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4 Days of Fishing and Filming with Italo and Canadian Sportfishing at Mashkinonje Lodge

Regan Thompson

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Since before our season started, we have been in discussions with Canadian Sportfishing about shooting a show on the West Arm. We weren’t sure if it would come together this year, but the crew contacted us just a couple weeks ago, asking if they could stay with us while shooting. This is an area that Italo had not fished yet and he had heard good things. As a long time fan of the show we jumped at the opportunity to work with them. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, Italo asked if I would join him on camera for the filming as co-host Aaron Shirley couldn’t make the trip. I graciously accepted and the dates were set! The production would be broken into 4 days and the plan was to target Bass and Northern Pike. The first few days would be spent pre-fishing with Italo and the last two the film crew would arrive for filming.


Day 1 - Butterflies


I was was actually pretty nervous at the prospect of meeting Italo. This is the man who taught me how to tie my first palmer knaught!


Around 12 PM he rolled into our parking lot with his Dodge Diesel truck pulling his Yamaha G3, dog Mulligan riding shotgun. He stepped from his truck (my palms were sweating!). I awkwardly reached to shake his hand while at the same time forgetting to remove my sunglasses (Doh)! Italo left my hand suspending and stared me down, almost melting my polarized lenses (Clint Eastwood in Dirty Hairy came to mind)! By this point I was trembling. He then calmly said, “let me remove those glasses to see who’s underneath”, reached out and slowly took of my shades for me. At this point I nearly lost control of bowel movements! He then smiled from ear to ear, chuckled and came in for the handshake. Phew, that was close!!


After chatting it up for a bit I quickly felt more relaxed. Italo has a quality and presence about him that puts one at ease. We checked him and Mulligan into their cottage, launched his G3, and before long I was ripping down the west arm sitting next to a legend! By this time it was later in the afternoon, so we only had a few hours to spend fishing. I showed Italo some recently producing spots and we worked through them quickly.


Watching him in action was truly awesome. He flipped his baits twice for each of my one with pinpoint precision, all the while telling me more about the biology of different fish and biodiversity of Nipissing that I was even aware of.


That evening, we had Italo and his colleague Paul over for dinner. Goldie cooked Salmon and Rainbow Trout, I think the best she’s ever made! We enjoyed a fantastic meal and Italo entertained us with stories of his adventures over the years.


Day 2 - Cold Front!


The forecast didn’t lie. The temperature dropped from 25 C to 12 C overnight; the dreaded cold front!


I met Italo in his cottage. He had a fresh pot of coffee brewed and we went over hydrographic charts for West Arm and West Bay. After coming up with a reasonable game plan we were back in the boat, off to a series of spots. We fished a couple of spots on the West Arm and then spent the rest of the day working areas in West Bay (east of hwy 64). By the end of the day we were unable to land anything of substance. The cold front must have really shut things down. Although, Italo did manage to land this nice smallie right by the bridge at 64.


I had to be home early that day to coach Russell’s hockey team so we had Italo and Paul over for a quick, late afternoon bowl of Chili (felt good after a long, cold day on the lake!). Goldie, Russ and I were off to hockey and Italo was back on the water flying solo. After a long, cold day he still couldn’t wait to hit the water. I can honestly say that I’ve never met a more dedicated and passionate angler, and I’ve fished with all kinds!


Day 3 - Lights, Camera, Action


I met Italo in his cabin once again in the morning. He had more coffee on and was updating his blogs and returning emails to his fans and followers. Another thing that struck me about Italo was an overwhelming desire to help others, from fans to people he worked with. He showed me pictures of some of his recent trips as well as how they put their shows together online and managed their social media accounts (very cool).


The camera crew wouldn’t be arriving until 12 PM for the shoot that day, so we had two or three hours more of prefish time. The weather was still cold and I wondered if the fish would snap out of their zombie like states and start hammering our baits. We ventured to a few more spots that morning, but again, we were unable able to connect with anything decent.


12 PM came quickly and we headed back to the lodge to meet the camera crew. At this point I was very nervous because I knew we had to produce good fish to film a show and up to this point, we didn’t have anything of much size! Italo on the other hand, was perfectly calm. During the ride back to the lodge I think he could sense my nervousness. At one point he looked over at me and said “Regan, it’s fishing, you just have to have faith that it will happen”.


We met up with the crew back at the lodge consisting of camera and sound guys Doug and Joe. After getting Miced up, sound checks, etc., We were back on the water once again but this time for the real deal! The camera crew road in my Tracker Targa, which is where they would film us from. One of our guests and renowned photographer, Doug Ball, graciously volunteered to drive the camera boat and also snapped these pics in the process (thanks Doug!).


