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Harper's activities to undermine environmental/technical decision-making


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The original arcticle by John Dupuis reminds me of the same anti-austerity you see in Greece...cut but not here... as their economy goes down the toilet and the debt their grand kids will be unable to pay goes up... mentally detatched from responsibility and reality

Harper in the mean time has managed to keep a very diverse group almost together and announced there should a balanced budget this or next year and has still provided Canadians with billions in tax reductions. Harper also shown responsibility and killed the pension gravy train the Liberals had in place, estimated to have cost him over $1 million over his retirment and retirement changed to 65 instead of 55.



Mulcair is way out to lunch and would trash this countries economy and debt and there is no real distinguishing it from the Liberals.
1) Carbon "Fees"
2) Additional funding for CBC
3) National daycare program (Est. cost $5 to $10 BILLION per year)
4) on and on the list goes but unless it is a coalition he won't hold any power.

Mulcair seems to be getting ignored compared toJustin Trudeau, leader of the third party.... the media sure loves him, McLeans cover, CTV's giving him an hour on W5, a new biography, even this recent consortium to try and bypass the fair use/copyright legislation and supreme court decisions to try and allow the media to censor political ads because of an attack ad on Justin (interesting how Sun wasn't included ... hmmm which should you trust, a consortium that deals in secret or the news channel that exposed them.) and they sure are going all out to make Justin look good.....


Even Al Jazeer
Justin Trudeau: Canada's agent for change?

Let us not forget what Justin has said and done.

1) When asked what his favourite government was "China and I have a certain admiration for the way their dictatorship can make changes..." .
2) Makes jokes about Russia and Ukraine and ends up reprimanded by Ukraine ambassador.
3) Wants to implement a carbon taxes.
4) Wants to roll back minimum jail sentences.
5) Wants to roll back the accountability act for reserves and chiefs
6) Calls prostitution violence against women then declares he will roll back C-36 (the one woman I know that was a prostitute and now helps to get them out of the oldest oppression says it is what Canada needs to protect women)
7) Admits to multiple usage of illegal drugs proudly. (7 times since I was an MP...)
8) Was taking $10,000 to $30,000 FROM charities and school boards WHILE he was an MP, total of over $1,000,000 dollars
9) Wants to legalize pot and has the support of Marc Emery and Marc's wife is trying for a MP seat.
10) Lies about open nominations then puts on criteria like cannot be pro-life, cannot question man made global warming etc. (Andrew Leslie, no vote allowed, fight at event, Ruby Dhalla - had signs printed and vetoed, party being sued by multiple ex-candidates, BC - memberships being sold....) opportunistly accepts Eve Adams though
11) Then there was the Liberal talk about semi-auto firearms and "firearm reclassifications".
(Think 25/32 handgun, AK (right down to 22's that look like it), semi-auto's (I think it was resolution 42))
12) Doesn't want Canada helping to protect the Kurds and minorities in Iraq, his comments about the F-18 showing a lack of a serious mind.
13) Comments like "budgets will balance themselves", "Quebecers are the best Canadians", comments about the Niquab and the Holocaust (even though some Muslim groups have called for a ban on the burqua and Niquab) and so many others no one should take him seriously.
14) Additional funding for CBC that already gets $90,000,000 per MONTH
15) Unilaterally and without notice dictatorially dismantled the senate group and without evidence or conviction dismissed 2 MPs and accepted Eve Adams who had already been told she couldn't run as a Conservative.
16) Outright lies and fear mongering about C-42 and the authorization to transport.

The first person to be convicted of Robocalls was a Liberal and the Senator with the largest over expensing by far was also Liberal and to use one of his fathers advisers words "he got his mothers brain" and now let's look at his advisers....

Alexandre (Sacha,his brother) that recently made a movie in association with Iran's media network, Omar Alghabra (former president of the Canadian Arab Federation) and Gerald Butts (ex head of World Wildlife Fund Canada)

Gerald Butts

"The key person behind Ontario’s move to Wind Energy is Gerald Butts.
Butts was Principal Secretary to Premier McGuinty where he was intimately involved in the government’s environmental initiatives.
On February 6, 2014, to address the rising cost of energy, Butts and Energy Minister Chiarelli introduced National Sweater Day.
Butts is currently the chief environmental advisor to Federal Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau." think Ontario and "fees" "high enough to make people change"..his words)

17) Doesn't understand that the Burkha and Naquab are not Muslim but cultural even though he goes to a radical Mosques without regard to what they stand for and in a video is shown saying the Shahaba (declaring himself a Muslim) without a clue what he is saying..... I think.

