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Virginia Beach


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These guys doing the video reports of ice conditions are going to wreck the lake. I've been fishing port bolster side for many, many years, and there was never a problem finding a spot to park. Last year, this guy was posting videos from this side, and I couldn't even find a parking spot. Not to mention all the garbage, and crap lying around.


Local residents aren't going to put up with the crowds he's drawing over there for very long, then we'll all be screwed for a place to go.


Why can't people just keep they're yaps shut?? I guess they like the pat on the back?? I don't get it.



Wreck the lake by calling in more Anglers, whose outdoor activities feed local economies. Whose licensing pays for the stocked whitefish and Lake-trout that you guys catch ?


Yeah your comments are reasonable.


To each their own, i suppose.


Thank you OP for the post and Vid.


I'll make sure to spread the word about Virginia beach on Facebook, twitter, and also yell it out of my balcony for passerby's making sure to spread the word. The lakes belong to everyone, and if someone wants to give a report, which might help their business good on them.

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I got to agree with Sinker on this 1.

To much info isn't always the best! However If you take a bud or new person out and scout thats 'great'

But getting every piece of info from the chair or couch doesn't give to much chance for the fish.

As for the whities theres still lots of them out there!

I got my limit every time I went for them! Did my best ever on trout also.

Good luck all an Merry Xmas to all!


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Whats wrong with people actually getting off their couch and checking for themselves? If you dont think these internet reports, and now videos, add to the crowds, im sorry, but your dead wrong!



. I have made these replies before too shayne !!! Some people do more Internet fishing than actually going out for themselves !!! You and I have talked about it before remember before the Internet studying maps and weather and many long drives checking places and spending hours doing your own legwork and grunt work to find all that info out !!! I get asked a lot about Kawartha lakes conditions too and spots and all that info the most recent was: is there any snow there and is the lake frozen and if it is where should I fish and what to use and if bass season is still open ??? Hahaha ..... They don't even want to check for themselves they just want someone else to do the work for them .... Not happening lol ...give me a shout shayne over the holidays
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I got to agree with Sinker on this 1.

To much info isn't always the best! However If you take a bud or new person out and scout thats 'great'

But getting every piece of info from the chair or couch doesn't give to much chance for the fish.

As for the whities theres still lots of them out there!

I got my limit every time I went for them! Did my best ever on trout also.

Good luck all an Merry Xmas to all!




Sounds like the lake is in dire straits, lol. It's Simcoe man, it will always be busy. Like someone else mentioned, if you want solitude it's probably not the place for you.

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I don't understand all the gopro hero, self agrandizing silliness that gets posted all over the Internet these days, frankly I think it's dumb. I also think a lot of fishermen with just a few years on the water have pretty much learned everything they know from the internet, which is a bit of a shame, but that's progress for ya and there is no holding it back. To be honest, it's benefited me as well though, as back in the day I had to guestimate from experience just how many days after a rain that I could fish a river etc. and you got pretty good at it after a while, but there was the odd busted trip because it had rained harder, or there was more runoff than you thought. Now there are flow charts at the tip of your fingers, and you can seldom go wrong. I don't agree with the reporting, and those that think that local communities will welcome anglers with open arms so the gas station and the Timmy's can do a bit better are kidding themselves. You see the politicians will be reelected not by fishermen, but by the locals that live beside the lake. Those same locals, many that commute to work, and have no stake in the community other than it being their home, don't care if the guy who owns the pumps, or the owners of Timmy's and subway have a better year. The do care that there is 50 cars in front of their home, or that there are quads and sleds constantly running up and down their road. They also care when you didn't have the courtesy to go to Timmy's, but instead decided to take a piss in the ditch in front of their house. Those are the people who scream bloody murder at their councillor to put up no parking signs, to shut down lake access points etc etc. And you know something, the Mayors and councillors know damn well that the fisherman from Toronto will have absolutely no hand in re-electing them, so they don't care about your opinion. That's politics! That being said, people are free to do as they please, and post what they like. Unfortunately I think a lot of it is done without much forethought, or frankly because they want to line their pockets, or get free things etc. whatever the case may be the Internet is a great resource, but one that is capable of doing a lot of damage.