Before leaving I gave our muskie guide Danny Colomby a call and asked him for some last minute advice on spots to hit. Danny used to fish the Pike circuit so was familiar with the area. He gave me a list of spots in the area that he believed could produce so I scratched them down on a map before heading out.


We pulled up on the first spot near Oak Island on the West Arm. It was a shallow weed flat being fed by a creek next to a steep drop. Italo was throwing a shallow diving crankbait to target bass and I was throwing a Blue Fox Vibrax #6 targeting pike. After throwing a few casts Italo had a good hit (things felt different in this spot). I threw my Vibrax to the same area and WHAM, the reassuring sensation of a good fish on the line. Italo cued the camera guys and we were rolling. After a quick fight we pulled in a very decent sized pike and Italo scooped it up in the net. He spent a couple minutes discussing the area, strategy and gear on camera before releasing the pike, and before long we were back to work.


Less than 5 minutes later Italo nailed a nice 4 lb largie close to the same spot! PHEW! we were on fish! We continued working the same area. Italo was pulling them in faster than I could grab the net.


We would hit a couple more spots for a few more fish before heading back to the lodge at sunset. I was allot more relaxed at this point to say the least! We didn’t talk much on the ride home until Italo turned to me and said, “You see Regan, you just have to have faith and it will happen”. I can’t honestly say that I thought we’d have that good of a day but Italo somehow did, so that was good enough for me! We chatted a bit more about the pattern we picked up on and the next days strategie before getting back to the docks.


After a nice Lasagna dinner the crew went back to their cabin and we were off to bed in order to wake up early for a 7 AM start the following day.


Day 4 - More fish and wrap up


Day two we miced up and headed out. Loyal guest and Musky comrade, Steen, volunteered to drive the camera boat for us.


We slowly idled away from the lodge while discussing what spot to hit next, camera boat in our wake. During our conversation I could notice Italo was distracted. He kept glancing at his Humminbird sonar and commented on how in all his years of fishing he had never seen bait stacked so thick in one spot. Whatever this bait was, it was in deep water and filling the bottom third of the water column for miles, and thick! Italo thought it might be huge schools of hearing that were migrating from the main lake to the deep waters of the West Arm. Not knowing exactly what it was we tried trolling it for suspending Walleye. Italo said he had picked up on similar patterns in the past so we gave it a shot. We trolled it for a few minutes with nothing happening (possibly because there was just too much bait for our crankbaits to stand out). This was very interesting and will need further investigation, however we had to move on as time was short.


The first spot we rolled up on was a classic largemouth bass bay. Italo wanted to do a segment on the new TriggerX frogs so this was the perfect habitat. We worked the first half of the bay and nothing seemed to be producing. I wondered if our luck was starting to wear out. Italo switched to a twitching crank bait. I threw my frog one last time and had an explosion but it missed! Italo reacted by throwing his bait to the same spot and nailed a 5 lb large mouth! We got several more within a small area after that. Italo commented on how largemouth will sit tight together in these bays, almost like flocking birds, so persistence and patience in finding where they are is important. We continued working the bay and pulled in several healthy sized fish! Next, we hit some smallmouth spots and Italo boated several more, doing a brief segment and explanation of what was happening with each fish he caught.


At this point we had landed well over a dozen good fish, more than enough to film a show, so next we tried targeting some Muskie for bonus footage (we didn’t want to start with Muskie given our timeline)! We casted some of my Muskie spots, however it was clear that the fish either weren't there, or unwilling to cooperate. Later in the day now, it was time to head in so we cruised back to the lodge.


The crew did some filming of the Lodge for Goldie and I and soon we found ourselves saying goodbye (with the exception of camera guy Doug, who decided to stay with us for a couple days of fishing, likely itching behind the lense for the previous 2 days).


This was definitely an experience of a lifetime and one we won’t forget! After personally witnessing Italo’s calm demeanor, professionalism and passion for fishing, I can understand why he’s the success legend that he is. The crew was equally impressive in the way the pulled the whole thing together. A very cool experience!


The episode will be airing in the 2015 season of Canadian Sportfishing on sportsnet, WFN and several other stations (exact dates to be determined).







Edited by Regan Thompson
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That's great Regan - what a fantastic first year you folks are having at Mashkinonje. Dreams coming true in a big way.

Too bad I can't get that show here in the states - I would love to see it.

You'll have to record it and show it to us next June.

Rich, it's on WFN, I get it on Dish

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Nice story!

I always wondered with these guys that do so many shows a year, do they pay for accommodations or are they free?


Great question.


But I think they stay and promote where they are staying. Fair trade off IMO. Barter system..

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Well talk about timing. As I was walking to our beautiful accommodations at Mashkinonje Sunday afternoon I heard a gentleman say " Italo I'm almost ready". As I walked by I yelled to Italo in Italian " What the heck are you doing there Italo? " , something is lost in translation however. Italo is friends with my wifes sister and brother in law in Niagara, it sure is a small world.