Another of his advisors Omar Alghabra, the Syrian-Canadian former president of the Canadian Arab Federation
i) denounced Canada’s largest newspaper chain for using the term “terrorist” to describe Muslim terrorist groups like the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
ii) When Yasser Arafat died, Alghabra put out a press release announcing he was mourning for him.
iii) When Canada was setting up a no-fly list for passengers considered security threats, he opposed it
iv) when Ontario narrowly rejected adopting shariah law for Muslim divorces, Alghabra was disappointed, calling it “unfortunate.”
v) Said "I believe that he (Justin Trudeau) represents and carries with him the values that are not only in sync with my values, *Al Jazeer article above.

Result to Canada if the Liberal fear mongering and distortions work and they are elected.
1) Companies leaving Canada due to higher taxes and costs
2) #1 - higher unemployment
3) Choice of daycare programs reduced and gov't only programs at a cost of $5 to $10 billion per year.
4) Billions of dollars in money in peoples pockets through tax cuts and no carbon taxes used to fund the economy, pay down debt.. gone
5) #4 - more unemployment and deader economy
6) Either a registry or semi-automatics seized and destroyed "using an Australian model" - Liberal Youth and Liberal Resolution 51??? Also look at their paranoia about Harper mentioning using a firearm for self defense... rants of vigilantism etc. pathetic fear mongering.
7) Forget balanced budget and debt... after all Justin says "budgets balance themselves"
8) Reserves remaining unaccountable for millions of dollars, bad chiefs and friends (there are some good ones) living well and the rest looking like slums
9) Criminals getting a slap rather than punished.
10) Legalized prostitution will increase human trafficing just like it has in every nation where it is allowed.
11) Foreign policy - there have always been questions about what and when Cretien knew about Riwanda.
12) Military screwed again (sending troops to Afghanistan in jungle camo, used subs that killed a man even before they were delivered, assigned to Kandahar just before Conservatives took power, Justin's comments about F-18s and ISIS .....)

So kiss goodbye to freedoms, money in your pocket and hello to debt and Sharia law "accomodations" and special treatment for Quebec and a us against them attitude.

Yep... back to the "good" old Trudeau/Cretien days... 10% unemployment, inflation, prodictatorship arrogant leader, military treated as disposable idiots, criminals with more rights and victims blamed .... I could go on but don't feel like going on... the Harper haters just don't seem to understand reality, debt or responsibility.... even with Ontario as a role model (atleast Wynne will probably wait on the carbon "fees" until after the Federal election).

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The original arcticle by John Dupuis reminds me of the same anti-austerity you see in Greece...cut but not here... as their economy goes down the toilet and the debt their grand kids will be unable to pay goes up... mentally detatched from responsibility and reality


Harper in the mean time has managed to keep a very diverse group almost together and announced there should a balanced budget this or next year and has still provided Canadians with billions in tax reductions. Harper also shown responsibility and killed the pension gravy train the Liberals had in place, estimated to have cost him over $1 million over his retirment and retirement changed to 65 instead of 55.



Mulcair is way out to lunch and would trash this countries economy and debt and there is no real distinguishing it from the Liberals.

1) Carbon "Fees"

2) Additional funding for CBC

3) National daycare program (Est. cost $5 to $10 BILLION per year)

4) on and on the list goes but unless it is a coalition he won't hold any power.



Mulcair seems to be getting ignored compared toJustin Trudeau, leader of the third party.... the media sure loves him, McLeans cover, CTV's giving him an hour on W5, a new biography, even this recent consortium to try and bypass the fair use/copyright legislation and supreme court decisions to try and allow the media to censor political ads because of an attack ad on Justin (interesting how Sun wasn't included ... hmmm which should you trust, a consortium that deals in secret or the news channel that exposed them.) and they sure are going all out to make Justin look good.....




Even Al Jazeer

Justin Trudeau: Canada's agent for change?




Let us not forget what Justin has said and done.


1) When asked what his favourite government was "China and I have a certain admiration for the way their dictatorship can make changes..." .

2) Makes jokes about Russia and Ukraine and ends up reprimanded by Ukraine ambassador.

3) Wants to implement a carbon taxes.

