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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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We are a little too nice and accommodating in Canada but I would rather have that than the alternative.

We have our problems and sometimes politicians prioritize incorrectly in my mind.

Overall, how many people on this planet have the time and money to be able to drive pickups, pull trailers, fish from expensive boats and sit around on cell phones and computers arguing on fishing sites with other passionate but good Canadians.

I worry too about these things. Lately, I have been taking a step back to appreciate how good I have it.

I applaud OFC members for making a stand or arguing for what they think is right regarding Canada, government decision and spending - as long as they are not aggressive it arrogant about it. I like hearing all of your opinions - even the super Conservative ones as I am basically liberal by nature - but i like Dutch's responses the best. He's a great debater. I am sure he would have gotten the strap often in school had he been born earlier.

Awww shucks! Thanks man....


We didn't have the strap but I did spend most of sixth grade with my desk in the hallway...... I'm pretty sure Mr. Passmore wished he could have strapped me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Dutch01
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Awww shucks! Thanks man....


We didn't have the strap but I did spend most of sixth grade with my desk in the hallway...... I'm pretty sure Mr. Passmore wished he could have strapped me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I will refrain comment :whistling: u would not have survived in my school when I grew up, but we were taught to be accountable not sheepish with a bunch of squigables. even my east indian grade 5 teacher used to keep us in till 4 until we could all give a satisfactory hand drawn map of canada with all the capitals


lets talk canada sometime and yes we had the strap, chalk thrown at us and had to stay till 4 sometimes, go work on a farm and get away from the luxury of a computer and u to appreciate this country for what it is,,,come up and visit sometime, and yes things were black and white back in the day, and if a teacher or principle disciplined a kid the parents did not rag out on the principle or teacher because in many small towns the understanding was when they dropped their kids at school they entrusted their kids to the people within the school system


my brother in law had years of schooling experience he was hit in the face by a certain person who did not respect our customs, he went to the hospital and died not long after..he taught in the scarbourough area


so lets fish together sometime and I will show u my grandfathers medal from the war..and this is so unusual that Ciffs thread went this way, may be instead of talking about the old lady out west maybe someone could actually reach into their walley and help the lady instead of just talking cheap behind a keyboard, just challenging some strong talk, maybe open up your wallet. think before u respond off the cuff and womens body parts were not in Cliffs initial thread really

Edited by mr blizzard
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I had a french teacher that gave nerve holds to students lol (not really funny but in retrospect)


Till one day she did it to my friend and his dads a hells angel hahah.


His wife came in the next day after hearing the story from her son and whooped her as straight up in down.


Best french class ever!

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Bilzz said


"my brother in law had years of schooling experience he was hit in the face by a certain person who did not respect our customs, he went to the hospital and died not long after..he taught in the scarbourough area"


What in God's name was that all about? What a tragic story. Care to elaborate. Man if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck. I will hijack this thread to hear this sad story if you wish to share John. If not I understand.

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Bilzz said


"my brother in law had years of schooling experience he was hit in the face by a certain person who did not respect our customs, he went to the hospital and died not long after..he taught in the scarbourough area"


What in God's name was that all about? What a tragic story. Man if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck. I will hijack this thread to hear this sad story if you wish to share John. If not I understand.

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Maybe to get this thread back on track I went back and re read the CTV report and watched the video and did a bit of Googling this story. When I think of a homeless shelter of which I have never been in one. I picture and old dank warehouse that has 50 single beds in the middle of a cold draughty room with that many alcoholics and addicts in those beds. The shelter Ms. Flan was sent to is not that. It is almost new, clean, has marble pillars in the foyer. Would I want to live there, of course not, should Fran Flam have to recover there after surgery, of course not. But it isn't the place I pictured in my mind. I have no idea why there are not rehab places such as the one Mom stayed in for 3 months after breaking her arm, St. Peters in Hamilton. There is a charge to the patient if unless their income will not cover the $1800.00 a month fee. Ms. Flan would not pay in her case. This is on the B.C. health system and the landlord. Her apartment was being sprayed for bed bugs, how long does that take? A day, a week, months? If I am a renter and work has to be done on my rental I can't see how the landlord can say "you are out on the street". I was a landlord but not for long, not for me unless I had a partner to share the workload.For any renters here maybe you can tell us how this works. I have rented before and the place had to be sprayed for earwigs, I didn't have to move out.


It is sad that some of the most vulnerable in our society are our most precious, children and the elderly. But I have never heard of one person ever saying "please raise my taxes so we can better take care of those most in need".


This isn't on Justin Big Cliff. He may increase funding to the provinces in the future, but where will this increase in funding come from? Maybe grounding 6 fighter Jets? Sending a few hundred troupes over seas shouldn't increase the military budget, soldiers are paid whether here or there anyway.

Thanks, I should look into it, the maximum is still only $1092.00 a month, not much of a pension after paying into it for 50+ years and yes, I still pay into it even now.


