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Keep Your Lights On (update)


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Still not sure how to use all the features of this board. I wanted to edit the original thread to updated, but cant figure out how to change the name.


This is a continuation from the original thread.




Had to meet the prosecutor this morning. He asked a couple questions,


Was I given 72 hours - No.


What time of day was it - 1:58 in the aft. I have pictures of the day in question.


Do you have day time running lights - Yes.


You are free to go I will withdraw it.


While it was a bit of a waste of time, it saved me pleading guilty to something stupid and a 150 dollar fine.

Edited by Parnelly
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My son got a $150 fine two weeks ago for not having registered plates on the vehicle. It's my car...it had plates with valid stickers and he showed the cop the ownership with a valid plate portion and sticker. Apparently, someone cancelled the plates in the system for whatever reason. The cop even said it was strange because you can't cancel plates without giving them up and/or giving the plate portion of the ownership back. He wrote the ticket anyway. Guiltly until proven innocent.

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Glad it worked out for you , but what a waste of time and resources to you and the courts . I would hope the officer would get a little

talking to in regards to this ticket but I doubt it . I'm sure you are not the only one with a bogus ticket written by this officer :wallbash:

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Glad it worked out for you , but what a waste of time and resources to you and the courts . I would hope the officer would get a little

talking to in regards to this ticket but I doubt it . I'm sure you are not the only one with a bogus ticket written by this officer :wallbash:

Ya but how many people just pay them because they can't take the time off work to fight it? Odds are in the cops favor I'm afraid.


Parnelly; glad it worked out for you! :thumbsup_anim:

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Local, Unmarked/ghost Ford Escape. Pulled up beside me, looked at me, slowed signaled over and on came the cherries.


This is just a theory, my brother suggested. He was likely using the traffic act, as a means to check my vehicle or me for illegal scents. As soon as he approached the window he stuck his head in and took a whiff, As mentioned in the other thread I was eating a chicken burger. All he got was the smell of wendy's.

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Local, Unmarked/ghost Ford Escape. Pulled up beside me, looked at me, slowed signaled over and on came the cherries.


This is just a theory, my brother suggested. He was likely using the traffic act, as a means to check my vehicle or me for illegal scents. As soon as he approached the window he stuck his head in and took a whiff, As mentioned in the other thread I was eating a chicken burger. All he got was the smell of wendy's.

Glad it worked out for you!


I may be wrong bit isnt eating while driving illegal as well? Distracted driving or whatever they call the 7 billion laws we have to follow

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Eating while driving isn't illegal.



I just heard of a ticket for this the other day, it was in AB though....conversation in a store, not sure if it's actually true


Distracted driving is a form of impaired driving as a driver's judgment is compromised when they are not fully focused on the road. Distracted driving qualifies as talking on a cell phone, texting, reading (e.g. books, maps, and newspapers), using a GPS, watching videos or movies, eating/drinking, smoking, personal grooming, adjusting the radio/CD and playing extremely loud music. Even talking to passengers and driving while fatigued (mentally and/or physically) can be forms of distracted driving.



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I just heard of a ticket for this the other day, it was in AB though....conversation in a store, not sure if it's actually true


Distracted driving is a form of impaired driving as a driver's judgment is compromised when they are not fully focused on the road. Distracted driving qualifies as talking on a cell phone, texting, reading (e.g. books, maps, and newspapers), using a GPS, watching videos or movies, eating/drinking, smoking, personal grooming, adjusting the radio/CD and playing extremely loud music. Even talking to passengers and driving while fatigued (mentally and/or physically) can be forms of distracted driving.




They should just start banning radios, passengers and drive thrus :) This world would be such a safer place.

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I thought of this post not too long ago.


Heading to work a couple weeks ago, very snowy morning, at daybreak, I came up behind a white Halton Region Police Crown Vic interceptor, covered in snow with no tail lights on.


A waste of time, but good too hear the stupidity stopped and you didn't have to pay.

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Yep... I'd have very little issue with many things they charge people with, if only they followed the rules themselves. This one pulled out of "Bernie town" in front of me last Feb in Fog you could barely see the nose of your truck.

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My son got a $150 fine two weeks ago for not having registered plates on the vehicle. It's my car...it had plates with valid stickers and he showed the cop the ownership with a valid plate portion and sticker. Apparently, someone cancelled the plates in the system for whatever reason. The cop even said it was strange because you can't cancel plates without giving them up and/or giving the plate portion of the ownership back. He wrote the ticket anyway. Guiltly until proven innocent.

NRP is a wonderful organization, made up of only the finest of individuals. I've have had my own logic disputes with them as well. Hamilton, not so much.

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