4) Wants to roll back minimum jail sentences.

5) Wants to roll back the accountability act for reserves and chiefs

6) Calls prostitution violence against women then declares he will roll back C-36 (the one woman I know that was a prostitute and now helps to get them out of the oldest oppression says it is what Canada needs to protect women)

7) Admits to multiple usage of illegal drugs proudly. (7 times since I was an MP...)

8) Was taking $10,000 to $30,000 FROM charities and school boards WHILE he was an MP, total of over $1,000,000 dollars

9) Wants to legalize pot and has the support of Marc Emery and Marc's wife is trying for a MP seat.

10) Lies about open nominations then puts on criteria like cannot be pro-life, cannot question man made global warming etc. (Andrew Leslie, no vote allowed, fight at event, Ruby Dhalla - had signs printed and vetoed, party being sued by multiple ex-candidates, BC - memberships being sold....) opportunistly accepts Eve Adams though

11) Then there was the Liberal talk about semi-auto firearms and "firearm reclassifications".

(Think 25/32 handgun, AK (right down to 22's that look like it), semi-auto's (I think it was resolution 42))

12) Doesn't want Canada helping to protect the Kurds and minorities in Iraq, his comments about the F-18 showing a lack of a serious mind.

13) Comments like "budgets will balance themselves", "Quebecers are the best Canadians", comments about the Niquab and the Holocaust (even though some Muslim groups have called for a ban on the burqua and Niquab) and so many others no one should take him seriously.

14) Additional funding for CBC that already gets $90,000,000 per MONTH

15) Unilaterally and without notice dictatorially dismantled the senate group and without evidence or conviction dismissed 2 MPs and accepted Eve Adams who had already been told she couldn't run as a Conservative.

16) Outright lies and fear mongering about C-42 and the authorization to transport.




The first person to be convicted of Robocalls was a Liberal and the Senator with the largest over expensing by far was also Liberal and to use one of his fathers advisers words "he got his mothers brain" and now let's look at his advisers....



Alexandre (Sacha,his brother) that recently made a movie in association with Iran's media network, Omar Alghabra (former president of the Canadian Arab Federation) and Gerald Butts (ex head of World Wildlife Fund Canada)


Gerald Butts




"The key person behind Ontario’s move to Wind Energy is Gerald Butts.

Butts was Principal Secretary to Premier McGuinty where he was intimately involved in the government’s environmental initiatives.

On February 6, 2014, to address the rising cost of energy, Butts and Energy Minister Chiarelli introduced National Sweater Day.

Butts is currently the chief environmental advisor to Federal Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau." think Ontario and "fees" "high enough to make people change"..his words)




17) Doesn't understand that the Burkha and Naquab are not Muslim but cultural even though he goes to a radical Mosques without regard to what they stand for and in a video is shown saying the Shahaba (declaring himself a Muslim) without a clue what he is saying..... I think.


Another of his advisors Omar Alghabra, the Syrian-Canadian former president of the Canadian Arab Federation

i) denounced Canada’s largest newspaper chain for using the term “terrorist” to describe Muslim terrorist groups like the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

ii) When Yasser Arafat died, Alghabra put out a press release announcing he was mourning for him.

iii) When Canada was setting up a no-fly list for passengers considered security threats, he opposed it

iv) when Ontario narrowly rejected adopting shariah law for Muslim divorces, Alghabra was disappointed, calling it “unfortunate.”

v) Said "I believe that he (Justin Trudeau) represents and carries with him the values that are not only in sync with my values, *Al Jazeer article above.






Result to Canada if the Liberal fear mongering and distortions work and they are elected.

1) Companies leaving Canada due to higher taxes and costs

2) #1 - higher unemployment

3) Choice of daycare programs reduced and gov't only programs at a cost of $5 to $10 billion per year.

4) Billions of dollars in money in peoples pockets through tax cuts and no carbon taxes used to fund the economy, pay down debt.. gone

5) #4 - more unemployment and deader economy

6) Either a registry or semi-automatics seized and destroyed "using an Australian model" - Liberal Youth and Liberal Resolution 51??? Also look at their paranoia about Harper mentioning using a firearm for self defense... rants of vigilantism etc. pathetic fear mongering.

7) Forget balanced budget and debt... after all Justin says "budgets balance themselves"

8) Reserves remaining unaccountable for millions of dollars, bad chiefs and friends (there are some good ones) living well and the rest looking like slums

9) Criminals getting a slap rather than punished.

