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went salmon fishing tonight 7 for 11 in two hours!

Big Cliff

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WOW is perhaps the best way to describe it! A friend invited me to go salmon fishing with him tonight. We hit the water about 5 pm. Five minutes after setting the first line it went off, unfortunatly so did the fish (not a good omen).


But from then on it was a whole different story, two double headers almost back to back and all big fish up in the 20 lb range, two of them well over 20. By shortly after 6 we already had 4 in the boat and 3 missed fish.


Then it happened, the old hook in the finger right to the bone. There was no way we could get it out, it was burried really deep but our host wouldn't quit, he insisted we were going to keep fishing in spite of the fact he was obviously in a lot of pain. Finally by 7 pm he agreed that with 7 landed and 4 missed we had all enjoyed a really good night.


He couldn't drive his truck with this big trebble hook hanging out of his finger so I and the other two fellows managed to load the boat and get all the gear stowed then I drove him in his truck the the nearest hospital.


He wouldn't even let us wait for him insisting that there was no point in all of us sitting around and we still had better than an hour drive home. We did keep in touch to make sure everything worked out ok and all is good now. But what a heck of an evening!


7 for 11 in two hours has to be some kind of a record.


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sounds like a real fisherman!

I ripped my thumb while 'ski fishing once. Went back to my truck, put some paper towel on the wound, and wrapped some electrical tape around it. Ended up picking up two smaller 'ski that evening.


All makes for memorable outing, eh.



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Cliff, I'm surprised, what happened to " never leave a man behind" ? Insert laugh out load here. Sounds like a fantastic evening, not counting the hook to the bone, ouch for sure. I didn't even know there are Salmon in the Kawartha's.


What were you using big guy, and how deep etc? We have been trying to get to Lake O for a few weeks because it has been blowing here on Erie for a few months, more like the past 12 months, and the banging around in 5' and more chop is killing us. Wind predictions on Ontario haven't been good either. We left here last week one day and by the time we got to Grimsby there were 1.5 meter whitecaps!!!! The Pics are on fire here and my 19' er won't cut it and that makes it frustrating. The 25' cuddy of a buddy here is being worked on, should be ready for Saturday if we work on it rather than talk about working on it.


Good trip for you that's for sure, you deserve it.


A short story about hooks in the arse. Packed up after fishing the upper Niagara around Grand Island. Uncle Angelo sits on a triple hook Rappala. They are buried and I mean buried in his arse. We get the boat on the trailer and I have to drive him to DeGraff Hospital in North Tonawanda to emergency, so I thought. I pull off the 290 towards the hospital and he asks where am I going? Not the hospital Canuck he says, turn left at the next block, here he says. I pull into the Twin City Veternarian's parking lot. He walks in and the receptionist says " Hello Ang, where's the hook this time?" He tells me afterwards the Vet only charges half of the money the hospital wants!!!!!!!!

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Cliff, I'm surprised, what happened to " never leave a man behind" ? Insert laugh out load here. Sounds like a fantastic evening, not counting the hook to the bone, ouch for sure. I didn't even know there are Salmon in the Kawartha's.


What were you using big guy, and how deep etc? We have been trying to get to Lake O for a few weeks because it has been blowing here on Erie for a few months, more like the past 12 months, and the banging around in 5' and more chop is killing us. Wind predictions on Ontario haven't been good either. We left here last week one day and by the time we got to Grimsby there were 1.5 meter whitecaps!!!! The Pics are on fire here and my 19' er won't cut it and that makes it frustrating. The 25' cuddy of a buddy here is being worked on, should be ready for Saturday if we work on it rather than talk about working on it.


Good trip for you that's for sure, you deserve it.


A short story about hooks in the arse. Packed up after fishing the upper Niagara around Grand Island. Uncle Angelo sits on a triple hook Rappala. They are buried and I mean buried in his arse. We get the boat on the trailer and I have to drive him to DeGraff Hospital in North Tonawanda to emergency, so I thought. I pull off the 290 towards the hospital and he asks where am I going? Not the hospital Canuck he says, turn left at the next block, here he says. I pull into the Twin City Veternarian's parking lot. He walks in and the receptionist says " Hello Ang, where's the hook this time?" He tells me afterwards the Vet only charges half of the money the hospital wants!!!!!!!!

check your PMs

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I got cut by a musky tooth one morning that ripped a pretty decent hole in my thumb but my partner had driven 100 miles to fish that day so I decided to continue rather than seeing a doctor.


