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  On 3/18/2015 at 4:31 PM, AKRISONER said:

it is interesting to see that not one person here for the first thread ever is opposed to decriminalizing pot...so what the heck is going on here?


I actually wonder where the small minority is that is opposed to it.


I would suspect the people who are opposed to it are in petrochemicals, bio fuels, pulp and paper mills. Those are the businesses the industrialists who got pot banned in the first place were in. LOL

  On 3/18/2015 at 5:58 PM, fish_fishburn said:

Harper is trying as we speak to take away the medical users who are licensed rights to grow their own weed. He doesn't want the med users to grow their own any longer and is trying to force them to buy from the govt program. Its in the courts now and he will probably lose because he is stomping all over their constitutional rights to do this. They have been allowed to grow their own since 2002. Some are saying that it will cost the upwards of 50k a year if they are forced to buy from the govt program, so they won't be able to afford their medicine.


So..... If the people who need it for medicine aren't allowed to grow it, basically for free. Then have to buy it but can't afford too. It will stop being produced...


Then a natural product that works, by all accounts, will probably be replaced with some chemicals dreamed up in labs by the Pfizers of the world...


Then the Harper government will eventually approve, list, and then pay huge amounts for seniors. (through transfers to the provinces since medicine is a provincial responsibility)


Has anyone checked Stevo's personal stock portfolio for drug companies? LOL


Nice Pot heads label...Wow.. I vaporize cannibus daily to control tinnitus and anxiety. I run 3 successful businesses and have raised 3 smart children all of witch whom are contributing to society. So if that makes me a "pothead" in your small minds then so be it.

As for the original discussion . I say go for it and tax the hell out of it. Then take the new tax revenues and give us all a break for a while..The tax revenue numbers coming out of the US states that went legal are staggering..There is no reason we cant follow suit.
For anyone that thinks its not happening here already in Canada, you may want to watch this.. It was on the fifth estate a few weeks back..How is it that revenue Canada is-int all over these guys? Its a half BILLION annually in tax revenue in Canada alone.. Im betting even more. Better in our pockets collectively then the dealers...No?

  On 3/18/2015 at 2:34 PM, lew said:

I feel like I'm donating to organized crime every time I pay taxes.

Now this right here...Awesomeness in its finest!...lol

  On 3/18/2015 at 8:20 PM, fish_fishburn said:

I support you 100% tb4me. Im sure your M.D. threw every drug he/she could think of before they issued you a licence.

There is no treatment for tinnitus at all.. I was told to either learn to live with it or seek professional help...lol The best way to describe tinnitus is the old fashion tube tv's the high pitched sequel it gives off or being smacked in the ears, except the sound never goes away..


I like this thread, it brings up so many different debates. One thing it made me think about is there has been a lot of talk about drugs testing welfare recipients, just wondering how many in favour of legalizing pot are in favour of drugs testing welfare claimants, I am not in favour of testing people on welfare, i'm not sure where I stand on the legalize pot issue, but would have to say I instinctively lean towards legalization.

  On 3/18/2015 at 8:29 PM, tb4me said:

There is no treatment for tinnitus at all.. I was told to either learn to live with it or seek professional help...lol The best way to describe tinnitus is the old fashion tube tv's the high pitched sequel it gives off or being smacked in the ears, except the sound never goes away..


I've had tinnitus for many years.

Weed helps? ^_^

I'll have to go see my doc. :whistling:

  On 3/18/2015 at 9:32 PM, DRIFTER_016 said:


I've had tinnitus for many years.

Weed helps? ^_^

I'll have to go see my doc. :whistling:

It doesnt get rid of it.. However it helps me cope..Concentration is a you know what with that noise in my head..FYI I dont vape at work or while driving..It always at home or when im trying to learn anything new..It helps huge for that..


The best way to describe it to people that don't have it is: "you know that ringing in your ears when you come out of a concert? It's that but it never goes away!! It's always there 24/7/365!!"




just freakin' wow.


and I thought this was a fishing board................. :whistling:


For those folks who do not know how to tell when a politician is lying to you..........


