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'Old Stock' Canadians?


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Dave I have not met a refugee that has a sense of entitlement, have you? Actually I have only met one well dressed refugee on a flight over from London and he spoke only Hungarian. I tried to help him fill his declaration form and all he could say was refugee. I pictured a refugee clothed in rags carrying a valise on their heads. Times have changed. I do know 2 men in black took him out of line before he reached customs. So I have no expertise when it comes to refugees, not many of us here as well I would guess. How did they know who he was before handing in his form? I thought it was strange then and still do. Maybe they get a heads up from the flight crew, I don't know. Hold on Bubba boy come to think of it a Dr. of mine was a refugee from Libya. He certainly has paid back whatever debt he put on us and I am thankful he's here not there.

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ISIS said well over 2 years ago they would flood hundreds of thousands of its members throughout the world VIA refugees.. Here we are 2 years later and this "old stock Canadian" dont want any of them here until we know exactly who they are..Dont get me wrong I feel bad for these folks displaced like this but its all part of the big plan by others that want to destroy the word.. I cant stand Harper and want him gone as bad as the next guy but I have to agree with his position here..

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There are a number of articles in the online version of the Atlantic magazine recently about microaggressions. The articles detail how many people are now taking offense to pretty much anything said, regardless of context. It's a good article. Questions like "What country are you from? are deemed offensive. That is what the "old stock" comment was to me, a microaggression, a big deal about nothing. And the professor quoted in the Star that took such offense to it, I don't give a darn what he thinks. In my opinion he's just looking for his 15 minutes of fame, like so many others out there.

Edited by Andy
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There are a number of articles in the online version of the Atlantic magazine recently about microaggressions. The articles detail how many people are now taking offense to pretty much anything said, regardless of context. It's a good article. Questions like "What country are you from? are deemed offensive. That is what the "old stock" comment was to me, a microaggression, a big deal about nothing. And the professor quoted in the Star that took such offense to it, I don't give a darn what he thinks. In my opinion he's just looking for his 15 minutes of fame, like so many others out there.


:clapping: Very well stated. Thanks.

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There are a number of articles in the online version of the Atlantic magazine recently about microaggressions. The articles detail how many people are now taking offense to pretty much anything said, regardless of context. It's a good article. Questions like "What country are you from? are deemed offensive. That is what the "old stock" comment was to me, a microaggression, a big deal about nothing. And the professor quoted in the Star that took such offense to it, I don't give a darn what he thinks. In my opinion he's just looking for his 15 minutes of fame, like so many others out there.


It is also important to remember that the Toronto Star has long ties to the LIberal party. They will make a fuss over anything that makes an opponent of the LIberals look bad. (It's not just the Star. All newspapers have ties to different political parties. Most newspapers were created to present the news so it flattered the party they were associated with).

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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It is also important to remember that the Toronto Star has long ties to the LIberal party. They will make a fuss over anything that makes an opponent of the LIberals look bad. (It's not just the Star. All newspapers have ties to different political parties. Most newspapers were created to present the news so it flattered the party they were associated with).

The Star is blatantly partisan....pretty gross considering it's the most mainstream paper.

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People seem to be forgetting that if we do allow more refugees, then Canadians will be heading overseas to interview and process the 'refugees' at the camps etc. so it's not like they're going to flood Pearson all of a sudden. There will be checks and honestly, a Syrian looks nothing like a Sri Lankan who looks nothing like a Pakistani etc..they will be easy to screen out.

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funny on how everyone loves to blame Harper for all the job loses in Ontario over the past 10 years but they forget who has been in power in Ontario for that time.


LOL I actually don't blame just Harper but I sure won't give him a free pass either like a lot of his base do... Ironically I say the EXACT reverse of what you do when people start bashing the Liberals in Ontario for their deficits. I ask what about Harper's dismal record and all I hear back is... Well, you see the world was going through a recession perhaps you heard of it... so its OK that he ran up all that debt. REALLY, to me that is why either one is no worse than the other, but because of partisanship most people say one is great and one sucks. LOL Math doesn't lie and they both failed all of us miserably.

