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NF rant about animal neglect accusations


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Today, a picture of our cat pops on on facebook as missing, by a lady that lives 2 doors down?


My 14 year old daughter goes to get our cat and the lady reams her out about animal abuse/neglect and sends her on her way shouting"this is private property! Im calling the police!"


So needless to say she comes home in tears.


Wife is furious, walks over with my 1 month old son bundled on her shoulder to see what the issue is and to get our cat back.


Same response, except this time she says your being charged for trespassing. While my wife is walking away! Then she yells this gem, "whats in that sling? Another darn cat? Move back to the rez where you can do whatever the __ you wanna do with animals"!


Are you friggen kidding me?


Needless to say OPP returned our cat and pressed no charges.


What is with some people? It was plus 12 and we let the cat out. Big deal!


Now, because of protocal the SPCA I think its called has to follow up with us about animal abuse claims.


Frig. What a waste of time and tax payers money

Edited by manitoubass2
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Be glad it's only your cat.. we had one next door that called children's aid on us and said we neglected our kids back in '89. Just a jealous busy body that couldn't bare her own and could not handle a young couple living next door with three kids, that owned their own house, at 24 year old.

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5 days off the smokes guys!


Im a little peaved but not too mad.


Just boggles my mind that some people are so into others business.


She even went on to tell the police we beat our dogs lol


Oh really? never ever would that happen.


And the officer gladly came out back and met them? of course like "abused dogs" they proceeded to love him right up hahaah

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Oh and just do make a funny.


So im sitting talking with OPP. Hes truck creeks backwords, "um you got your truck in park"?


Yeah, its just not a good truck


So we are chatting abit more about the situation, i apologized for the inconvenience, said im sure you have better thing to do?


Not really! I hope it stays quiet this week cause i go on vaca next week.


I said well i hope the weather stays like this! Now watch itll go to minus 30!


Crap, sorry i said that, is your truck made of wood?


Might as well be, piece of crap ????

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While my wife is walking away! Then she yells this gem, "whats in that sling? Another darn cat? Move back to the rez where you can do whatever the __ you wanna do with animals"!


Wow! Real classy 'lady'(is that what you called her??). If you didn't tell her where to go after a statement like that you have more patience than I have!!

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Lol that's too funny, ask them if they ever watch Yukon men the one in Tanana on the Alaska river, they raise and train those sled dogs and have them outdoors 100% of the time in friggin Alaska! Haha

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Wow! Real classy 'lady'(is that what you called her??). If you didn't tell her where to go after a statement like that you have more patience than I have!!

I wasnt there at the time, but my wife is more than capable and handled it well? and recorded it?


But yeah, thats just a horrible thing to say, by anyone IMO

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Lol that's too funny, ask them if they ever watch Yukon men the one in Tanana on the Alaska river, they raise and train those sled dogs and have them outdoors 100% of the time in friggin Alaska! Haha

We have two malamutes and one siberian.


Go ahead, -40 bring em inside. You aint gonna sleep though as they beg to get back outside lol

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Be glad it's only your cat.. we had one next door that called children's aid on us and said we neglected our kids back in '89. Just a jealous busy body that couldn't bare her own and could not handle a young couple living next door with three kids, that owned their own house, at 24 year old.

Thats a whole other level of brutal stupidity.


Sorry to hear

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Some people don't have lives and need attention. She's a crack pot. Did she just move there because crack pots are usually cracked the day they move in next to you. Bake her some cookies or maybe a few Brownies and a bag of chips.

Never met her(nor do I care too lol), not really a way to make friends imo.


Maybe a few pot brownies? ????


Seriously though,



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That's brutal, what a nosy nelly. Some cats just like to be outside, as my Felix did, rest his soul :) He was a great cat and for some reason, loved to be outside on the worst days. Thunderstorms with torrential downpours were his fave :dunno:


Just ignore her ignorant statements and continue on with your happy family and life. Hope she doesn't cause too much more trouble in the future.

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So I just looked up the SPCA




"Help bring winter in from the cold"????


I wanna swear sooo bad.


Its a husky!!!!!!!!

We had 150 huskies when I worked at as a dog sled guide in Canmore Alberta. They all had their own house that was pretty much 4 walls of plain wood. Those dogs were out night and day and were just fine. Some people. : /

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We had 150 huskies when I worked at as a dog sled guide in Canmore Alberta. They all had their own house that was pretty much 4 walls of plain wood. Those dogs were out night and day and were just fine. Some people. : /

I hear ya! -40 even you can put your hands on them and feel the heat generated.


Im not sure how diet effects this but our dogs eat probably pretty similar to those who have them further up north. Lotsa dear/moose meat/carcass, fish, etc.

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OK, a little from both sides of the fence: First of all from everything I do know about you I can't ever see you abusing anything be it animal or human but not everyone has had the opportunity to read your posts over the same period of time that I have. Admittedly my opinion is based on only what I have read that you have written, it could be scewed because I have no body language or facial expressions to work with but my gut tells me you are a person that I would like to spend time with!


Now from a different perspective: we have a neighbor that has a beautiful golden lab and two cats. They let the lab out and forget about him, it isn't uncommon to see him waundering the roads and he often shows up at our door (he seems to have taken a liking to us and especially to me, well, I kind of like him too and will admit to giving him ear and belly rubs :whistling: .


Thing is, not everyone likes him around here, some of our new neighbors are afraid of him (he is pretty big). River wouldn't hurt a flee but some of these people don't know that and River doesn't understand! All I have to say is "old man mode River" and he settles right down and just sits beside me. Further more he likes to walk the road and there have been a few times where people have had to slam on their brakes because of him, many of us are afraid he is going to get run over one of these days.


Their two cats also wander free; I have spent thousands of dollars on our landscaping and it kind of bothers me to see one of their cats digging in my garden to do it's business. I have lots of birds and chipmunks around here too, well until the cats come around. Now it is true that the chipmunks do dig holes in my garden but they are burring sunflower seeds not poop. That one is a little easier to take, I chose to give the chipmunks the sunflower seeds.


I am not trying to defend your neighbor, her attitude stinks and she needs an awakining but lettting your animals run on someone esles property isn't always fair either. There is a saying that "strong fences does good neighbors make". Sad that it has to be that way but there is some truth to it.

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Thanks cliff right back atcha!


See my thing is, just with the cats, is that in my mind you just walk the cat home and ask politelly if I can keep my cat off her property. To which I would respond"absolutely, sorry about any inconvenience I might have caused you"


That and her cat sleeps in my shed all the time lol. I dont mind its not harming anything. Its just found a cozy winter spot?

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Well, maybe a walk down there and apologize for your cat and family bothering her. Explaning that there is a cat very similar to hers that likes to visit your property but if it isn't hers you might have to shoot it because it could be carrying any sort of who knows what. Tell her that you haven't shot it because you thought it was hers and ask her if she thinks you should just shoot it or call the SPCA? I would be very surprised if she doesn't "appreciate" you coming for a visit!


Three years ago I had a neighbor that wanted to sue me because there was a storm that destroyed my boat house which ended up on it's side. It took the insurance company two weeks to get here and assess the damage. He wanted to sue me because it interfeared with his enjoyment of the view of the lake. (I have the paperwork to prove it) Fortunatly he has since moved! Neighbors can be wonderful but they can also be a real pain!

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