Edited by porkpie
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I don't understand all the gopro hero, self agrandizing silliness that gets posted all over the Internet these days, frankly I think it's dumb. I also think a lot of fishermen with just a few years on the water have pretty much learned everything they know from the internet, which is a bit of a shame, but that's progress for ya and there is no holding it back. To be honest, it's benefited me as well though, as back in the day I had to guestimate from experience just how many days after a rain that I could fish a river etc. and you got pretty good at it after a while, but there was the odd busted trip because it had rained harder, or there was more runoff than you thought. Now there are flow charts at the tip of your fingers, and you can seldom go wrong. I don't agree with the reporting, and those that think that local communities will welcome anglers with open arms so the gas station and the Timmy's can do a bit better are kidding themselves. You see the politicians will be reelected not by fishermen, but by the locals that live beside the lake. Those same locals, many that commute to work, and have no stake in the community other than it being their home, don't care if the guy who owns the pumps, or the owners of Timmy's and subway have a better year. The do care that there is 50 cars in front of their home, or that there are quads and sleds constantly running up and down their road. They also care when you didn't have the courtesy to go to Timmy's, but instead decided to take a piss in the ditch in front of their house. Those are the people who scream bloody murder at their councillor to put up no parking signs, to shut down lake access points etc etc. And you know something, the Mayors and councillors know damn well that the fisherman from Toronto will have absolutely no hand in re-electing them, so they don't care about your opinion. That's politics! That being said, people are free to do as they please, and post what they like. Unfortunately I think a lot of it is done without much forethought, or frankly because they want to line their pockets, or get free things etc. whatever the case may be the Internet is a great resource, but one that is capable of doing a lot of damage.

Very well said and I wholeheartedly agree.

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Sounds like the lake is in dire straits, lol. It's Simcoe man, it will always be busy. Like someone else mentioned, if you want solitude it's probably not the place for you.

On the other hand Bill, if you do want solitude come to Lake Simcoe! It's a vast body of water with great fishing areas all over it. I'm a Simcoe die hard and never fish in the crowds......even during perch season. :) See you on the ice this year, Bill!!



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These guys doing the video reports of ice conditions are going to wreck the lake. I've been fishing port bolster side for many, many years, and there was never a problem finding a spot to park. Last year, this guy was posting videos from this side, and I couldn't even find a parking spot. Not to mention all the garbage, and crap lying around.


Local residents aren't going to put up with the crowds he's drawing over there for very long, then we'll all be screwed for a place to go.


Why can't people just keep they're yaps shut?? I guess they like the pat on the back?? I don't get it.




I wasn't looking for a pat on the back!!! I was simply posting a video that said the ice was safe for walking, I thought thats what a message board is for "sharing information". I already took the video down

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On the other hand Bill, if you do want solitude come to Lake Simcoe! It's a vast body of water with great fishing areas all over it. I'm a Simcoe die hard and never fish in the crowds......even during perch season. :) See you on the ice this year, Bill!!




Luckily I don't fish for perch. Maybe I'll see you out hunting lakers/whities!

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I wasn't looking for a pat on the back!!! I was simply posting a video that said the ice was safe for walking, I thought thats what a message board is for "sharing information". I already took the video down

No offence to you at all, im just saying all this info available to anyone who wants it is not doing any good for our lakes. Mark my words....its already happening.


Anyone who has spent the last 25 years on the water multiple times a week figuring it out on their own will tell you the same thing. The guys who learned everything they know from reading it online, and not actually setting foot ouside their front door will think these reports are the best thing going.


Give it some time, its only going to get worse.



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I'm not trying to be rude but isn't lake simcoe the most ice fished lake in north America?i';m sure these videos don't help but anyone who has seen the weather forecast knows its been making ice. Tell the people you see litter or keep more than their limits that they are in the wrong instead of complaining on the internet .p,.s. I've only fished simcoe maybe10 times when I was a kid but plan to ice fish it in the future just my 2 cents

This proves my point perfectly. A guy who has fished simcoe once or twice, and thinks all the info is great. You dont see the damage, because your not out there enough to see the changes.


