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Fettuccine Alfredo, Shrimp and seafood. Another his and hers.




Hers is the cajun shrimp alfredo .( fresh shrimp from Jonhnnys seafood)


Mines the seafood melody combo. Clams,octopus,mussels,shrimp.












Keeping everything cooking to be served at the same time.




I use whipping cream (taught that from an old italian) and fresh parma to thicken up just nice. Fresh pasta, not dried. No premade alfredo jar crap here.











Looks so good Brian. We do Shrimp Fettiucine Alfredo and love it. If you like broccoli steam some up and throw it in. Awesome in Alfredo. Also we have the same cast iron pot you have on the back left burner of your stove. If you like crusty bread....find a no knead bread recipe and do it in that pot. Awesome...totally awesome and great for sopping up this dish with.


Edit to add...from your dumpling post....nice Mcgyver job on the steamer :worthy: ....but do yourself a favour and grab an electric plug in one. Value village has them all the time for cheap. I guess people get them as wedding gifts and never use them....but they are the bomb.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Way to go Brian!!! Now I want seafood and not the Prime Rib I scored yesterday for $5.99/lb at Food Land.


A tip I got from watching Lydia Bastianich, don't rinse off the slime from seafood, it is the sweetness in the shrimp, calamari etc.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Went to saltlick smokehouse in downtown Hamilton for their Easter brunch, what an absolute feast for $25. Smoked whole hog with flank steak, scrambled eggs, southern fried chicken, waffles and biscuits. So much food, so good





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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a big pot of Dr Doug's Healing Chicken Soup simmering away right now.........seems there is a lot of colds and coughs going around here.



Thats us too. Been about 2 weeks of rotating cold and flus and awhile back I had pnuemonia. Now the wife has strep


So its been alot of soups or hot dishes.


Last night we did a cabbage soup and its been to long! Wow did I enjoy that!

Edited by manitoubass2
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There is a big pot of Dr Doug's Healing Chicken Soup simmering away right now.........seems there is a lot of colds and coughs going around here.



We were eating lots of chowder and ham soup over the past week. Rotating sniffles between my kid's families.

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There is a big pot of Dr Doug's Healing Chicken Soup simmering away right now.........seems there is a lot of colds and coughs going around here.



Put some chicken giblets and livers in the stock to enhance the flavour and the Jewish penicillin.!


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Put some chicken giblets and livers in the stock to enhance the flavour and the Jewish penicillin.!


Giblets for sure, maybe even hearts (and I have used both in soups) but I would have thought chicken livers would give it a "livery" taste? I have never tried them in soup, always thought they would over-power the other flavours. No?

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I don't find that Shag. I find chicken livers to be pretty mild on the liver scale.

My wife HATES liver, any kind. I usually put chicken liver in my stock and she loves it. (I just don't tell her!)

You mileage may vary...


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I don't find that Shag. I find chicken livers to be pretty mild on the liver scale.

My wife HATES liver, any kind. I usually put chicken liver in my stock and she loves it. (I just don't tell her!)

You mileage may vary...


We all like liver here, just never tried it in soup.


When my two older sons were wee lads, we were in a grocery store some place and I asked the boys if they'd like to get some liver. They were shouting "WE LOVE LIVER!!! WE LOVE LIVER!!!" and it must be said, quite a few heads turned our way............ Of course, almost all of the liver they had eaten at that point had been deer liver, sliced as thin as I can make it and pan-fried medium rare, yum yum!!!


So you put the chicken liver in the stock then when you drain the liquid off for soup, you munch on the liver bits (with some SALT), genius!

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Definitely! I'm not much of a turkey fan, but any time we have a turkey dinner, I get the neck, gizzard and liver as my part of the meal. Most of the time, it gets eaten well before meal time.

If you are a fan of chicken liver, try this...

Get some liver, clean up the yellow stringy stuff and cut it into bite sized chunks. Get some sliced water chestnuts and some bacon and wrap the liver and water chestnuts with bacon. Use a toothpick to hold it all together. Into the oven at 375 until the bacon crisps... such a sweet appetizer!