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As this short campaign (compared to the US 13 month Marathon) I was sure I was going PC as the card in my pocket shows. I am totally undecided now. One thing I am sure of is that Jr. is not the guy I want. If he had a British accent he would sound like a Royal with his over the top entitled speech. I said that once here and got lambasted. He is not the kind of guy I want in my boat for an hour, sorry. He would be sent to the kiddy G7 table. It may come down to, who would I rather fish with for a day? Is that nuts?


A guy with a beard? Unfortunately when it comes to marking a ballot people will think like me, an average Canuck, good or bad


Wormdunker for PM!

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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It's funny you say that because I've been a solid Conservative for many years, and will go that way again. But I would vote for Mulcair long before I would ever consider Jr. The fact that Jr is even in the running as leader of our great nation is so disturbing to me.

Edited by Andy
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whatever happened to protest? All these politicians are self serving asshats. Harper is fear mongering, trickle down neo con Bull, voting for that guy is like electoral Stockholm Syndrome. Trudeau is telling us everything and anything he thinks we want to hear with a nod to the 'middle class' whoever the hell that is these days, last time I looked if you sell your labour in any capacity you are working class, lol....and the bearded one is creepy. For me Theresa May is the only one who seems to at least have some integrity and belief in what she says but I have trust issues with them all...lol.


I do find it a little depressing that so many feel that helping others before ourselves is a bad idea, personally I feel good about helping others in need, regardless of geography or how much tax they have or have not paid.




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LOL I actually don't blame just Harper but I sure won't give him a free pass either like a lot of his base do... Ironically I say the EXACT reverse of what you do when people start bashing the Liberals in Ontario for their deficits. I ask what about Harper's dismal record and all I hear back is... Well, you see the world was going through a recession perhaps you heard of it... so its OK that he ran up all that debt. REALLY, to me that is why either one is no worse than the other, but because of partisanship most people say one is great and one sucks. LOL Math doesn't lie and they both failed all of us miserably.


Valid point; but, Canada fared quite well compared to other countries, Ontario has fared very poorly compared to other provinces.

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You guys realize that they were referring to cases where immigrants had been DENIED refugee status because they weren't fleeing a dangerous country. They have taken benefits away (medicine, eyeglasses, dentistry, etc) from people who were deemed NOT refugees (ie. perhaps coming from a country deemed safe, or coming to Canada for the bens after already settling in a safe country).


While I'm not a fan of Harper, this is completely reasonable to me.


If you're a genuine refugee (ie. coming from Syria) I also think it's reasonable that we help someone out with a little extra to get someone off the ground, and Canada has done and is still doing that.

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Well I had to chime in because its all rhetoric. Here's an exercise for you. Go over your tax records, correlate your tax percentage of income on both a provincial and federal level for as far back as you keep records to the political party in power at that time. Now some will say that money in your pocket isn't the be all and end all of democracy but they are all thieves and only look out for themselves(so why shouldn't you) and their cronies and really I've been paying out for 40 years now and life really hasn't changed one way or another.(to clarify its definitely gone down hill but that is the result of the entire political process not any one party) I think letting in terrorist is the least of the worries its just your everyday criminals that slip through that worry me.

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The comment raised eyebrows because Harper started his political carrier as a white supremacist and was forgiven as youthful indiscretion, If this had been in the day of social media he would be rejected as a candidate.


Actually, he was a Liberal in his youth but left the party due to the National Energy Program.

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The Star is blatantly partisan....pretty gross considering it's the most mainstream paper.

Beg to differ. ORNGE scandal was brought to the forefront by the paper. Investigative journalism seems to exist...did you happen to read the story regarding the Ontario officers who were convicted of drunk driving, but only received a slap on the wrist (docked pay, no jail time)?


Since you mentioned partisan newspapers, I'm surprised you didn't mention The Toronto Sun. How many months did they prop up their poster boy Rob Ford? How many months did they deny the accusations of his drug use, drunken stupors, and other behaviours that they vilify? All because Rob Ford was working under the Conservative banner.

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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Beg to differ. ORNGE scandal was brought to the forefront by the paper. Investigative journalism seems to exist...did you happen to read the story regarding the Ontario officers who were convicted of drunk driving, but only received a slap on the wrist (docked pay, no jail time)?