I kept it taped up for the day and finally went to the hospital 8 hours later where they used 8 stitches to close the hole.


Doctor told me I was crazy for leaving it that long as lake water is very dangerous in a cut and could have caused a LOT of problems.


Other than that, good to hear you had such a great day Cliff.

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Lew, that doctor was right. I did the same thing once on a Pike tooth. Wrapped it in a strip of t-shirt cloth and kept fishing. Big mistake.


By morning my finger looked like a giant black sausage. I knew it was bad when I had to pull over more than once on the way to the hospital to throw up, and I knew it was REALLY BAD when the Triage nurse took me in immediately.


Long story short, you could see the infection spreading up my arm, and they came in every ten minutes to draw a line on my arm and write the time. When it was approaching my shoulder they told me that if it goes much further they would have to take my arm (!?!?). In the end the IV antibiotics worked, but they told me if I had been at a fly in or hadn't sought medical attention, I likely would have died!


Now I always make sure I keep a first aid kit in the boat, and always clean and dress any serious cut right away.

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Great fish day Cliff, I have for some time now have a tube of ozonal and bandaids in the boat.I'll be damned if we will call it a day because someone has a trebile in his but lol.In all seriousness,would depend on the situation.Some of us older fellows know how good that stuff works drawing the infection out.My late grandparents kept it everywhere .

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You owe him, he difinitly did you a solid by gutting it out and letting you bail on him at the hospitol! I think a 24 of Stella is in order....

We already had 5 landed when this happened, I wanted to pull the lines and head in but he wasn't having any of it.


Funny thing is, there was absolutly no blood, not even a single drop. As for leaving him at the hospital, I would have quite happly sat there with him but it didn't make much sense and I had two students with me, (one was his son) that had to be in school for 8 am. We made sure his truck and trailer were parked in a safe place and he was the one that insisted it was stupid to sit around and wait for him. his son kept in touch with him by text and by the time we got home he was out of the hospital and headed for home himself just happy to not be wearing the extra jewlery LOL.

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Lew, that doctor was right. I did the same thing once on a Pike tooth. Wrapped it in a strip of t-shirt cloth and kept fishing. Big mistake.


By morning my finger looked like a giant black sausage. I knew it was bad when I had to pull over more than once on the way to the hospital to throw up, and I knew it was REALLY BAD when the Triage nurse took me in immediately.


Long story short, you could see the infection spreading up my arm, and they came in every ten minutes to draw a line on my arm and write the time. When it was approaching my shoulder they told me that if it goes much further they would have to take my arm (!?!?). In the end the IV antibiotics worked, but they told me if I had been at a fly in or hadn't sought medical attention, I likely would have died!


Now I always make sure I keep a first aid kit in the boat, and always clean and dress any serious cut right away.

had a very similar, experience - albeit somewhat less violent of a reaction than yours. Got the hook in my finger while in Temagami on a Thursday on a back lake, 6 miles up from the cottage, at dusk; all by myself and no one else on the lake, Needed to navigate a small shallow stream with the trolling motor hand held and the main motor fully raised to get in and out. I managed to pull the hook out after a few extremely uncomfortable moments (especially as the bass was still jumping with the both of us attached to the stick bait). Treated it with hydrogen peroxide and kept it covered but by Sunday night when we were at home it was so swollen I knew things weren't good. Went to one emergency room, told me they had a 13 hour wait at 1:00 am. (what the HECK is a medical emergency that can wait 13 hours?!) So i said nuts to that, called my Dr as soon as the office opened , and got in there lickety split. He got that look on his face you don't like to see Dr's get, got out the big drug book and went looking for a specific prescription. Said fill it out front, start taking them right away. Double up for today. this is my email address - if the pills don't start working by the morning email me. Had a harrowing 24 hours, as I watched swelling continue and the finger go from painful to numb as it swelled. Eventually the meds kicked in and the welling went away. Everytime I get a hook or fish cut now, the scar swells up. Dr said when all was said and done that I had blood poisoning, that hooks and fish are full of bacteria and to be very aware.

When going away on trips now I get a general screen antibiotic prescription from the doctor and fill it before I go.


Glad to hear everything turned out well with your friend Cliff - and congrats on a great outing. That's a definite benefit of being retired - being available to go fishing when the conditions are prime! I sooo wanted to get out on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

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