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Definitely! I'm not much of a turkey fan, but any time we have a turkey dinner, I get the neck, gizzard and liver as my part of the meal. Most of the time, it gets eaten well before meal time.

If you are a fan of chicken liver, try this...

Get some liver, clean up the yellow stringy stuff and cut it into bite sized chunks. Get some sliced water chestnuts and some bacon and wrap the liver and water chestnuts with bacon. Use a toothpick to hold it all together. Into the oven at 375 until the bacon crisps... such a sweet appetizer!



Funny how the neck was always turned down. I always took it. The best of the turkey IMO. Now you see turkeys necks for sale on thier own.


Just getting ready to do a peppered pork chow main.


Stay tuned.

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My dog loves the neck, liver and etc, after all it is only fit for dog food. :D


Guess Im the dog of the family here. WOOF



Peppered pork chow was on the menu


Take some fresh pork and pour some pepper to it. Fry up and put to the side. Chop up your favorite mix,ns and just COOK. :clapping:


The Wisers was not added to the menu, but the chef did have some.LOL
















I wanted to add some curry to the cocomilk, but I ran out so, end dish was this



Edited by Brian B
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Im sure me nan is smiling down on me today. Mis ya nan . :angel:





One of my favorite.


Salt cod to soak for 12 hours. Get up in the morning,throw in a zip lock bag to be chunked up later. I dont like to lose to much of that salt taste. Ya I know, I need to watch my blood presure, but I have been a good boy.


cod cakes 001.JPG



That bit of salted cod turned out to be a good mess of cod. Chunk it up, along with some onions.Add some seasoning, and it,s getting happy happy.


cod cakes 002.JPG


Potatoes boilng away at this time. Cod 70%.30% potatoes. The taters are for binding,thats it. Ya gots to taste the fish, and I like chuncks of it.All binded together


cod cakes 004.JPG


cod cakes 006.JPG




I like my cakes big,so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ya, these will do fine.


cod cakes 015.JPG


Cabbage on the boil. Throw some left over squid rings into bake.


Our lady friend upstairs come home from work and like a good friend,I offer some home cooked cakes, and she is more then happy. So we have enough for tonights dinner. No left overs.


cod cakes 017.JPG


Me thinks I,ll put off the jigs dinner til easter weekend. Thats enough salt intake for me for now. :canadian:


Happy new year all, and hope all have a great 2016.


B :canadian:



Tell me you fried those in salt pork? I LOVE fish cakes!!!! I think I will soak some salt fish tonight!



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With a double dose of bacon in this log, I rethought the beef part of this .


Fried up a pound of bacon last night to be part of the stuffing. Heck it,s only bacon right.


Today getting back from fishing I got to work.


Ground turkey/chicken mix. Added pepper, green onion and lots of newfie savory.




Grilled some red peppers to add as well.




Chilled to stop the cooking process




Now to get busy and get it all together


Stuffing. Bacon, peppers and cheese.








Begin the roll ,and it all fit nice.




Now for the wrap. Maple bacon. Calculate the wieght? LOL






On the grill at 275 indirect for 3.5 hours.


I knew it was ready,,,



The cheese was the tell it was done




And it was




Enjoy as we did,,,,,,,,,,,,










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That looks damn fine Brian. Plus it's easily modified. Onion, garlic, hot peppers and marinara come to mind at first thought. If I recall you did once post the bacon wrap procedure right?


Here's my guess on weight. Looks like 3 1/2 to 4 pound of ground. Probably at least 1 1/2 pounds of bacon wrap. That's nice bacon btw.The cheese is likely the heaviest part of the filling. hmmm... So I'm gonna say 6lb 9oz before cooking. :) Do I win a prize if I'm closest? ;)


Btw how did you find it compared to using beef? Also, have you ever tried it in the oven? That would fit great on a broiler pan.


Tks for sharing. Cheers

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