10) Legalized prostitution will increase human trafficing just like it has in every nation where it is allowed.

11) Foreign policy - there have always been questions about what and when Cretien knew about Riwanda.

12) Military screwed again (sending troops to Afghanistan in jungle camo, used subs that killed a man even before they were delivered, assigned to Kandahar just before Conservatives took power, Justin's comments about F-18s and ISIS .....)


So kiss goodbye to freedoms, money in your pocket and hello to debt and Sharia law "accomodations" and special treatment for Quebec and a us against them attitude.




Yep... back to the "good" old Trudeau/Cretien days... 10% unemployment, inflation, prodictatorship arrogant leader, military treated as disposable idiots, criminals with more rights and victims blamed .... I could go on but don't feel like going on... the Harper haters just don't seem to understand reality, debt or responsibility.... even with Ontario as a role model (atleast Wynne will probably wait on the carbon "fees" until after the Federal election).

:good: Now sit back and await the usual "drinking koolaid" rebuttal. ;)

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:good: Now sit back and await the usual "drinking koolaid" rebuttal. ;)


Yep... the old problem, don't remember how it went exactly but the idea was... To argue with a Conservative bring facts, history and logic... to argue with Liberals an emotion based argument and pictures of cute kittens holding graphs.

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The Conservative government has done a decent job in their long run, but their are falling apart at the seams; changing laws to ensure their own election and turning to extreme fear mongering about terrorism...this is very similar to the US Bush era... it's getting laughable.


Conservative and Liberal governments are so close and interchangeable that those of you who think they are worlds apart and say things like Mosquito has said in the above post are so blind with partisan politics that you make no sense to anyone but your own team. Get real.


The Conservatives are more liberal than they want to be, and the Liberals are similarly more conservative This is needed to be elected. It's all about getting into power. Canadians like the comfortable center (which is why NDP rarely have gotten elected) and political parties will sell their souls and change their identities to get elected.


For me, it's just time for change. I don't like Trudeau, but the Harper government has expired, Joe Oliver, Peter McKay, Jason Kenny, these guys are ridiculous mindless pawns... We need the pendulum to return to center, this fear mongering and politicking needs to stop, Canadians need a different voice for the next 4 years. Not a huge deal Mosquito and Craig, the sky will not fall if a Liberal or NDP government get a minority.


To avoid be called a dumb liberal, I'll say that I got $1,400 in tax return for the income splitting that the conservatives brought in. I think it was a great policy and supports stay at home parents! If the Conservatives lose, I'll likely lose that tax credit. It would be in my personal interest to keep a conservative government in majority power; however, I think that for Canadian interest we need a minority 'other' government.

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The Conservative government has done a decent job in their long run, but their are falling apart at the seams; changing laws to ensure their own election and turning to extreme fear mongering about terrorism...this is very similar to the US Bush era... it's getting laughable.


Conservative and Liberal governments are so close and interchangeable that those of you who think they are worlds apart and say things like Mosquito has said in the above post are so blind with partisan politics that you make no sense to anyone but your own team. Get real.


The Conservatives are more liberal than they want to be, and the Liberals are similarly more conservative This is needed to be elected. It's all about getting into power. Canadians like the comfortable center (which is why NDP rarely have gotten elected) and political parties will sell their souls and change their identities to get elected.


For me, it's just time for change. I don't like Trudeau, but the Harper government has expired, Joe Oliver, Peter McKay, Jason Kenny, these guys are ridiculous mindless pawns... We need the pendulum to return to center, this fear mongering and politicking needs to stop, Canadians need a different voice for the next 4 years. Not a huge deal Mosquito and Craig, the sky will not fall if a Liberal or NDP government get a minority.


To avoid be called a dumb liberal, I'll say that I got $1,400 in tax return for the income splitting that the conservatives brought in. I think it was a great policy and supports stay at home parents! If the Conservatives lose, I'll likely lose that tax credit. It would be in my personal interest to keep a conservative government in majority power; however, I think that for Canadian interest we need a minority 'other' government.


Harper can only change things so fast and with so much of the Media like CBC nothing more than a Liberal advertiser (it really showed when Wynne thanked CBC for all the hard work right after the election) to push through austerity would be political suicide. Harper has to be strong to control a mixed group like the Conservative pary where you have Libertarians,, Conservatives etc. etc. Anyone can lead Justin and Mulcairs sheep parties and even at that he won't allow anyone not approved and kicks out those 2 without evidence... playing the dictator.


