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Selling Legal Pot In L.C.B.O. Makes Alot Of Sense. Premier Says. NF


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ahaha, this derives from the fact that the government is IMO corrupt in its efforts to push forward with monopolizing yet another one of our consumer goods.


I personally have to say that I am not a huge fan of these unregulated dispensaries that are shady at best.


I am 100% pro legalization, but it needs to be taxed properly and so do the organizations that are profiting from it. As it currently stands you have a whole pile of dispensaries that are attaining product from criminal organizations, and subsequently are not paying a dime of tax on the product they are selling.


And please dont come to me with the argument that these companies are "paying taxes" Considering I was in a dispensary last week with a friend who purchased the product "cash only" these businesses are not clean what so ever.

Why does it need to be taxed

Why should a government that put people in jail for it suddenly flip to making money off of it

Why not just stop putting people in jail

Just the reduced police and court costs should be enough

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Why does it need to be taxed

Why should a government that put people in jail for it suddenly flip to making money off of it

Why not just stop putting people in jail

Just the reduced police and court costs should be enough


Just put it up on the rack next to the Marjoram, it is an herb

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It would be unfortunate if they screw this up, but it's government so there's a good chance they do. If so, I'll just keep right on ignoring their unjust laws anyways so it won't be the end of the world.

Edited by Dutch01
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The new cannabis task force is all but one or two prohibitionists. All cops, shrinks, and other doctors. How are these people experts on pot. I doubt if any of them have ever smoked a joint. The govt is going to mess this up in a big way.


The same thing happened with our firearms legislaion, very few members of the shooting fraternity and sports were consulted, same types were consulted plus women's groups , what the hell have they got to do with shooting :wallbash:

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Farmers markets could use a boost.

I'll be surprised if they allow casual sales like that. It's not a given that they will even allow dispensaries/retail locations- other than the LCBO of course :\

Edited by Dutch01
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just went to Seattle Washington this past weekend for a quick trip to see it..Incredible city, the nicest ive been to in the USA.


They've got this stuff figured out perfectly. Shop location in a perfectly nice neighborhood, totally unassuming, Windows were postered over with graphics as to not advertise the product to children and the like...


walk in, get ID'd immediately by a nice gentleman. Get to the counter, the selection of products is incredible and the enterpreneur behind the counter is about as nice of a retail sales associate as youd ever meet (good luck with this at the LCBO) Guy explains all of his products, provides us with information about the THC levels in all of the products. Ensures that we are getting product that wont render us useless/anxious/tired we select a few packaged edible selections which were absolutely delicious and once again totally unnasuming. By packaged, i mean the cookies looked like Mrs. fields with a logo and everything. I was notified that the local "famous bakery" is actually the supplier! He says "not many people know this lol" Complete the transaction and consume.


Everything neat, proper, legal and better than any LCBO experience I have ever had. The product was exactly as he described, we relaxed, rode a ferris wheel, ate some street eats, had a ginger beer, shared a lot of laughs and went to bed. Woke up the next day feeling 100% normal.


Tell me why this needs to be so strictly regulated again and controlled?


Let the entrepreneurs create businesses and grow the economy, stop handing everything to government regulated monopolies and unions.

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Akrisonar, you are so correct. I for one will never buy cannabis from the LCBO ever. They can go and choke on it. The Premier is going to have it sold there you can count on it. As a matter of fact I buy very little booze from LCBO. Im 10 minutes from Quebec and cross the river for my booze.


This is a huge new industry and everyone should be able to get in on it if they wish. Whether its growing, selling, manufacturing edibles etc. The consumer wants to buy from a store with experienced knowledgeable staff. The consumer will decide which businesses succeed and which do not.

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Tell me why this needs to be so strictly regulated again and controlled?


Let the entrepreneurs create businesses and grow the economy, stop handing everything to government regulated monopolies and unions.

I couldn't agree more.

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A few basic propositions for the legalization task force to consider.

1. Consuming cannabis is not deviant behaviour. It is normal and people that do so are not criminals, addicts, "pot-heads" or otherwise different from people that don't.

2. Growing cannabis is not dangerous. It's a plant, not nuclear material.

3. Cannabis has a huge and growing culture that is much like wine culture - we love the different smells, tastes and effects. We like to talk about it, share it, have fun with it. These things should be celebrated, not marginalized.

4. Cannabis is dramatically safer than alcohol and tobacco and there are simply no logical reasons why access to it should be restricted any more than those substances. In fact, to the extent that cannabis use replaces or decreases alcohol and tobacco use, it should be encouraged as a public health good. There is a public health argument that cannabis should be easier to access because it is safer.

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A few basic propositions for the legalization task force to consider.

1. Consuming cannabis is not deviant behaviour. It is normal and people that do so are not criminals, addicts, "pot-heads" or otherwise different from people that don't.