Since you mentioned partisan newspapers, I'm surprised you didn't mention The Toronto Sun. How many months did they prop up their poster boy Rob Ford? How many months did they deny the accusations of his drug use, drunken stupors, and other behaviours that they vilify? All because Rob Ford was working under the Conservative banner.


The Toronto Star and the Toronto Sun are both partisan. The Sun supports the Conservatives. The Star has traditionally supported the Liberals but has started to shift their allegiance to the NDP; they have always been anti-Conservative. Most papers do have a bias towards political parties.

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The only thing through these comments that concerns me is the people who are possibly considered "new-stock" (i.e. first or second generation immigrants) who think that the people coming in now are the ones who feel entitled. How do you even determine that? Did someone on facebook "like" the Britain First group (a known hate group that does nothing but spread lies, misinformation and borderline neo-nazi propaganda)? The first wave of refugees are always the most determined, iron-willed, hard working people you could ever come across. I don't think anyone who would risk their lives or the lives of their children crossing the Mediterranean Sea in a dinghy feels entitled to anything other than the opportunity to make something of themselves, to not be drafted into fighting a war (I've read that some young men are being drafted multiple times, even after completing a tour of duty) and killing civilians in their own country, or from being oppressed by a dictator.


From my experience, the welfare leeches and good-for-nothings would tend to be categorized as "old-stock" Canadians. So please, let's re-examine who is feeling "entitled" here.


I'm not saying to just throw the doors open and let them all in, but to just shut it down is unacceptable. Let's not forget the boatload of Jewish people that were turned around by the "greatest generation" when the Nazis were in power in Germany. Let's try to learn from our mistakes.

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ALL newspapers, virtually all radio stations and television stations, and a huge proportion of news websites are partisan to one degree or another. They all exist to present the news in a way that flatters the party they are aligned with, and make the other parties look horrible.


If you read coverage of the same event in the Star, Sun and National Post, you would think you were reading about three different things. For example, consider the headlines on each of these papers if they had to report on the Titanic sinking:



Toronto Star - Conservative Budget Cuts Leave Hundreds Dead Off Newfoundland


National Post - Cancellation of Coast Guard Ships By Liberals Leaves Hundreds Dead Off Newfoundland


Toronto Sun - Giant Wet T-Shirt Contest !!!

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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whatever happened to protest? All these politicians are self serving asshats. Harper is fear mongering, trickle down neo con Bull, voting for that guy is like electoral Stockholm Syndrome. Trudeau is telling us everything and anything he thinks we want to hear with a nod to the 'middle class' whoever the hell that is these days, last time I looked if you sell your labour in any capacity you are working class, lol....and the bearded one is creepy. For me Theresa May is the only one who seems to at least have some integrity and belief in what she says but I have trust issues with them all...lol.


I do find it a little depressing that so many feel that helping others before ourselves is a bad idea, personally I feel good about helping others in need, regardless of geography or how much tax they have or have not paid.



Protest is alive and well but it needs to be mass scale.


Candians easily could have removed Harper (as seen in other countries).


Its our duty as people to remove tyrants, they obviously wont remove themselves.


Neocons of all likes need to go(maybe into a grave)


I have no issues with helping my fellow man, do it all the time, as im sure you do as well.


Where i do have an issue is neocons overthrow a government darn well knowing what they are doing, then expect the middle class to help and pay for it while they sit on millions of dollers or billions or even trillions(aka our lovely Queen)


Our polititions helped create this crisis(and many others) by participating in illegal NATO military efforts. Wasnt NATO susposed to disband ALONGtime ago???


But nah their too busy building military bases everywhere on the planet so they can overthrow more governments and countries in the name of democracy.


Where were the syrian refugees 7 years ago?


There wasnt many, until the all mighty peace keepers of the earth came in and tried to overthrow assad and created ISIS in the first place.


The US did the same with al quada. The government literally created, trained and funded them to get russians out of afghanistan.


Both are on record(obama on ISIS/hilary clinton on al queda)


These are the people the canadian government collaberate with. They are nutjobs on every level.


And they cause all this turmoil on purpose, and we all just sit back and fish and watch football lol.


I dont trust anyone in government period, they all tow the same line for isreal.


Speaking of which why dont we help some palestinians???

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