goes on to boast, “I’ve uncovered that Presi­dent Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep the details of his past hidden,” Frazier told The ENQUIRER. “This new book will surely impact his re-election campaign.”


In a nutshell we have a nutbar who authors an Obama hatchet job and a major publishing house publishes his book and brags about a blogger/author??!


Neo-cons seem to believe anything if they are fed by the right teat. That anyone would still think that the Birther movement isn't dead, or push titles such as the ones above prove my point. We now have industries of misinformation for profit and flat out propaganda. Hitler and Gobbles would be proud. That Paul Ryan can get up and say that 70% of the American people want change and then fail to be at all accountable for his own parties failings in this regard is totally mind boggling. People don't want the Bull crap anymore.

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Talking about Media bias....


I'm guessing the list above is a great place to start for Media bias. To fact check I started with "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", written by Mondo Frazier. Simon and Schuster who published the book states about the author, "Mondo Frazier is a graduate of West Liberty State University, Mondo Frazier is founder/editor/writer at Death by a Thousand Papercuts and has published more than 2,000 articles online". Death by a 1000 papercuts is an online blog of poor quality. He gives us nuggets such as this post,"The Bible says that in the end times, it will be mostly fables which are believed. Here are five of the most popular fables told in the those buildings known as the churches".


There is no credible review of his book. The author doesn't even rate a wikipedia page. The only known quantity to review his book is the National Enquirer, "The explosive tell-all by take-no-prisoners blogger Mondo Frazier reveals the command­er in chief is a “chain-smok­ing wreck” who could be hooked on prescrip­tion drugs, and claims he may have spied for the CIA in col­lege". The author goes on to boast, “I’ve uncovered that Presi­dent Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees to keep the details of his past hidden,” Frazier told The ENQUIRER. “This new book will surely impact his re-election campaign.”


In a nutshell we have a nutbar who authors an Obama hatchet job and a major publishing house publishes his book and brags about a blogger/author??!


Neo-cons seem to believe anything if they are fed by the right teat. That anyone would still think that the Birther movement isn't dead, or push titles such as the ones above prove my point. We now have industries of misinformation for profit and flat out propaganda. Hitler and Gobbles would be proud. That Paul Ryan can get up and say that 70% of the American people want change and then fail to be at all accountable for his own parties failings in this regard is totally mind boggling. People don't want the Bull crap anymore.

Amen to that!! When folks start quoting National Enquirer quality stuff as the gospel truth we have a long way to go to get back to a reasonable discussion!!!


The one thing I know for sure is that if Trump loses it will be somebody else's fault, not his. The infallable one does not lose!!




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