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Brace Lake Adventure - A Pike Filled Father & Son Fly In Trip


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Really glad you guys enjoyed the write up, thanks for the kind words!



Yeah, I also was going to say, young Brendan looks totally competent. Looks like a memorable trip for everybody involved, and a tough one to top, very cool!


Well, we'll try our best to top it next week bro. Hope you've been practicing your cradling technique. :)

Edited by Mike Borger
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This is one sick report, great pics and a solid back story to back it up. I'm living vicariously through these reports!


I have yet to be out this year in soft water.... But that's a story for another day...


Thanks for posting this Mike!



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My son must never see this. Never.




And I say why? We should talk Rob, maybe you guys can join us sometime.



He's 6 and thinks a few 38 inch pike and a dozen 30 inchers is a great day.


Love to do a full blown fish fest. We'll see how he progresses this summer.

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Mike, thanks for a beauty of a report. Topping it off was the way you coaxed your big fish to the cradle, not exciting those post spawn females into wearing themselves down. Good for you and Brendan by the way you handled your catch.


I'll read your report again. And maybe another again.

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Once again thanks guys! I threw this together super fast (3 full days of editing video photos and writing though :) )






He's 6 and thinks a few 38 inch pike and a dozen 30 inchers is a great day.


Love to do a full blown fish fest. We'll see how he progresses this summer.

6 is the perfect age.


Fantastic stuff Borger, The lad is gonna have some serious biceps after a trip like that!

Thanks dude! The kid is definitely making me proud, no doubt about that. :) Hope all is well with your little clan.


Mike, thanks for a beauty of a report. Topping it off was the way you coaxed your big fish to the cradle, not exciting those post spawn females into wearing themselves down. Good for you and Brendan by the way you handled your catch.


I'll read your report again. And maybe another again.


Thank you Connie! Hope your recent trip went off without a hitch.

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Fantastic report Mike!! Brendan must be pressing about 100lb on the bench these days the way he is handling those big pike! ;) A lot of time went into that report as you said above, greatly appreciated!!

Thanks Will!! PM sent


Meh, so so


Unreal mike!


Beauty fish and ya kiddo shames alot of seasoned vets! He not only looks like hes having a blast he looks very proud too!


Your a boss

Thanks dude, like any dad I'm proud of my boy. :)

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Awesome report! Looks like a great place! I hate to be a bummer, but I never see a life jacket on your son.....?




I'm hesitant to reply because I know what this board can be like at times. Like a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger out of control.


Each to their own, but I wouldn't ask that question to someone else because frankly it's none of my business.


Bren rarely wears his life jacket while we're fishing. I always have one in the boat for him and I make him wear it quite often. My kid, my discretion.

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I'm hesitant to reply because I know what this board can be like at times. Like a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger out of control.


Each to their own, but I wouldn't ask that question to someone else because frankly it's none of my business.


Bren rarely wears his life jacket while we're fishing. I always have one in the boat for him and I make him wear it quite often. My kid, my discretion.

Well put. My kid, discretion... i like that.

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Awesome report! Looks like a great place! I hate to be a bummer, but I never see a life jacket on your son.....?



I struggle with this with my own kids quite a bit. I used to make them wear them ALL the time in the boat, no matter the conditions.


Now we use the rule "motor on, jackets on". Which also happens to be the law where I live.


It's important to know what the laws in your area are. Life jacket related tickets can be steep. I got one in Ontario for $240.

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Holy smokes, Mike!!! What a dream trip---again!! You must have some pretty sweet dreams about some of those fishing trips!


Your boy---being just a kid , after all---probably doesn't realize how lucky he is!!


All of these trips are great, I can't tell you how much I love them. The last little while the trips have been kind of part and parcel with a large personal career move I'm currently making. Right now I'm doing what I love, and like I've always said everyone's the master of their own destiny. At some point very soon I'm going to make a pretty big announcement about what's happening with me. There's lots going on right now, it's pretty exciting times.


You're right about Brendan, he has zero clue how lucky he is. Later this June I'm bringing him to the Kazan River in the NWT for 8 days. He's super excited, but it's almost like it's the norm for him when he talks about it.

One day when he gets older he'll realize what a ride it was he got to go on. Hopefully at that point he can take me fishing.

Edited by Mike Borger
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