Ive put my time in,figured it out on my own, long before the internet was here, so I can see the changes since these reports came along.


Im not looking for solitude, im looking for a great spot to take my kids, and their kids for the rest of my life, but I fear thats not going to happen in time.


The internet doesnt protect our resources, they exploit them. Get out and fish, share with your friends, but keep it off the public fishing forums. There are a lot more people taking advantage of this information than you might think!!!



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No offence to you at all, im just saying all this info available to anyone who wants it is not doing any good for our lakes. Mark my words....its already happening.

Anyone who has spent the last 25 years on the water multiple times a week figuring it out on their own will tell you the same thing. The guys who learned everything they know from reading it online, and not actually setting foot ouside their front door will think these reports are the best thing going.

Give it some time, its only going to get worse.


I may not have put 25 years in, but I have put the last 8 years in. Fishing almost every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend. Dragging my portable around by hand. And I have learned things from this message board. If your against the internet and sharing of information, why are you on a message board in the first place?

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Man, some of you guys really need to get out more.


Simcoe is everybody's lake, just because you spent 80 years fishing it doesn't mean you have anymore rights than a newbie fishing it for the first time, after doing some quick research on the web. Like seriously are you that threatened that more and more people are fishing the lake? IT'S NOT YOURS - fish, have fun, and go home happy, you'll live longer.

Edited by Chotchkies House
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Hahaha.....you guys kill me. of course its not my lake, and I dont mind fishing with people either, all im saying id if we keep this info open to anyone, the lake wont take the pressure. Go fish, have fun, share with your friends and family, just keep it off the internet....simple!


Im not saying I own the lake and I dont want anyone else on it, just that the ease of access to information these days is doing damage to the lakes and fish populations.


You guys need to lighten up, not me...think about it! If you like to fish lake simecoe (or any other lake) dont tell the whole world about it, or the next time you go, you wont have a spot to fish.


Pretty straight forward if you ask me....



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I may not have put 25 years in, but I have put the last 8 years in. Fishing almost every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend. Dragging my portable around by hand. And I have learned things from this message board. If your against the internet and sharing of information, why are you on a message board in the first place?

Your totally missing my point.


I share lots of info, and help TONS of people, just not on a public forum.


Everything here is just a google search away, you dont even have to be a member. Any poacher, garbage dumper, theif etc can obtain this info, anytime, and the click of a mouse.


I have no problem sharing info, just not on a public forum. I actually come here for the non-fishing posts, and ive learned TONS of stuff from this site.


Keep your spots tight lipped, trust me, you'll thank me later!



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The thing is though, the internet is a great resource to get out and learn 'HOW' to ice fish. I have been fishing for almost 25 years now but I only got into ice fishing a few years ago. Before then I had rented huts on Scugog and Guelph lake and I didn't really have much fun. Joining this message board, getting some info on the gear I needed and learning about "Safe ice' were all key to getting me interested in ice fishing and have been keeping me safe. If it wasn't for this forum and some helpful members I would probably be going out this winter on 3 inches of ice in shorts and a t-shirt (ok maybe not that crazy, but you get the idea).


This forum told me about Simcoe and where to catch piles and piles of perch and it was great and it was a start.


I dunno, I feel like without sharing information and things like 'the blue ice report' there would be a lot more people going through the ice, probably me included.

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No offence to you at all, im just saying all this info available to anyone who wants it is not doing any good for our lakes. Mark my words....its already happening.

Anyone who has spent the last 25 years on the water multiple times a week figuring it out on their own will tell you the same thing. The guys who learned everything they know from reading it online, and not actually setting foot ouside their front door will think these reports are the best thing going.

Give it some time, its only going to get worse.


Have to agree with sinker on this one.
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Do people think Simcoe wasn't busy 25 years ago? I remember fishing out of Lefroy with the old man when I was a little kid, it was like a city out on the ice. Hundreds of cars, huts, peopl walking, etc... all over the place.

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