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The Government...

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If your gonna record someone make sure you have consent, or they at least have knowledge of it.



According to my lawyer all that is necessary is for one of the persons being recorded to be aware of it.


Had a former employee try to pull a number on me one time and recorded a conversation we were having without my being aware of it. Naturally he tried to set it up and get me to say things in favor of his cause.


Unfortunatly for him it backfired because he tried to submit a typed transcript of the conversation and my lawyer insisted that the original taped conversation be submitted. It was quite different from the typed transcript that had been submitted, the judge Listened to about the first two minutes of the tape and threw the case out.


So it is my experience, you can tape any conversation you want as long as you are aware it is being taped you are good to go.

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I would always prefer to pay my personal taxes or corporate taxes annually than monthly. Better sitting in my hands than in the Gov's hands. Dinged is dinged M2B2, so I'd rather get dinged once rather than every time I was paid. What really P*&&d me off was having to collect and remit GST for the government using my resources that cost me $$.


Just as bad as Gov's for ridiculous inefficiencies is Hewlett Packard. I kept track of the telephone time it took me to get a bad laptop replaced from the first week I bought it was 32, yep thirty two hours talking on the phone. Returned the original piece of crappola 3 times over 10 months before it was replaced by this piece of crappola. It took me over an hour to give 3 different call centre employees my email address until they got it right. I will never, ever, in this life or any other life if I ever have another buy a HEWLETT PACKARD product again. That fiasco is for another thread.

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just had a friend get deported to Australia due to a failure in communication by the government. A regulation changed and they notified him via letter that as of January 1st his visa was no longer valid. He lost his job and was forced to go home to nothing.


Luckily he has good parents that were willing to take him in or he would be homeless.


Gotta love it

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that would be another one of those election statistics; recent amendments deemed to be favorable to getting re-elected have had one or two "unfortunate" consequences. I suspect there will be quite a few farmer who will be less than happy to the changes to their seasonal labour pools as well .

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Was just chatting with my old man in Belwood. He is at the age that he has to do the yearly thing to keep his drivers license and this year they said no but if you have your eye doctor do this test and fill it in for you we can look it over and if you pass you can have your license.


OK, fine. Dad goes to the eye Dr. takes the test and sends it into the DOT.

Four days later they call him and let him know that they will have to forward the test to their medical division as they don't know how to interpret the results. If you don't hear anything in two weeks call this 1-800 number.


After 2 weeks pops calls the number. The system says the average wait time is 28 minutes. <_<

A little over an hour passes and someone finally answers "can I help you?".

Dad says he was told to call in two weeks...yadda....yadda...yadda

I want to know the results of the test.........


Guy says we never received it. :wallbash:

But if you send a copy to us today we can have an answer for you in about 6 weeks!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

My pop says well my license expires in two weeks is there any way to extend it?


Mook @ DOT says no, you should have sent it in sooner. :wacko:

So pops will not have a license and the DOT says too bad so sad!!! :devil:


I told him to just drive without a license until it gets all settled as it certainly isn't your fault they're a bunch of inept goobers. He says but the police won't like that.

I said when was the last time you were stopped by the police (he couldn't remember) I said exactly.

You shouldn't have to be screwed over because some idiot can't do his job properly.


Rant over

We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant. :ph34r:

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Drivers license.........ya, they have gone overboard with all these license things. I gave them all up years ago. Much easier not having any and just doing what "I" want for a change.


Good advice to the old man. Tell them to stick it where the fish don't swim.

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Only problem with driving without a license is that your insurance isn't going to be valid and I believe that the fine is something like $5000.00 for driving without insurance. (please correct me if I am wrong) You don't even have to be at fault, some drunk driver could hit you and you could still be charged. Someone hits you in a parking lot, no fault insurance kicks in..... you loose.


I know lots of people do it but they are usually the ones that don't have anything to loose anyway.