I bear witness that that gentleman and Regan pounded the water all morning, afternoon and late into the evening everyday straight through the week. I sure have a greater respect for those T.V. guys that you see landing lunker after lunker. It sure looks like heaven but what we don't see is the many hours of pre fishing through rain or shine, howling winds, damp dark overcast drizzle, just plain Canadian cold. Living here on Lake Erie I thought we fished hard, compared to whom? Certainly not compared to Mr's Labignon and Thompson.


Congradulations Regan, Goldie and Russell on all your early success and after seeing what you have done and are doing with Mashkinonje these successes will not be short lived. Someone once told me the harder you work the luckier you get. You have a beautiful family and a beautiful lodge. For anyone that hasn't had the pleasure to visit Mashkinonje Lodge you had better get up there before the waiting list gets longer.


Now I have a bone to pick Mr. Regan Thompson, we fed Barney all week and I didn't get a sandwich let alone a Lasagne dinner!


Can't wait for the show to air, if there is a shot of a good looking Italian dude with a boot lip on staring across the channel wondering when Danny Columby and I would be able to hit the water to get my first West Arm Musky that would be me. That frown turned to the grin of a Cheshire cat as I did get my fish finally Wednesday. Thanks again Dan you sure know your craft and that gorgeous rig of yours was kind to these old crippled pins of mine.


See you in the spring Thompson family. We can't wait.

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Congratulation Regan for meeting with Italo.

How you feel when do the show together with Italo ?

I did once back to 7 years ago, when he made the show at Simcoe.

That was amazing experience I ever have,

Also another person is Henry Waszxzuk, I did fish together with him at Florida for his show.

I wish can get invitation again from Italo for his tv show.

I did almost every years with him and Pat Pagano at Windsor ICHA fishing derby.

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Kinda surprised Italo has so many fans. Worshipers even.


No doubt he knows his stuff.


I struggle with the way he communicates to the audience on his show.


Like we're all kids. I've had to turn him off on occasion.


Just my opinion.

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Well talk about timing. As I was walking to our beautiful accommodations at Mashkinonje Sunday afternoon I heard a gentleman say " Italo I'm almost ready". As I walked by I yelled to Italo in Italian " What the heck are you doing there Italo? " , something is lost in translation however. Italo is friends with my wifes sister and brother in law in Niagara, it sure is a small world.


I bear witness that that gentleman and Regan pounded the water all morning, afternoon and late into the evening everyday straight through the week. I sure have a greater respect for those T.V. guys that you see landing lunker after lunker. It sure looks like heaven but what we don't see is the many hours of pre fishing through rain or shine, howling winds, damp dark overcast drizzle, just plain Canadian cold. Living here on Lake Erie I thought we fished hard, compared to whom? Certainly not compared to Mr's Labignon and Thompson.


Congradulations Regan, Goldie and Russell on all your early success and after seeing what you have done and are doing with Mashkinonje these successes will not be short lived. Someone once told me the harder you work the luckier you get. You have a beautiful family and a beautiful lodge. For anyone that hasn't had the pleasure to visit Mashkinonje Lodge you had better get up there before the waiting list gets longer.


Now I have a bone to pick Mr. Regan Thompson, we fed Barney all week and I didn't get a sandwich let alone a Lasagne dinner!


Can't wait for the show to air, if there is a shot of a good looking Italian dude with a boot lip on staring across the channel wondering when Danny Columby and I would be able to hit the water to get my first West Arm Musky that would be me. That frown turned to the grin of a Cheshire cat as I did get my fish finally Wednesday. Thanks again Dan you sure know your craft and that gorgeous rig of yours was kind to these old crippled pins of mine.


See you in the spring Thompson family. We can't wait.

LOL, great having you up John!! Thanks and can't wait to see you next year...

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Kinda surprised Italo has so many fans. Worshipers even.


No doubt he knows his stuff.


I struggle with the way he communicates to the audience on his show.


Like we're all kids. I've had to turn him off on occasion.


Just my opinion.




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You guys aren't alone when it comes to Italo. There aren't many shows out there I do like, In Fisherman is one I will watch up until the Bible class by Al. I actually cancelled WFN a few years back. I can get my fill on Saturday mornings. If I want to watch a half hour infomercial I'll stay up late. One pal I have actually will watch his show for 7 minutes then change channels and not go back to it, when questioned as to why he said he was told it takes 7 minutes for the rating system to kick in then tuning out reflects in a poor rating or some such thing. Now that's really not enjoying someone, and be serious about it.


Like the show or not one must admit there aren't many that know their stuff as well as Italo.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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