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Carbon Tax Comming to Ontario


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I laughed because I did look at it and went to find the other side. So I googled found an article at the huffington post... THE EXACT SAME. So how knows.


If it is a trial balloon and the Liberals using to see what public reaction will be...


Then everyone should take about 2 minutes and do what I just did send an email to the premiere and the closest sitting Liberal member saying no thanks, no carbon tax for me and mine....



Address here for the Premiere


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I can see a carbon tax being applied to energy-generating provinces like BC, Newfoundland, Sask, or Ablerta, provinces that consume a lot of energy just to produce energy; it is meant to reduce emissions and advance energy efficient technologies. But in Ontario I don't see the need for such a tax. Not that I'm pro-tax raising ( I live in unorganized Twp for a reason), but just be straight and raise income taxes/HST if you want/need to raise taxes. Costs a lot less to administer.

Edited by Rod Caster
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Costs a lot less to administer.


Do you really think they care how much it costs to administer? They have and endless supply of our money at their disposal. Don't mention efficiencies, that's just silly talk. Oh, and as far as accountability goes, they got a majority for being crooks, so that's out the window too.

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I'm all for a local pollution tax (if you're dumping crap in our local waters, you should pay a bunch of tax to the region) but carbon tax should be a global thing, otherwise it puts Ontario manufacturers at yet another disadvantage against international counterparts.


If you want to save the world, then it would be better to give massive tax breaks to green innovators that set up and employ people here. You'd be helping people get good jobs, and saving the planet at the same time.

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Just another way for these hacks to separate us from our money and nothing else. Like I've said before the earth will let us know when we are no longer welcome here and shake us off like fleas off a dog.There should be a Season for whacked out politicians. That's accountability.

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