2. Growing cannabis is not dangerous. It's a plant, not nuclear material.

3. Cannabis has a huge and growing culture that is much like wine culture - we love the different smells, tastes and effects. We like to talk about it, share it, have fun with it. These things should be celebrated, not marginalized.

4. Cannabis is dramatically safer than alcohol and tobacco and there are simply no logical reasons why access to it should be restricted any more than those substances. In fact, to the extent that cannabis use replaces or decreases alcohol and tobacco use, it should be encouraged as a public health good. There is a public health argument that cannabis should be easier to access because it is safer.


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i think we are preaching to the choir here...there arent many people left who can argue that me going out on a saturday night in seatle, eating a choclate chip cookie...then proceeding to enjoy the street eats, ferris wheel and snacks all while totally being functional, coherent and polite is causing a big problem.

The only thing i noticed that was related to weed was the fact that when we left washington the following day stretches of highway are now being adopted by the cannabis producers, so most of the roads had clean ditches and were nicely paved...

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just playing devils advocate here, because i totally see your point and totally agree that we should not be marketing products to children...but then we must regulate alcohol marketing as well.


The site isnt liking the images im trying to post...but google rockstar vodka...and then google rockstar energy drink...

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No Pot in itself is not dangerous when growing as a plant. However grow ops themselves do present a very real danger. To the guy that grows a single plant in his window, No. To the person that decides to grow 10 or 20 plants in his basement under high humidity and Metal Halides? Yes. Just google "Pot Grow op Fire". Houses, apartments, condos etc... burn down every year because of these grow ops. Why would there need to be legislation? To limit the effects of things getting out of control. Personal one person one plant use type things... Yah not sure a big deal. To have a blanket statement like growing cannabis is not dangerous is just smoking out the side of your mouth.


I'm neither for not against the legalization, however I am very much for sensible legislation and control not unlike sensible legislation and control of firearms, tobacco and alcohol. Laws aren't generally put in place to protect the public from responsible people. Its to help protect the unsensible people from themselves and everyone around them.


On on hand you can view this as a reason to not legalize it and on another you can see this as a reason to legalize it. I'm not saying either one is better than the other just that I think your statement is a bit one sided, agenda driven and doesn't see the full picture.

I mean if legislation gets put in place and allows people to grow safely maybe it cuts down on the illegal pot grow ops and actually has some benefit in that regard. Wouldn't that be great.




A few basic propositions for the legalization task force to consider.

1. Consuming cannabis is not deviant behaviour. It is normal and people that do so are not criminals, addicts, "pot-heads" or otherwise different from people that don't.

2. Growing cannabis is not dangerous. It's a plant, not nuclear material.

3. Cannabis has a huge and growing culture that is much like wine culture - we love the different smells, tastes and effects. We like to talk about it, share it, have fun with it. These things should be celebrated, not marginalized.

4. Cannabis is dramatically safer than alcohol and tobacco and there are simply no logical reasons why access to it should be restricted any more than those substances. In fact, to the extent that cannabis use replaces or decreases alcohol and tobacco use, it should be encouraged as a public health good. There is a public health argument that cannabis should be easier to access because it is safer.


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I'm not holding my breath for any new legislation to permit growing my own. If I can grow my own, they can't get their pound of flesh out of me.


Legalization is a bit of a symbolic victory at this point. Anyone who wants to use weed is probably already doing it now anyways.

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haha, I think you would be surprised at the number of people who don't not because its illegal just because they have no interest in it. Just like not everyone drinks and not everyone smokes. Heck some people don't even go fishing or have sex. what the hell

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Old Ironmaker, I dont want to see children making the mistake of eating their parents stash and getting all high. But thats a sad excuse for not selling and manufacturing edibles. Why should I have to be responsible for other peoples kids. Thats their parents job, to be responsible for their own kids. AND jEDIMASTER way more houses burn down from kitchen fires and smoking in bed than grow ops catching fire probably by 1000 t0 1. How many houses have under age kids and stocked bars and liquor cabinets that are never locked and alcohol will kill a kid. Cannabis is non toxic in case you don't know.

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haha, I think you would be surprised at the number of people who don't not because its illegal just because they have no interest in it. Just like not everyone drinks and not everyone smokes. Heck some people don't even go fishing or have sex. what the hell


now you are just talking crazy

I dont know anyone who doesnt




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No Pot in itself is not dangerous when growing as a plant. However grow ops themselves do present a very real danger. To the guy that grows a single plant in his window, No. To the person that decides to grow 10 or 20 plants in his basement under high humidity and Metal Halides? Yes. Just google "Pot Grow op Fire". Houses, apartments, condos etc... burn down every year because of these grow ops. Why would there need to be legislation? To limit the effects of things getting out of control. Personal one person one plant use type things... Yah not sure a big deal. To have a blanket statement like growing cannabis is not dangerous is just smoking out the side of your mouth.


Would not the legalization get it out of the basement into proper greenhouses and gardens ? just saying as the need for undetectable growing sites would no longer exist.

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