Sue is all worried now because she has to have an ICD implanted and she was told that the Dr. could have her license pulled. Living 11 km out of town it would make it very difficult for us if that does happen because when I am working she would be house bound and inspite of her health problems she is still socially quite active and enjoys spending time with her girlfriends during the day. If it happens, we will have to deal with it; if and when!

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If your gonna record someone make sure you have consent, or they at least have knowledge of it.


While were on the government topic...


Can anyone explain to me why during the 2 times i've been on EI in my 35 years, why you get abssolutely hammered at income tax time?


Geez I collected for 8 months if I remember correctly, that year I owed $2600 in income tax????


Or was that just me


Seems silly I pay tonnes of money into benefits but the rare time I collect I get taxed on it????




The EI portion of our taxes paid is very low considering how much money you can receive while on EI. The money you received for those 8 months was likely far greater than what you paid into EI that year. Why complain about having to give some free money back?



I'll use construction workers as an example as I know quite a few people in the industry and my numbers will be in the ballpark...


If someone makes around $40k they'll pay around $1k in EI taxes that season. For paying only $1,000 in Employment Insurance that worker will be entitled to the maximum rate of $525 every week or a "take home" check of $1,000 every two weeks. Multiply that by 26 weeks and that measly $1,000 in EI premiums results in $13,000 after taxes.



Why on earth wouldn't someone who receives EI be expected to pay some back?

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The EI portion of our taxes paid is very low considering how much money you can receive while on EI. The money you received for those 8 months was likely far greater than what you paid into EI that year. Why complain about having to give some free money back?



I'll use construction workers as an example as I know quite a few people in the industry and my numbers will be in the ballpark...


If someone makes around $40k they'll pay around $1k in EI taxes that season. For paying only $1,000 in Employment Insurance that worker will be entitled to the maximum rate of $525 every week or a "take home" check of $1,000 every two weeks. Multiply that by 26 weeks and that measly $1,000 in EI premiums results in $13,000 after taxes.



Why on earth wouldn't someone who receives EI be expected to pay some back?

The numbers may be right if you actually sit and crunch them.


I was venting more then anything.


Just seems weird I suppose, at least to me. That ive paid in over 20 years and collected a total of 11 months of ei

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How about paying into it for 35 years and collecting zero. Shouldn't I get some tax break for being lucky?

Haha maybe thats a good idea.


If I have to pay I still wish it was a deduction. How does it make any sense for those that work hard, but find themselves on ei for 52 weeks, then get dinged with a big tax bill?


Then again I guess I can tax myself in preperation for that big tax bill lol

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OK, first of all you have to learn to play the games! You rent out part of of your house, that qualifies you for a whole lot of "LEGITIMITE" expenses.


Then you start a business; register it so it is a corporation, yes it will cost you a few bucks but it is tax deductable. Legally there is supposed to be some expectation of a profit down the road but lots of businesses fail.


Your business could be a guiding service, you could be trying to start a business doing home renovations, as a writer for sports magazines..... the list is endless but all legal!


Now the one problem that does come into play is if you are drawing EI and they ask "are you self employed" ? NEVER lie! If you do and you get caught you will forever be on the "List".


Tell them that you do own a business but you are not working at it and that you are ready willing and able to take any job in your field. You may have to report any income (less expenses) as other income but you should be fine (well unless your business did earn a lot of money then you wouldn't have needed EI in the first place)!


Lastly, if you are on EI you have a lot of time on your hands, DO something with it, Ei isn't a free ride, it is there to help people that find themselves out of work and to help get them through until they can find work. I have over the years been out of a job, I have never been out of work, it's a choice!

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EI started as an insurance policy that all workers paid into to have a few bucks when they end up out of work...a recession came along and it started to cost govt money so they lowered the benefits and upped the requirements to collect.

Then the recession was over and it started to make a pile of money.


The govt saw free money sitting there and stole it from the insurance fund.

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