...........it's when their lips are moving.


Yep, all parties, all politicians, it's in their DNA I think.



Posted (edited)

This thread has made me happy.


I recall a similar thread on this board...going waaaaay back...2002 I believe.


I was younger, and more vocal ... we had quite a discussion...the "overall" opinion was quite different back then...


It's great to see how the legalization movement has progressed over the last 10 to 15 years.


You may have noticed in the recent health care thread the discussion around seizure disorders. Cannabis is one of the best treatments for seizures.

Edited by Steve
  On 3/18/2015 at 9:38 PM, tb4me said:

It doesnt get rid of it.. However it helps me cope..Concentration is a you know what with that noise in my head..FYI I dont vape at work or while driving..It always at home or when im trying to learn anything new..It helps huge for that..

Seriously, I've had it since the 80's between competitive shooting and working in a steel mill, does it really reduce the the volume of the ringing or just make it easier to deal with it ? Workman's comp allows me so much every 3 years and hearing aids only help very marginally.

  On 3/18/2015 at 10:35 PM, Big Cliff said:

And here I thought it was a prerequisite!


For a politician to be a liar I mean!


Two politicians are having a debate.... The second one gets up to rebut what the first one had said.


He is immediately interrupted by his opponent who says. What you just said is an outright LIE.


I know said the honourable gentlemen, but at least hear me out you might like it.

Posted (edited)

Justin just wants to make it okay to raid the stash his father left under the cottage floor boards!


Either way you slice it.. there will be corruption whether it's legal or not. I grew up in the pot capital of Ontario and now 35 years later we ain't making chocolate bars at Hershey's anymore! Difference is "Rusty" ran the roost back then... now the government is making large money off of "Tweed"!

Edited by irishfield
  On 3/18/2015 at 11:36 PM, irishfield said:

Justin just wants to make it okay to raid the stash his father left under the cottage floor boards!


Either way you slice it.. there will be corruption whether it's legal or not. I grew up in the pot capital of Ontario and now 35 years later we ain't making chocolate bars at Hershey's anymore! Difference is "Rusty" ran the roost back then... now the government is making large money off of "Tweed"!

Nailed it..... And what I was talking about.


Limeyangler, I don't think welfare recipients should be drug tested. But if your going into the hospital for an operation it might be a good idea to ask the M.D. who will be cutting you open if he has recently been tested. I recently read that the average life expectancy of a M.D. is 63 yrs old and about 35% are dependent on some sort of pharmaceutical drugs or alcohol. Now theres a scary thought.


After watching friends change dramatically after years of heavy pot smoking, I'm not a real fan of smoking pot. It also screws up a lot of high school kids when they really don't need any help getting screwed up. Making it illegal has done nothing so lets legalize it and tax the crap out of it. At least the legit producers will keep books and pay taxes as well


I'm surprized the first plank in his platform isn't lower the voting age to 13 then announce the second plank which is to legalize pot.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/19/2015 at 1:05 AM, Oggie said:

After watching friends change dramatically after years of heavy pot smoking, I'm not a real fan of smoking pot. It also screws up a lot of high school kids when they really don't need any help getting screwed up. Making it illegal has done nothing so lets legalize it and tax the crap out of it. At least the legit producers will keep books and pay taxes as well I'm surprized the first plank in his platform isn't lower the voting age to 13 then announce the second plank which is to legalize pot.


The scientific evidence is very clear it does more to "harm" developing teenage brains. Realistically there no way that minors will stop using it, if it is legal, because they sure are smoking up now when it isn't. That being said Colorado has proven the legal Pot industry can control the sale of Cannabis to minors better than alcohol retailers are of selling booze to them.


Well I agree it has to taxed and monitored, some states, are finding if the taxes are too high, the black market suppliers still fill the need for it. The trouble is once it is sold who knows where it was bought?


I envision seeing people at home putting black market pot into legit packaging. Sort of like when my mom would put store brand Honey O's into a Cheerio's box to make us kids think we had money. Or like Herb Tarlek aging scotch on WKRP LOL.

Edited by Canuck2fan

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