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Stunning revelation!!!!


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You guys realize these polls are skewed to the leanings of the poling company. None of them are accurate and a true representation of the vote. They are to easy to manipulate . Threehundredeight has the Cons advancing in the polls also. I'll believe it on election night and not before. The polls are just designed to make supporters feel good, and to try an manipulate the undecided to back a winner. Don't be taken in.

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I thought Wynne was Justin's puppetmaster.



Wynne is in hiding right now



And if Mulcair or Justin get in, no fisherman will have to worry about the duck hunters anymore

Edited by Dara
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We're doomed!!!

All of the top 3 are horrible choices!!!



Trudeau Says Terrorists Shouldn't Be Stripped Of Citizenship


Here's some more fun: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/09/28/bill-c-24-trudeau-audio-conservatives_n_8206798.html?ncid=fcbklnkcahpmg00000008



Yup. Send 'em back to Syria so they can fight another day.

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Dr, David Suzuki (PHD in Zoology) in my humble opinion is nothing more than a talking head. His outlandish claims such as in 2013 when interviewed in Australian television was that Harper was building prisons to house environmental activists has resulted in his banishment from his own foundation. He brings up many things we do that harms the environment and gives little or no solutions. I attended an Iron and Steel conference at Mac where he chastised us for destroying the environment in the pursuit of capital gains. When it was pointed out to him the steel industry in countries like China, Russia and India have zero environmental appliances in place he sounded like the polished politico he is and gave a confusing retort that would make the best politician proud.


I don't really care what he has to say, it's mostly Bull from a talking head. Justin may be a twerp but I know Suzuki is a con artist.

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