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Selling Legal Pot In L.C.B.O. Makes Alot Of Sense. Premier Says. NF


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I went into a dispensary while in Vancouver a few years ago just to check out the operation. I talked to an employee who was very knowledgeable about all the products they were selling and what they were best suited for. I was quite impressed to say the least. I think stores like this will thrive and create lots of jobs for Canadians. Then there is the growing side of things and that should be left to the public as well. There is lots of good growers already out there.

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They have these " U Brew Its" and places where you can make your own wine on site, I see green house " U Grow Its " starting up, the precedent is there, how would it be any different ?? all the controls and taxation is just going keep it as an underground economy and the legal outlets will only get a portion of the market just like cigarettes.



Can you just imagine the regulation that will come out of this.

The cost of making laws is astronomical but everybody figures they just Happen.

It would be fine if they just made it legal but our government has an ingrown NEED to Control the people


The one that really blows me away is the bicycle helmet law for under 16 yo kids.

I never see it enforced but it cost millions to enact

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This one burns me...about 6 years ago Ontario outlawed smoking in bars so all the bar owners built patios so the smoking patrons could go outside for a smoke.


Then, they outlawed smoking on the smoking patios, so all the smokers stand outside the front door and smoke...makes a lot of sense..

So your trying to say no one had outdoor patios before 6 years ago and that they where only built for smokers?


Didn't know that :whistling:

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So your trying to say no one had outdoor patios before 6 years ago and that they where only built for smokers?


Didn't know that :whistling:



90% of them around here...you live in a different world...maybe let the owner of the establishment decide how they want to run their bussiness instead of mother Wynne and daddy Dalton

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90% of them around here...you live in a different world...maybe let the owner of the establishment decide how they want to run their bussiness instead of mother Wynne and daddy Dalton


It is really amazing how far the Liberals have moved from classic liberalism where freedom of the individual was paramount and laissez faire was the rule in the marketplace. Today they are control freaks wanting to regulate everything under the sun and tell us how we should think with all the political correctness. :wallbash:

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It is really amazing how far the Liberals have moved from classic liberalism where freedom of the individual was paramount and laissez faire was the rule in the marketplace. Today they are control freaks wanting to regulate everything under the sun and tell us how we should think with all the political correctness. :wallbash:



The stuff is still illegal and already they are planning and telling us how it WILL be once it is legal...if ever,..aren't there more important topics right now?


Maybe they are just laying claim to any potential money to be made from it

Edited by Dara
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It sure is...now, I wonder where we will be allowed to smoke pot....I'm guessing no where

MMJ patients can medicate anywhere they like. The fact it was brought to all of our attention is what got a response.

The truth is that people medicate all the time and do not try and offend others due to this kind of response from the public.

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The devil will be in the details, once Justin decides how they are going to write the law. I suspect that growing your own will still be illegal much the same as running a still is.There is no money for the gov if people grow their own.

Isn't that what is all about anyway?


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Kind of off topic but sort of related and funny. Years back I guided a group of three from the Oshawa area for a week at Kesagami Lodge. The leader of the trio, Adam, was a guy who owned a hydroponics growing store in Oshawa. The other guy looked exactly like Hyde from That 70's Show and the third was a pretty hot looking hooker they dragged along with them. :)


Their tackle boxes were filled with a wide array of highly illegal substances, there were very few lures. First 10 minutes on the water they made me stop the boat in the middle of some pretty rough seas. I had no clue what was going on. Adam says "Duuuude our guide last year on Great Bear was killer! We taught him how to roll us the best dubes in some really gnarly water. Now it's your turn!!!" So while the other two looked on and snickered they gave me a crash course in dube rolling and everyone was happy for the rest of the week. :)

I have a LOT more stories about these guys, but let's just say it was an interesting week.

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Well, I think I am going to pewee off a lot of people with my reply but here goes, as a licensed user of medical cannabis I do not think that it should ever be " Legalised", decriminalise it but that is it.


In my opinion, if it is legal and readily available we will be opening up a Pandora's Box and what will jump out no one knows, but we do know once it is open you can never close it.


The present system of obtaining it, for myself, now that I am legal is very good works and I really don't have a problem with it, but if it is available to everybody I am not sure that is the right solution.


Now make it legal for me to travel with and then I really would be happy.



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Well Flex Rod, I have been to two funerals in the last two years, both died alcoholics. I have never attended a funeral for a person who smokes weed or should I say that no one I know has died as a result of smoking weed.


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Another off topic post; but it does show that legalizing pot; isn't going to put a dent in the amount of home grown stuff.

My Dad grew tobacco for most of his life and he had a good group of young guys (from Quebec) that worked for him, for several years; Dad would house and feed them during harvest time.

When these guys found out that Dad was cool with them smoking their pot; they were a pretty happy group. LOL "Just don't burn my barn down and be ready for work tomorrow" is all Dad would have to say about it.