Yes you can kiss that income splitting money good bye as well as increases in credits probably and the TFSA that the Conservatives put in the left won't talk about what they plan although they sure yelled when the max was increased, GST cuts won't say etc. etc.. The Liberals really actually seem to hate families, two people working making 80,000 make alot less than an 1 income family whether it is kids, aging parents, disability or other reason and some of the comments on CBC were quite arrogant and insulting too.


There is also the impact on business with Carbon taxes and policies that as Butts says will change how people behave.


Look at what the electricity rates have done to jobs in Ontario, factories leaving like crazy and even the stables are moving out....


Why a Leamington greenhouse is investing $200M in Ohio


“It is definitely a loss and a significant loss to Leamington, Ontario and Canada.”


There is the impact of the unemployment, the debt and society.... just think about what an NDP/Liberal coalition would do, you can look at Wynne and Horwath for that... auditor general warnings ($15B this year alone and est $320B by 2018), debt downgraded, OPP investigations, RCMP investigating OPP, Ontario needing transfer payments for the first time, .....



It isn't that Liberals are unintelligent, it is that they don't want to face the reality of fincances and responsbility, I can give lots of personal examples from that like my one cousin, he kept posting some stupid posts put and the last time he had one saying Harper would bet $500K a year in pension, I asked him if he actually believed it and sent him a link to the Globe and Mail showing that the conservatives had actually reduced the pension and increased the required payments... he unfriended and blocked me on Facebook. He liked his ignorance and rants better than reality.

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BC has had a liberal government for a while and they are doing well. It's more about the people in the government and the decisions they make, than the brand itself.


If there was a decent and true Conservative option, I'd support them. Harpers government is joke and isn't conservative or even Canadian (in my opinion not Canadian, that is subjective) at all, expect for a few showpiece bills that are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, self-propelling drivel. Hugh Segal should have started up a party of his own... a competing right-wing party is what is needed to keep this side in check.

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The BC. Liberal party is in many ways more conservative than the Federal Conservative Party true, including their willingness and efforts to balance the budget, resource use etc. but if you look the choices federally are Centrist, Far left and FAR left. Ontario and Quebec Liberal parties and the NDP correspond with their federal name sakes. Within weeks of the last Ontario election the CIO at one of our customers set about a relocation to BC. BC has shown a tendancy more recently to move left again especially with the LNG and pipelines though, so we shall see.


Quebec has needed transfer payments as long as I can remeber and under McGuinty and Wynne Ontario has needed transfer payments and the debt has gone up, economy down, jobs down. It was telling a few months ago I saw the unemployment in Canada went down 10,000.... Ontario went down 25,000 fulltime jobs. Think about those numbers and what it means for the rest of Canada.

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Shelter and food over further funding for The Canadian Space Agency. A recent Dr. Suzuki (the talking head scientist) told us that for every hectare of land cleared for the infrastructure for energy projects in Alberta 4 songbirds leave the area never to be heard again. Hey I like songbirds as much as the next guy but if I don't have the means to feed my family and heat this shack we will be eating them anyway. I wonder if the scientists paid to listen to birds were cut as well.

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Federal Liberals are fairly right-winged economically, maybe not socially. Same as when Paul Martin was Finance Minister, it's the only way they'll ever gain power again too, they know that.


The current Liberals agree with C51 and the pipelines.


Again, if they didn't act like fear mongering, religious, self-appointing nutbars, with a just as deaf-to-all-other-opinions-fanboy-support base, I'd probably support the Conservatives. I've just had enough of their power-tripping drivel and American-esque style. It's time to take it down a notch boys!


No big deal though, in 4 or 8 years, they'll get in power again and very little will have changed other than a minor tilt in the rhetoric.

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Federal Liberals are fairly right-winged economically, maybe not socially. Same as when Paul Martin was Finance Minister, it's the only way they'll ever gain power again too, they know that.


The current Liberals agree with C51 and the pipelines.


Again, if they didn't act like fear mongering, religious, self-appointing nutbars, with a just as deaf-to-all-other-opinions-fanboy-support base, I'd probably support the Conservatives. I've just had enough of their power-tripping drivel and American-esque style. It's time to take it down a notch boys!


