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Filming a C.O.nf


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This has come up a couple of times for me now, given I usually have my GoPro strapped to my head when out hunting or fishing. First time was in the summer when approached by a CO i'm on first name terms with, he asked if I was filming in an abrupt fashion , I told him I wasn't but even if I were it was a free country, I was in a public place and could film whenever I wanted, he changed his tune very quickly. It happened again yesterday out on the ice. The CO approaches, we have the usual pleasant conversation, I don't mind being checked, in fact it is a good thing. He sees the camera on my head and asks if I'm filming, I say no but even if I were I was entitled to do so. He then states that he is pretty sure I'm not allowed to film him, I restate…."oh I'm pretty sure I am"….he then says " I don't think you are, if you are how come Google has to blank out peoples faces?" I said that was different, lol…mumbled something about public/private/profit/i'm not a company etc…etc..I was making it up as I went along (i'm stubborn….lol). In the end I informed him I was filming until he came closer as my friend was reeling up a fish as he approached, but as I was a decent person I switched off the camera as he got closer. He said He appreciated it and it all ended amicably enough, but I was pretty mad….don't like being told what to do at the best of times.


I found a whole bunch of stuff online that would indicate I am within my rights to film police officers in Canada…but nothing on COs.


Here is the link to stuff about filming police http://blog.privacylawyer.ca/2012/08/photographing-and-filming-police.html?m=1


Anyhoo, just an interesting afternoon discussion on the ice, and to make it clear I'm not hostile towards COs (unless they are hostile to me) and appreciate the work they do…….lol….however……….

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Im not 100% sure our privacy laws did just change here in Canada..Before these changes you were perfectly within your right to do so. Now im not so sure..May want to look into the new laws, anti terror bill that just passed and all..

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afaik, you could photograph or video anyone in public as there's no expectation of privacy. quebec is a different kettle of fish fwiu. I try to be polite but if people get in my face, they get one or two chances at being nice before I give back same attitude. they can pound sand basically. don't want to be photographed ? stay inside.


one exception is kids. unless I know them, they're off limits.

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There is a difference between filming and posting. Nothing to stop you taping what occurs between you two, especially in public. However, posting that on line without the officer's direct permission to do so may well be another matter. If a legal action were to arise out of the officers visit, pretty sure that video would be accepted into evidence.

Different with border guards though. Ya don't want to try that conversation with them.

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You're free to video tape them, however, get ready for a ticket or more than one. If you videotape a cop, CO etc you can guarantee you won't get a break/warning.


Oh and in some regions you'll be on camera too


Another they can we cant law there?


Keeps them honest if you ask me.

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Nope because in police cars when the lights come on the camera comes on. So if you're being pulled over you're being recorded. You're free to record the police but keep in mind 99.99999% of the people that record the police are the ones that want their 15 minutes of fame and try to bait the police. Their the ones spouting useless legislation asking if they are being detained, etc


And the majority of people I work with are already honest, cameras haven't done anything to change our behaviour. What it does do is exonerate us from Bull complaints and helps our bosses watch what we're doing

Edited by FishnNAutographs
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Nope because in police cars when the lights come on the camera comes on. So if you're being pulled over you're being recorded. You're free to record the police but keep in mind 99.99999% of the people that record the police are the ones that want their 15 minutes of fame and try to bait the police. Their the ones spouting useless legislation asking if they are being detained, etc


And the majority of people I work with are already honest, cameras haven't done anything to change our behaviour. What it does do is exonerate us from Bull complaints and helps our bosses watch what we're doing



You mean like this guy??????????????????


Edited by Brian B
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And you should see how many guys have been screwed by false allegations. More than the public realizes because police service act charges are broadcasted by the media.


I am not doughting you here.


We have rights. If wrong,then fine,charge the perp. This is one that was legit. Thats all.

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You're free to video tape them, however, get ready for a ticket or more than one. If you videotape a cop, CO etc you can guarantee you won't get a break/warning.

I'm very glad you chimed in on this to help clear up Simon's question as I had a situation like his 2 years ago ice fishing. I know the CO by first name basis too and have his cell # on my phone if needed but he was not his typical self after seeing my gopro.

If the CO (in this case for Simon) was just doing his regular duties and not being rude, demanding or abrasive then there should be no real concern for the camera right? I get it some don't want to be "posted" but if said CO was to say something to the effect "hey Simon just edit me out if you post that anywhere online ok?" then it's a nonissue right? Or is that too much common sense and or courtesy?

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I'm very glad you chimed in on this to help clear up Simon's question as I had a situation like his 2 years ago ice fishing. I know the CO by first name basis too and have his cell # on my phone if needed but he was not his typical self after seeing my gopro.

If the CO (in this case for Simon) was just doing his regular duties and not being rude, demanding or abrasive then there should be no real concern for the camera right? I get it some don't want to be "posted" but if said CO was to say something to the effect "hey Simon just edit me out if you post that anywhere online ok?" then it's a nonissue right? Or is that too much common sense and or courtesy?

I don't know about your CO buddy, but in my experience I run into a lot of people that have their dash cam going and let me know hey sorry but my dash cam is on and record. I don't have a problem with that. The issue is there are people that will turn their dash cam towards me and start acting like fools and make accusations, demand to know if their being detained and being stopped is against their rights just egging you on or they roll down their windows a crack to talk.



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I don't know about your CO buddy, but in my experience I run into a lot of people that have their dash cam going and let me know hey sorry but my dash cam is on and record. I don't have a problem with that.

Cool because you're doing your job as it should be done either way so for them to tell you as an honest person that's cool on their part.

The issue is there are people that will turn their dash cam towards me and start acting like fools and make accusations, demand to know if their being detained and being stopped is against their rights just egging you on or they roll down their windows a crack to talk.


Those situations you see like that on youtube are just tools wanting 15min of fame to say "see I proved a point and I won" a majority of the time...


Thanks for the reply to that. *thumbs-up*

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Any veteran officer should approach any stop/check as though he or she is being filmed , it's common sense .

In this day and age it's to be expected.

Don't fart is a Tim's drive through as you WILL be the next youtube sensation...

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I think a lot of people have a major problem with any kind of authority. They get their back up instantly. Doesn't matter if it's cops, teachers, border guards, CO's etc. Taping as any person talks to you suggests something is going to happen that is worth taping ........ so the person asking the questions instantly has their guard up. Thus the change in tone. You're not sure where this innocent encounter is going but the camera suggests it's going to get interesting.

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Taping as any person talks to you suggests something is going to happen that is worth taping ........ so the person asking the questions instantly has their guard up. Thus the change in tone. You're not sure where this innocent encounter is going but the camera suggests it's going to get interesting.

So true, it's the "he said / she said" battle just getting worse... And then the provoking that can ensue on top of it...
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