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it is justice that these 2 pieces of human feces got life terms.

I feel for the family's of Tim, they are sentenced to a life time of grief..

May they find a way to ease the pain.



As for the convicted persons--may they rot in hell !!!!!

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Killing somebody over a stupid truck!! How cold blooded and merciless can anyone get? Don't ever want to hear their names again. Throw away the key!!!

Dunno if it was over the truck. I think they just wanted to murder someone for the sake of killing someone. That's so messed up.


There was an article where they interviewed the person who was targeted before Bosma. Because the previous target was 6'4", 220lbs, and served in the Israeli military, they took a pass on him. But ya, that first guy was pretty shaken up to have learned that he was a potential target.

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Finally the Canadian Justice System gets it right






Now the taxpayers get to pay for these 2 scum balls for 25 years, to keep them safe from other inmates, not to mention a very costly court case, they should have been killed immediately the proof and DNA was enormous,

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Killing somebody over a stupid truck!! How cold blooded and merciless can anyone get? Don't ever want to hear their names again. Throw away the key!!!


not cold blooded nor merciless. millard is basically pure evil personified imo. pure evil, the likes of which we haven't seen since bernardo and homolka

Edited by woodenboater
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The sad thing is since those 2 things were charged I often forgot the name of the innocent victim Tim Bosma and could only remember the names of those examples of human waste. I want 10 minutes in a room with those 2 piece's of crap. I'm sure they will have a adventurous stay in Kingston, they wanted adventure now they have it. Enjoy your stay boys and don't drop the soap.

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The sad thing is since those 2 things were charged I often forgot the name of the innocent victim Tim Bosma and could only remember the names of those examples of human waste. I want 10 minutes in a room with those 2 piece's of crap. I'm sure they will have a adventurous stay in Kingston, they wanted adventure now they have it. Enjoy your stay boys and don't drop the soap.

Kingston is closed....... Maybe Millhaven? No doubt will be kept in PC.....


FnA, given the new manditory sentencing laws, they are not even able to apply for parole until they have served their sentence which is considered life (25 years) only after 25 years can they apply..... Correct?


Given the additional charges against them.. I highly doubt these scum bags will ever see outside of the prison walls again. Two more murder trials to go.... I hope the Crown persues them..


I'm sure the Bosma family is elated to see the sentencing brought down on these d-bags.... While it will never bring Tim home, the justice system worked and those responsible will probably never see the light of day again.... Except for their "yard time"


One can only hope they are put in the general population.....(doubtful) justice will be served up prison style.




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Listened to Roy Green today on CHML. He had a criminal Attorney on, if the one that has been charged with 1st degree murder for his father and girlfriend Laura Babcock and is convicted he may never see the light of day again as it is possible he would serve concurrent sentences that will be 75 years. That is unless he lives past 100 and I hope he does. A hangmans noose would be the easy way out. The other one faces a 1st degree murder as well I think I heard, not 100% certain.


I will never utter their names again if I can help it as notoriety was one of their highs.

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I'm glad for the conviction, but this just means we, as a society, need to pay with our tax dollars for these two scumbags to be holed up in jail for the next 25yrs. What a waste of money! I say bring back the death penalty!

The guards just need to turn their backs for a minute. Justice is done and taxpayer off the hook like they did with Geoffrey Dahmer.

Prison justice.

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Killing them is their easy way out. I'll pay my taxes to watch them rot away in prison. They should amputate a limb one at a time, when healed cut off another one. I can't remember being so incensed by a crime like this one. Maybe because it's so close to home. They must live in pain for the rest of their natural born lives. And that POS right hand man of POS #1 has been charged for the murder of Laura Babcock as well.

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