No big deal though, in 4 or 8 years, they'll get in power again and very little will have changed other than a minor tilt in the rhetoric.




OK.... have you ready even an analysis or summary of C-51? The Liberals have come out against several pipelines actually.


If you actually look it is the Liberals and NDP doing most of the fear mongering and out right lying (ex. look at the link to their views on C-42).


Let me get this right....


So the Conservatives have:

1) cut taxes and saved Canadian tax payers billions

2) added ways to save without being taxed (TFSA)

3) made cheifs and reserves actually accountable for the millions they receive each year (total over $5 billion)

4) added legislation to clear up citizens arrests so bull sh** like the owner of the Lucky Moose in Toronto don't happen

5) added mandatory sentences to many of the serious crimes.

6) increased what they have to pay into their own pension and moved the retirement date from 55 to 65 (costing Harper an est. $1,000,000 personally)



and you want to vote for a party that:

1) wants to roll back the tax cuts taking billions out of Canadian working peoples pocklets

2) wants to roll back the accountability act allowing more hidden spending while reserves turn into ghetoes.

3) wants to roll back mandatory sentences so criminals can get out earlier.

4) wants to a add carbon taxes

5) lies about open nomination, C-42 and more

6) is run by a trust fund rich kid that was taking money from Charities and School boards for speaking fees while an MP (getting a full pay there).

etc. (see above for alot more)


In the delusion that in 4 or 8 years there won't be much change... yeah, just look what the Liberals did in Ontario in the 4 years, smart meters, Ontario Pension Plan, electricity increase..... turned Ontario into a have not province with high unemployment and businesses and manufacturing leaving.


Just to remind you it took the Liberals in Ontario less than 6 months to add new income taxes, add the Ontario Pension Plan (think personal and corporate deduction ... ie more reason to leave or reduce staff), pushed through the new school ciriculum that even McGunity withdrew over protests, almost tripled the aviation fuel tax (flying anywhere...), is talking about more electricity increases (even though Ontario pays more than any state or province in North America by far), more contracts for windmills (Ontario already has a large surplus and is selling to the States and Provinces at 1/2 the price it is buying it from the wind genereators, payed off the one teachers Union with hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars...... and I could go on but I don't want to bore you. Oh but in 8 years they doubled Ontario's debt, thousands of jobs left Ontario, increased Ontario provincial workers by 100,000 and wasted billions on gas plants, eHealth, Orng etc.... or they Federal Liberals have mentioned the Australian model for firearms so you can just think in less than 2 months all semi-auto and many pump firearms were seized and scrapped... so empirically your statement is incorrect about what they can do... they can do what ever they want.



Because you think the Conservatives are too religious and American .....

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Quebec has needed transfer payments as long as I can remeber and under McGuinty and Wynne Ontario has needed transfer payments and the debt has gone up, economy down, jobs down. It was telling a few months ago I saw the unemployment in Canada went down 10,000.... Ontario went down 25,000 fulltime jobs. Think about those numbers and what it means for the rest of Canada.

Could you clarify on the loss of jobs? Doesn't seem to make sense if Canada's unemployment went down 10,000 jobs and Ontario losing 25,000 jobs.



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Could you clarify on the loss of jobs? Doesn't seem to make sense if Canada's unemployment went down 10,000 jobs and Ontario losing 25,000 jobs.



It means the rest of Canada, excluding Ontario, created 35,000 new jobs while Ontario lost 25,000 giving us a net increase of 10,000 jobs.

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Really, not one mention of the Omnibus bill that basically gutted the navigable waters act? Left thousands of lakes and river unprotected? How about C-51??? And every other piece of legislation that Harper has rammed through giving the PMO's office more and more power...But hey, the economy's good!


Harper's a 'God will fix things up just fine' bible thumping nightmare! Do some research.

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I do not believe in the politics that surround government. There is far too much lobbying and the money always trumps what is right. I have never voted and I probably never will, because I refuse to elect someone who is going to be bound by its supporting groups and scam the general public. No one is held accountable for any wrong doing.


At the end of the day, I know electing someone will never truly change my life. I pay my taxes, and enjoy life not worrying about all the dummies that run our country.


Harper, Trudeau, whomever.....its all the same Caca!

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Harry Smith.


"A sparkling-clean nation where everyone willingly paid their taxes is the Canada that Harry Leslie Smith remembers choosing as a place to raise his family and live his life decades ago.