I am not blaiming Justin for anything (yet), but he is the golden boy who is going to "fix things". I think gettin our own house in order first should be his priority. There are plenty of things that could be improved on and lots of questions that I'd like to see answered like:


Why do we need food banks in Canada?


Why three winters ago when propane went through the roof did we have seniors having to decide between staying warm and eating? Does Justin or Wynne have to wait for 4-6 hours in an emergency room to see a DR if they have something in their eye?


Do they have to lay on a stretcher in a hallway because there are no rooms available in the hospital?


If their 84 year old mother was in the hospital because she had a stroke would the hospital be able to send her home in a cab to an empty apartment because they needed the bed? (that's what they tried to do to my mother).


Like I said, I'm not blaiming Justin but there is plenty of things that need to be taken care of here before we go off trying to save the world.

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Time for a re-cap


1.An eldery woman needed surgery,took the bus home only to find out her apartment had bed bugs.......and its Justins fault.


2.Back in the days,most kids got the strap, some teachers used one the size of a Beavertail.


3.Political or Religious threads are not allowed on this site, but are.



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For all the ruckus this post has caused, one thing is clear. PEOPLE on here CARE!!!! There is a very healthy difference of what we propose as solutions, which is great IMHO. The trouble we have as Canadians is getting from the caring part to the acting part in numbers large enough to effect change!!!


When something like this sickening situation comes out in the media it makes people's blood boil who care, but blaming anyone or anything for her plight is pointless, if we don't ACT to change it once and for all.


Only because the money controlling folks WANT us to be divided rather than to wise up and see we have MORE than enough resources, to look after vets, seniors, the mentally ill, the disabled and any other group who can't or won't for WHATEVER reason provide for themselves in this country. Sadly though the psychopaths who run the money/power system in this country won't allow it because it will mean just a little less for them....


It is as if the money changers know they can rely on the fact that little tiny divides between who we think deserves financial dignity, means they can deny it to all, while feathering their nests a little deeper.


There is a poster going around the internet....


A banker, a worker and an immigrant are sitting in a Timmies. There is a plate with 20 cookies on it. The banker being a banker with an MBA grabs 19 cookies and pockets them. Then wags her finger at the worker, you better watch it!!!! The immigrant here is going to steal your cookie if you don't stop them.


Sadly, as a nation though we keep taking the bait and never stand up and yell at the banker. YOU are the real problem we could have all had 6.333 cookies... (leaving you one for interest you whine) To add insult to injury the banker then STILL charges us .10 cookie to hold it for us, while we use the rest room, because we ARE afraid the immigrant will get it. LOL


Now all we really need to do is to decide does the banker keep getting 19 cookies while we beat each others brains out for the remaining cookie. Or, is it time the banker just gets 10 or maybe 6 so the rest of us can have some whole cookies too....

Edited by Canuck2fan
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For all the ruckus this post has caused, one thing is clear. PEOPLE on here CARE!!!! There is a very healthy difference of what we propose as solutions, which is great IMHO. The trouble we have as Canadians is getting from the caring part to the acting part in numbers large enough to effect change!!!


When something like this sickening situation comes out in the media it makes people's blood boil who care, but blaming anyone or anything for her plight is pointless, if we don't ACT to change it once and for all.


Only because the money controlling folks WANT us to be divided rather than to wise up and see we have MORE than enough resources, to look after vets, seniors, the mentally ill, the disabled and any other group who can't or won't for WHATEVER reason provide for themselves in this country. Sadly though the psychopaths who run the money/power system in this country won't allow it because it will mean just a little less for them....


It is as if the money changers know they can rely on the fact that little tiny divides between who we think deserves financial dignity, means they can deny it to all, while feathering their nests a little deeper.


There is a poster going around the internet....


A banker, a worker and an immigrant are sitting in a Timmies. There is a plate with 20 cookies on it. The banker being a banker with an MBA grabs 19 cookies and pockets them. Then wags her finger at the worker, you better watch it!!!! The immigrant here is going to steal your cookie if you don't stop them.


Sadly, as a nation though we keep taking the bait and never stand up and yell at the banker. YOU are the real problem we could have all had 6.333 cookies... (leaving you one for interest you whine) To add insult to injury the banker then STILL charges us .10 cookie to hold it for us, while we use the rest room, because we ARE afraid the immigrant will get it. LOL


Now all we really need to do is to decide does the banker keep getting 19 cookies while we beat each others brains out for the remaining cookie. Or, is it time the banker just gets 10 or maybe 6 so the rest of us can have some whole cookies too....


Great post!

Edited by Dutch01
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No, these problems are not Justins fault, but he is the guy that we apparently voted for to fix them. but his biggest priority, legalizing marijuana??????

1) Not once have I read anywhere that it is his "top priority". If you can find a source for that claim I'd like to see it.


