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illegal traps (nf)


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I M2bass2 never said he was going to do anything stupid like confronting the guy. He has family there and is smarter than that. This is a terrible thing. You move to Gods country and have to worry about your kids and pets getting hurt by a trap on your own property, that is just sad. The first thing I learned when moving to the country after living in the big city for 45 years, crime is everywhere, not as often perhaps but it's out here big time, probably more per capita.


Someone mentioned a law suit for the dogs pain and suffering. You can recover for vet bills but there is no recovery for pain and suffering for an animal.

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Any update on this? I am anxious to hear how this plays out, I think there might be some good information to come from it.

My guess after he reported to the proper authorities they set up a sting operation with undercover swat teams hiding in the woods 24/7 and drone aircraft constantly flying overhead but still no results yet and that's why he's not reported back yet........LOL...:)


My more educated guess is he reported it and they took down the report and that's it so far until he has more info for them because they have more important issues to deal with.......like where to stop for coffee way up there.


Now back to our regular programming.................

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I've got a couple gag signs at my cottage because of this petty thief that lives up there and takes my stuff.


"If you can read this, you are within range (cross hairs picture)"




"Due to the high price of ammo, don't expect a warning shot" :)


seriously, a confrontation isn't a good idea, good luck Rick, let us know how it plays out

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I've got a couple gag signs at my cottage because of this petty thief that lives up there and takes my stuff.


"If you can read this, you are within range (cross hairs picture)"




"Due to the high price of ammo, don't expect a warning shot" :)


Chris, Good signs ........may I suggest one more......"Trespasser will be shot, survivors will be shot again"

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I have no thrilling story to tell here.


A clean sweep of the property revealed very old traps and snares.


Very rusted and not in use. The trap my dog was caught in was so rusted at could barely close(thats why she was uninjured.


The property owner has no agreements to trap on this property, and its been passed down from his father. These seem to have been here a VERY long time.


They are now removed, at least I hope all of them are.


Thanks for all your concerns?


Im just happy its safe out there.


And yes I added some good signage lol.

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Good ending to the problem. I'm almost wondering if they are the old traps from a trapper that passed away and nobody picked them up.

Actually the landlord thinks he might have set them as a young boy, or even his dad. The property has been in there family for well over 100 years.


I found an old roll of fencing under some brush and it looks like some of it was nipped to make the snares.


This was either sustanance for a family or kids learning to trap???


The township and a few local trappers sure were a big help!

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There was something similar in Forrest Gump - think it was just "one less thing" as I recall.



Give this man the GRAND PRIZE..........a new 2015 Ranger Boat......or did you google it ? ? ?


If you didn't cheat, expect your new boat in 6-8 weeks delivered to your door.... :)

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Give this man the GRAND PRIZE..........a new 2015 Ranger Boat......or did you google it ? ? ?


If you didn't cheat, expect your new boat in 6-8 weeks delivered to your door.... :)

Nope! didn't giggle it at all - think it was when he was waiting for the bus...at least it would have showed up if he hadn't started running again! :ninja:



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Nope! didn't giggle it at all - think it was when he was waiting for the bus...at least it would have showed up if he hadn't started running again! :ninja:



I remember it (might not be right) when he learned Bubba Gump Shrimp was now a successful million dollar business and he said, good just one less thing to worry about.


I had the Google police do a check on you and you cleared all investigations so the Grand Prize is yours and will be delivered "tomorrow" ! ! !

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My heart goes out to this family. I had a GSP for 14 years and hunted with him all over the place, It broke my heart when the time came that I had to let him go but if he had been killed in a trap like this I'm not sure what I'd have done.


at the same time I have to see the other side of the coin, if trapping was no longer allowed in these areas (and then the problem becomes which areas because there will always be someone that doesn't want it in "their" area).


So, what is the answer? I really wish I knew! We could insist that dogs not be allowed to run free, we already do that in many areas but if it is crown land then it belongs to all of us so why shouldn't my dog be allowed to run free on it.


We could stop trapping on crown land but that wouldn't be fair to the trapper not to mention what it might do to the animal populations that are controled by trapping and the problems that might create. Perhaps all traps should have a sign posted in bright red or something but dogs can't read so I guess that wouldn't help.


How do we please everyone?

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