Now, at 92, Smith has become a sensation in the United Kingdom for his opinion pieces and memoir Harry's Last Stand, in which he draws parallels between his brutal childhood in the U.K. and where the western world is headed today as government austerity grips many of its countries.

Smith, who splits his time between Canada and Yorkshire, was recently asked by the U.K. Labour Party to be a spokesman for its campaign in advance of the May 7 election. He now finds himself in the midst of a gruelling speaking tour, travelling through 30 cities in 50 days, to rally the fight against austerity and corporate greed.

When that's done, Smith told The Tyee, he will be returning to Canada to do the same, in a ''full-tilt'' effort on his part to help oust Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

''He is really, to me, the worst prime minister that ever existed,'' Smith said over the phone from Manchester, pausing for a drink of water. ''Since Harper has come into power, everything has gone downhill. He has one consideration, and that is to let the rich get richer and the poor fend for themselves.''

Smith said the ''epidemic'' of child poverty in Toronto, government service cutbacks, and tax loopholes used by corporations are some of the most concerning threats facing the country today.

It's a stark difference from when he first arrived in Ontario in the 1950s to start anew after serving in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

''I've seen this province and the rest of the western world slip back to a society that reminds me of my boyhood,'' Smith said. ''Today is starting to have that same edge -- the same cruelty, the same divisions between those that have, and those that have not, that polarized the 1920s.''

A 'miracle' middle class story

Born in 1923 and raised in crippling Depression-era poverty in England, Smith and his wife moved to Canada in 1953, eventually settling in Belleville, Ont. where he opened a carpet business.

At the time, Smith saw Canada as a virtuous country, where buildings weren't hundreds of years old and he could raise his family. He knew he could put food on the table, own a home, and perhaps have grass in the back garden.

It was a far cry from the slums of his youth in England, where his 10-year-old sister was buried in an unmarked ''pauper's pit'' after dying of tuberculosis -- a story he retold in front of thousands during a speech to the Labour Party conference last year.

But there was no longer such torment for Smith, as the Canada of the 1950s delivered on its promise of prosperity.

''It was almost a miracle to me that I came from nothing to be a respectable middle class man,'' Smith said. ''It was not just me, it was everyone around us.''

Back then, none of his friends or neighbours had a problem with paying taxes. Most of them, having grown up in the Depression, thought services paid for by taxes were what made the country a safe and good place to live.

But the decades of prosperity for those like Smith have slowly slipped from view, as corporations and politicians robbed the public of its social safety net, he said. It's a trend that began with Margaret Thatcher in the U.K., he added.

''[The public] has suffered so much under different governments that they now feel that they can't trust anyone anymore, that no one is going to come along and rescue them,'' he said.

That's led to a desperate situation where poor people are overwhelmed by the affects of austerity and don't know how to make ends meet, he said.

Voting for 'compassion'

Smith said he will tour the country in the run-up to the Canadian election, delivering speeches aimed at youth about the perils of austerity and attacks on government services.

He said young people in Canada need to realize their futures are at risk if they don't oust Harper and vote in someone with ''compassion'' who cares about them.

His upcoming speech at the Broadbent Institute's Progress Summit, starting Thursday in Ottawa, will touch on some of these themes.

Smith was originally to appear in person to deliver a speech at the progressive conference, but the request for him to support the Labour Party pulled him back to England, and he will now speak via video.

The touring will begin once Smith returns to Canada, and he said he's ''looking forward to seeing the back of that monster,'' Harper.

He stressed that warning young Canadians about their inaction risks the return to an uncivilized, brutish reality -- one festering with poverty and indifference to those drowning in it.

For Smith, that reality is long ago, but not forgotten.

''We were a generation of people who received nothing and we had to fend for ourselves to improve our standard of living," he said. "But it was much easier for us than it is for the young people of today.” ico_fishie.png

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Really, not one mention of the Omnibus bill that basically gutted the navigable waters act? Left thousands of lakes and river unprotected? How about C-51??? And every other piece of legislation that Harper has rammed through giving the PMO's office more and more power...But hey, the economy's good!


Harper's a 'God will fix things up just fine' bible thumping nightmare! Do some research.

A little harsh but I agree. Was surprised these points hadn't been brought up yet.

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I'm glad the election isn't tomorrow because I have no idea who I would vote for. Yes everyone has brought up some great points bu none to really make me think of how I'm voting in the fall.


