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How should I handle this?

Big Cliff

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Back in December 24th I was backing out of a parking spot in a parking lot in Parry Sound. A guy in a small Honda came from behind a large truck and stopped right behind me and the corner of my bumper dented his passanger door. It was a 2000 Honda Civic SE and it wasn't in very good shape but wth, I was backing up and I did dent his passanger door.


I gave him my contact information and told him to get a quote and let me know what it would cost to fix it. Today, 6 weeks later I get a registered letter telling me it is going to cost over $1800.00 to fix the car and 3 days rental for a car to replace theirs while they get their car fixed and the estimate he sent me is for everything from the front bumper and signal light to the rear passanger door.


Now I am a little pissed, in a way it was my fault, when I started to back out he wasn't there, I turned and looked to the other side to make sure no one was coming and he was there. I wasn't doing 1/2 a mile an hour. There is a scratch on my bumper about 4" long and there was no other damage to his car except to the passanger door and mirror (it got bent slightly). He was very adament at the time that it wouldn't really be necessary to contact the insurance company because the repairs wouldn't cost that much, now he wants me to pay over $1800.00 to fix his car.


I know he is trying to pull a fast one on me and my first reaction is to tell him this is fraud but what are my legal responsibilities here and how should I handle it?

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No Bill, there was no police report filed or anything else for that matter, to me it was a minor dent in an older car door and the scratch on my bumper was hardly more than a scuff mark. I didn't slam into them or anything. I figured perhaps $100.00 to fix his door, you can buy a whole new one for about $150.00 at the wrecking yard and change it in about 1/2 an hour.

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I didn't sign anything admitting I was at fault, it was also in a private parking lot and I have been advised that in that case it is 50/50 responsibility as far as insurance is concerned. If they had come back to me and said $400.00 or even $500.00 I probably would have just sent them the money but to wait 6 weeks then try to get me to pay for everything from the front bumper to the rear passanger door? I have a problem with that!

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Takes all kinds don`t it, I would think that his only course of action to get anything out of you would be to take it to small claims. If he wants to be reasonable instead of a scumbag maybe you could work something out.

Obviously the guy is going to pocket the money a 13 year civic would be written off for 1,800.00 bucks.

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I didn't sign anything admitting I was at fault, it was also in a private parking lot and I have been advised that in that case it is 50/50 responsibility as far as insurance is concerned. If they had come back to me and said $400.00 or even $500.00 I probably would have just sent them the money but to wait 6 weeks then try to get me to pay for everything from the front bumper to the rear passanger door? I have a problem with that!


yup 50/50


offer him $400 -$500 take it or leave it


hes going to have to spend at least that on the deductable if he goes through insurance.

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You remember M's advice/direction? Talk to your insurance agent as well. I'm sure they'll say the same thing. Unless independent witnesses were there and you were driving like a lunatic, impaired or otherwise, accidents on private property are recognized by insurance companies as equal liability and if claims are made, deductibles apply to both parties.

Again, get some direction from your insurance company (which by the way is now owned by M's as of 2 weeks ago ;) )

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My son did this a couple years ago...my insurance company told me to tell the guy .....


I made an offer, he said no...I told him Ok, bye, he called back and said, OK I'll take it.


Cover your conscience and let it be.

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yup 50/50


offer him $400 -$500 take it or leave it


hes going to have to spend at least that on the deductable if he goes through insurance.

Not a good idea at this point as it's obvious the guy is scamming you Cliff. Offer of money can be perceived as admission of guilt. In a parking lot, it's considered common courtesy/sense for drivers of other vehicles to assist/allow vehicles backing out of a parking spot.

Did the guy honk his horn to let you know he was there??

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A co-worker of mine did a similar thing. Bumped another car in a parking lot. No damage to his car, damage on the other car.

Went to a collision centre and they wouldn't handle it because it was under a $ threshold. I forget the amount.

The other guy went to get quotes and they were outrageous. My co-worker said forget it.

My co-worker finally called his insurance company (had the other cars license plate and insurance info) and it worked out that the other guys insurance paid for everything on the other car and my co-workers premium was not affected.


I would call your insurance company.

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If he didn't report it already, don't think much can be done going the insurance route. His word vs yours and no police record. Should of definitely snapped a few pics however.


Ask him to get a few quotes for the repair and you want to see them in writing. I'm guessing he's not local to you. Let him know your thoughts and offer to pay a reasonable quote, or I'd tell him he's out of luck.

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You remember M's advice/direction? Talk to your insurance agent as well. I'm sure they'll say the same thing. Unless independent witnesses were there and you were driving like a lunatic, impaired or otherwise, accidents on private property are recognized by insurance companies as equal liability and if claims are made, deductibles apply to both parties.

Again, get some direction from your insurance company (which by the way is now owned by M's as of 2 weeks ago ;) )

LOL Yup, knew that was coming long before many others did (inside source don't you know) :whistling:


I really didn't want to get the insurance company involved because I figured the damages were less than my deductable so why bother. I wasn't impared, and at 1/2 a mile an hour I doubt anyone would call that driving like a lunatic, Had he been paying attention to what was going on, he should have stopped when he saw my backup lights were on and I was coming out from behind a truck instead of proceeding then stopping right behind me. I don't want to "do a number on" anyone but I don't want anyone to do a number on me either!

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