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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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Without being specific, some Canadians are in their situation by course of their actions (or inaction). It's about people: Canadian or not. Most of these "non-Canadians", many of them children, left their country because of war. It's odd to read some of the comments with that story and how people want government to take care of people, perhaps the same people that don't understand or despise taxes. How much socialism do you want and how much are you prepared to pay. Now here's to hoping Simcoe produces 7 inches for the lakers.



so if not the homeless, then how about more help for seniors, or those that don't get the benefit of a union pension, and have to rely on CPP


Canada is losing its identity as a nation, hell, we can't take a piss without offending some religion or another, can;t fly a flag cause it will offend someone, we can't have Halloween in schools anymore cause it offends someone, its black and orange day, Christmas is slowly by the wayside as well cause it offends a certain group of people.


People leave their country to have a better life here, but then try to make this country like the one they just left, and our government is just accepting it

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so if not the homeless, then how about more help for seniors, or those that don't get the benefit of a union pension, and have to rely on CPP


Canada is losing its identity as a nation, hell, we can't take a piss without offending some religion or another, can;t fly a flag cause it will offend someone, we can't have Halloween in schools anymore cause it offends someone, its black and orange day, Christmas is slowly by the wayside as well cause it offends a certain group of people.


People leave their country to have a better life here, but then try to make this country like the one they just left, and our government is just accepting it



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People leave their country to have a better life here, but then try to make this country like the one they just left, and our government is just accepting it

Can I get a example of this, FloatnFly? Specifically, can you point us towards any one article or reference that will show an example of new Syrian refugees, having just arrived in Canada, trying to make Canada like Syria, or trying to take away your rights because they are offended? I would be interested to see that.

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Going fishing next week, anyone know where I can get a Canada Goose coat cheap? :whistling:


Want an example of screwed up, we have a local family suing the CATHOLIC high school for making their daughter tolerate religion based activities during her time at St Theresa's and the fact they didn't modify prom protocol for her.

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Leah's father came to Canada in 1946 and found it weird once in school that he had to collect for the poor people in the UK with UNICEF boxes. His brothers and sisters had to do the same damn thing in Holland for the poor people in Canada. It's just a global shell game...

That sounds a little hard to believe!!???? Collecting for Canadians.

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Why hard to believe... most of these "charities" are just collecting to pay their executive a salary. We collected to fund the UK poor and they did the same for our poor. Both paid their executives, no different than MADD that last time I checked donations go 70+ % of funding salaries.


Was the first story of his youth my father in law told me over 35 years ago, I have little reason to doubt him. Maybe you're not old enough to remember having your teachers cram a UNICEF box in your hand and make you go door to door, but I certainly am.

Edited by irishfield
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I remember UNICEF as I am getting old. Lol.

I fully realize that some charity's skim off way too much money and have CEO's that earn way too much.


I wasn't born yesterday unfortunately. As I grow older I also have become more cynical - especially where politics and money are involved. However, I try to maintain an open mindset.


The simple, black and white and often politically conservative views of some of our members in threads like this concern me. But what do I know - I am likely a liberal even though I laugh at liberal politicians almost as much as conservative ones.

Edited by landry
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Can I get a example of this, FloatnFly? Specifically, can you point us towards any one article or reference that will show an example of new Syrian refugees, having just arrived in Canada, trying to make Canada like Syria, or trying to take away your rights because they are offended? I would be interested to see that.



did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you

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did i say the new refugees are doing this, no. open your eyes and take a good look around you. Can;t have nativity scenes, might offend a certain group. can;t say merry christmas, might offend a certain group, can;t have halloween in schools any more, might offend a certain group. can't hang flags in windows, might offend people. we're so worried about offending immigrants, that we are completely changing our ways to accommodate them, instead of them adapting to our ways. we should be taking lead from Australia, you came here, we didn't ask for you to come here, you need to adapt to our ways, we will not change for you

And russia


Please people, read some books.

Edited by manitoubass2
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So they didn't hate us before we bombed them?


If these places are so nice and friendly how come people are leaving?


How do they treat there own people?

Did ISIS exist before the civil war in Syria? Did they exist before the US decided to fund unknown Syrian rebels who opposed their ideological enemy of the hour (Assad)?


No they did not.


Take a look at a picture of Syria. The entire country is a heap of rubble. if you had any idea of the destruction we have caused, you wouldn't ask why they leave.


Take a look at how we (the West) treat people in Syria. Innocent civilians who are not ISIS but have the misfortune of living in the state we have cause in their country.


That you ask any of those questions tells me you are out of touch on the subject.




A lot of guys on here saying bombing is the solution. If this were true, terrorism would be over, we've spent trillions on war and bombs.

Edited by Dutch01
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Probably because the "rules" to this forum, at least use to, state that no political or religious threads would be tolerated.


I care less, we're all fisherpeople and that seems to be the only requirement these days.

If this is still in the rules then fair enough. If not then it would be nice if people who don't enjoy the thread passed it by.

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If this is still in the rules then fair enough. If not then it would be nice if people who don't enjoy the thread passed it by.

You've had some very good posts on this forum and I have enjoyed reading them, but your post 41 above(for e.g.) wasn't 1 of them. I called for a lockdown---yes, it's easy to skip by and ignore but some of these threads get so nasty that members get up and leave OFC. We don't need to lose members over this sort of 'exchange of views'.

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A couple of points...

-we did not start the war in Syria and we were not the ones killing innocents in that country. It has a history of killing it's own, as a form of ethnic cleansing, look it up. Yes we (the west) stepped in in an effort to rid the region of it's demonic leader and well, the best laid plans are obviously not working. But to say that we created this mess, is just not true. The Arab spring gave the region it's first taste of freedom, which left a bad taste in the mouths of those who oppose it. ISIS doesn't care for freedom.

-our federal budget comes out next month, with a projected DEFICIT of $90 Billion and likely growing. How can we afford to leverage our own children's future by continually spending, while our economy falters, badly? I think that's what the OP in this thread was getting at and with that in mind, I have to agree with Big Cliff.


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Well folks. I don't think we will have to worry about our overseas commitments much longer. I think Justin's "Personal Advisor" that he hired (and we are paying for) will take care of things.


I guess now he can fire his cabinet and save Canada lot's of money





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Did ISIS exist before the civil war in Syria? Did they exist before the US decided to fund unknown Syrian rebels who opposed their ideological enemy of the hour (Assad)?


No they did not.


Take a look at a picture of Syria. The entire country is a heap of rubble. if you had any idea of the destruction we have caused, you wouldn't ask why they leave.


Take a look at how we (the West) treat people in Syria. Innocent civilians who are not ISIS but have the misfortune of living in the state we have cause in their country.


That you ask any of those questions tells me you are out of touch on the subject.




A lot of guys on here saying bombing is the solution. If this were true, terrorism would be over, we've spent trillions on war and bombs.

I think you're comments are more correct if you're living in the U.S. We have done some bombing but we didn't start the campaign.

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