Even with not knowing how I'm going to vote right now I am going to vote, I also just moved so I'm going to do more research this time, to see how each party has done in my area in past years.


The big thing i'm interested in seeing is how well the NDP will do this year since they no longer have Jack at the helm

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Harry Smith.


"A sparkling-clean nation where everyone willingly paid their taxes is the Canada that Harry Leslie Smith remembers choosing as a place to raise his family and live his life decades ago.

Now, at 92, Smith has become a sensation in the United Kingdom for his opinion pieces and memoir Harry's Last Stand, in which he draws parallels between his brutal childhood in the U.K. and where the western world is headed today as government austerity grips many of its countries.

Smith, who splits his time between Canada and Yorkshire, was recently asked by the U.K. Labour Party to be a spokesman for its campaign in advance of the May 7 election. He now finds himself in the midst of a gruelling speaking tour, travelling through 30 cities in 50 days, to rally the fight against austerity and corporate greed.

When that's done, Smith told The Tyee, he will be returning to Canada to do the same, in a ''full-tilt'' effort on his part to help oust Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

''He is really, to me, the worst prime minister that ever existed,'' Smith said over the phone from Manchester, pausing for a drink of water. ''Since Harper has come into power, everything has gone downhill. He has one consideration, and that is to let the rich get richer and the poor fend for themselves.''

Smith said the ''epidemic'' of child poverty in Toronto, government service cutbacks, and tax loopholes used by corporations are some of the most concerning threats facing the country today.

It's a stark difference from when he first arrived in Ontario in the 1950s to start anew after serving in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

''I've seen this province and the rest of the western world slip back to a society that reminds me of my boyhood,'' Smith said. ''Today is starting to have that same edge -- the same cruelty, the same divisions between those that have, and those that have not, that polarized the 1920s.''

A 'miracle' middle class story

Born in 1923 and raised in crippling Depression-era poverty in England, Smith and his wife moved to Canada in 1953, eventually settling in Belleville, Ont. where he opened a carpet business.

At the time, Smith saw Canada as a virtuous country, where buildings weren't hundreds of years old and he could raise his family. He knew he could put food on the table, own a home, and perhaps have grass in the back garden.

It was a far cry from the slums of his youth in England, where his 10-year-old sister was buried in an unmarked ''pauper's pit'' after dying of tuberculosis -- a story he retold in front of thousands during a speech to the Labour Party conference last year.

But there was no longer such torment for Smith, as the Canada of the 1950s delivered on its promise of prosperity.

''It was almost a miracle to me that I came from nothing to be a respectable middle class man,'' Smith said. ''It was not just me, it was everyone around us.''

Back then, none of his friends or neighbours had a problem with paying taxes. Most of them, having grown up in the Depression, thought services paid for by taxes were what made the country a safe and good place to live.

But the decades of prosperity for those like Smith have slowly slipped from view, as corporations and politicians robbed the public of its social safety net, he said. It's a trend that began with Margaret Thatcher in the U.K., he added.

''[The public] has suffered so much under different governments that they now feel that they can't trust anyone anymore, that no one is going to come along and rescue them,'' he said.

That's led to a desperate situation where poor people are overwhelmed by the affects of austerity and don't know how to make ends meet, he said.

Voting for 'compassion'

Smith said he will tour the country in the run-up to the Canadian election, delivering speeches aimed at youth about the perils of austerity and attacks on government services.

He said young people in Canada need to realize their futures are at risk if they don't oust Harper and vote in someone with ''compassion'' who cares about them.

His upcoming speech at the Broadbent Institute's Progress Summit, starting Thursday in Ottawa, will touch on some of these themes.

Smith was originally to appear in person to deliver a speech at the progressive conference, but the request for him to support the Labour Party pulled him back to England, and he will now speak via video.

The touring will begin once Smith returns to Canada, and he said he's ''looking forward to seeing the back of that monster,'' Harper.

He stressed that warning young Canadians about their inaction risks the return to an uncivilized, brutish reality -- one festering with poverty and indifference to those drowning in it.

For Smith, that reality is long ago, but not forgotten.

''We were a generation of people who received nothing and we had to fend for ourselves to improve our standard of living," he said. "But it was much easier for us than it is for the young people of today.” ico_fishie.png

That guy makes some great points, but the Broadbent Institute is full of it, if you know what i mean. Or at least they were around the income splitting concept.



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