For the next several years, every spring the guys would send Dad a care package with seeds. Dad planted the seeds in the greenhouse with his tobacco seeds and then transplanted the seedlings to the fields, in between the tobacco plants; throughout the field. Buy the time harvest came, the guys would have their beds, meals and their "stuff" (as Dad would call it) ready for them.

They were happy, free "stuff" and Dad was also; because he didn't have to drive them into town every other day to get "supplies".

This was back in the early 70's and Dad has now been gone for a number of years; so I don't mind telling the story of his illegal crops.

Man if Dad had sold it as well as growing it and not got caught; he would have had a lot better retirement found put away. LOL


The only thing I see happening with legalizing pot; is it'll bring the street price down of the illegal stuff; so more kids will be able to afford it.



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You will never see legal pot in Ca. because it will take the value out of it. You should be able to get a small bale of low test at the farmers market for $20. But instead it will be something like fishing, illegal without purchasing permits from the crown, then you will need an administration to issue the licensing and another one to enforce the regulations, driving up the cost.

There is no cost to make something legal.

Still better than if Dan's Dad had been caught by the Harper administration he could have lost the farm.


And if you can keep your kids from wooffin gas or glue and chewing up mothers moon flowers from the flower bed why do you look to the gov. to keep them from pot.

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Well, I think I am going to pewee off a lot of people with my reply but here goes, as a licensed user of medical cannabis I do not think that it should ever be " Legalised", decriminalise it but that is it.


In my opinion, if it is legal and readily available we will be opening up a Pandora's Box and what will jump out no one knows, but we do know once it is open you can never close it.


The present system of obtaining it, for myself, now that I am legal is very good works and I really don't have a problem with it, but if it is available to everybody I am not sure that is the right solution.


Now make it legal for me to travel with and then I really would be happy.





I would be much happier with decriminalizing rather than legalizing but the govt is seeing dollar signs.


And just leave the medical users alone...they have enough troubles as it is...sheesh


I really can't understand how over the years they have put so many people in jail for it and now for the sake of a few bucks all the politicians are salivating over how much money they will get to take from people over it...thats the criminal part

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If you have never been a non pot smoker living with a daily one saying that it doesn't destroy lives and families has no merit. Any mind altering substance can have a negative impact on those around you. Where do I think they should sell it? I don't think they should. They should expand the ability to legalize medical use and make it easier for that but to allow any mind altering drug to be sold legally is a bad idea. I am not against people using it. Most everyone I know does and I don't particularly care one way or another.

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if you did not have a choice


which room would you rather have your daughter in


A room full of drunk good looking men and her drunk as well?




A room full of guys that are high and her high as well?


If you did not have the choice....and you had no control....which no one does!

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Why not Cocaine or LSD or shrooms? Sure alcohol is legal. But its already legal. Why not Steroids? Why not Viagra or Cialis? Why should you need a prescription for Tylenol 3? I personally am not saying it should be illegal. Medically yes it has a place. So medically for marijuana yes with a prescription why not. For recreational use why not just allow everything to everyone without a prescription. Like Steroids, Viagra, Tylenol 3, Codeine, Oxy etc... A drug is a drug regardless of the use, benefits or side affects. I think it should be regulated. Taking away things that are already legal is a different story like say caffeine.

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I'm not against its use.

I am against full legalization after it being illegal for so many years.


I envision very many problems with total lagalization.

Many being our government enacting expensive, unenforcable and confusing laws around its use, control and sales.


Mostly I don't think the government has the smarts to handle it, not the people.


The way the governments are looking at the cash they get really scares me.


Just do a simple decriminalization and forget it, but Trudeau made a promise so we all will suffer him trying to keep it.

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Why not Cocaine or LSD or shrooms? Sure alcohol is legal. But its already legal. Why not Steroids? Why not Viagra or Cialis? Why should you need a prescription for Tylenol 3? I personally am not saying it should be illegal. Medically yes it has a place. So medically for marijuana yes with a prescription why not. For recreational use why not just allow everything to everyone without a prescription. Like Steroids, Viagra, Tylenol 3, Codeine, Oxy etc... A drug is a drug regardless of the use, benefits or side affects. I think it should be regulated. Taking away things that are already legal is a different story like say caffeine.

Pharmaceuticals and marijuana have many MANY differences...

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Why not Cocaine or LSD or shrooms? Sure alcohol is legal. But its already legal. Why not Steroids? Why not Viagra or Cialis? Why should you need a prescription for Tylenol 3? I personally am not saying it should be illegal. Medically yes it has a place. So medically for marijuana yes with a prescription why not. For recreational use why not just allow everything to everyone without a prescription. Like Steroids, Viagra, Tylenol 3, Codeine, Oxy etc... A drug is a drug regardless of the use, benefits or side affects. I think it should be regulated. Taking away things that are already legal is a different story like say caffeine.

Apples to oranges on so many levels!

My personal opinion on where the future of pot should go is in the direction of decriminalization for personal growing and use. I know what's in my buds, I know nobody has been harmed or ripped off in procuring my smoke, and like my veggies, there's pride in consuming something "home grown."

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