2) This is a serious issue that had been dodged by PM after PM since the Le Dain Commission recommended legalization in 1972.




-Canada has the highest rate of use among youth in the entire world. Clearly prohibition isn't working. Canada is also recognized as a leader around the world in reducing youth tobacco use. This would suggest that we already know how to curb youth pot use.


-It is a matter of freedom. I do not accept the government telling me I cannot use a benign plant for my own personal reasons (be they medical or recreational). I would no more allow them to tell me I cannot eat tomatoes than to tell me I cannot have my herbs. You clearly don't use marijuana, but I'd like know why you think you have the moral authority to tell me I can't.


-Canada arrested and prosecuted 25,542 people for marijuana possession last year (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/canadians-facing-pot-charges-in-limbo-while-liberals-work-on-legalization/article27935465/?service=mobile). That's a lot of money for courts and judges and lawyers. Is it well spent? I think not. Perhaps they could have spent some of that money on the 82 year old that was the genesis for the start of this thread.


I am glad to see a PM actually attempting to address the issue with knowledge rather than ideology (are you listening Stephen Harper?).

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That is clearly a matter of personal opinion.

As stated, it is an opinion. You are correct there. But it is a fact that a government funded commission recommended legalization in 1972. It is a fact that no PM since then has moved to legalize. And finally, I would argue it is a fact that Trudeau's predecessor "doubled down" on prohibition. He passed legislation that increased some penalties, and arrests peaked nationally under his watch (27,997 arrests in 2011).

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Mainstream media is a big problem. With all their fear mongering. They tell us only what they want us to hear to fit their own agenda. If you really want to know what is going on in our world you have to do your own research. Our dumbed down society believes all this garbage we see on the news every day because the majority is to lazy to educate themselves.


Mainstream media has never told us about terrorism in the 50's 60's and up to the late 70's was more prevalent then it is now. Don't believe me look it up yourself. Our biggest fear is not terrorism it's fear itself. Without fear we would never allow our gov't to militarize our police forces all for the sake of our safety. Erosion of our civil rights and privacy all for the sake of our safety.


As far as the stuff that went down on parliament hill on Oct 23 2014 maybe that was all done to ratchet up the fear factor so Harper could get his C51 bill passed. Call me a nut if you want but that's my 2 cents

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Time for a re-cap


1.An eldery woman needed surgery,took the bus home only to find out her apartment had bed bugs.......and its Justins fault.


2.Back in the days,most kids got the strap, some teachers used one the size of a Beavertail.


3.Political or Religious threads are not allowed on this site, but are.



I have read and helped write the rules and I still do not see where this is written, Obviously we would prefer to keep away from touchy subjects and I admit I allow some of them to run longer than they should but only to keep my mail box from getting filled with P.M.s of censorship and "my right to free speech has been violated." For the record I rarely lock posts on content or subject but whether people are following the rules in their responses to the post. If political/pot/any other current hot button posts get to frequent then I will let the board cool off by removing ones that follow in a vein that has repeatedly gone wrong in the past. If you accidentally read a political post or offensive subject post and you do not want to read it again skip over it the next time you log in. I get tired of getting messages that this thread needs to be locked and from the other side this post should have not been locked. If you feel that a thread has gone wrong hit the report button and give me a reason you don't like the content. This alerts ALL of the owners/mods that we need to read the thread and if it is breaking rules we will adjust or lock it. This is a very broad subjected site it moves fast because it is not so focused that it gets boring we allow people to tell us their life stories both the good and the bad to help us bond and we have a very strong community because of this.


While I quoted white spinnerbait it is not aimed at you it was just the door I used to get this off my chest.


Thank you to everyone for debating within the rules



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Art I have no idea how the programing on the board works. If someone is blatantly breaking the rules of this great informative forum is there a button you can push to lock out only that poster thus keeping the thread open for those that adhere to the rules? This is only one of the only forums that thin gs remain civil, usually. Man there are forums out there that you shake your head at some of the more than nasty posts, steeped in religious and political banter and worse of all racism .

Keep up the good work all you administrators. We do appreciate the work you all do and we don't thank you enough. Actually Speil doesn't do much except cash those huge cheques from the profits you all make running this thing.

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Speil is allowed based on his food alone, to have relations with the dog???


If you go to far you get a temp ban. Or screw up real bad and get banned completely lol.


Quick question about our provincial government.(threads all over the place anyhow)


Who cracked down on childtax benefits???


Whomever did that, thanks for the chuckle?


Just found out my ex has been claiming mah boy for a few years now and got hit with an $18,000 bill!


Well played, well played

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No, these problems are not Justins fault, but he is the guy that we apparently voted for to fix them. but his biggest priority, legalizing marijuana??????


Actually, I think that legalizing marijuana is pretty low priority for him. Low enough that I am not convinced that it will even happen in this mandate.

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