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Another Disturbing News Story NF


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that is seriously messed up, where would a 17 year old get a gun?


one more reason I'm glad they aren't all over the place in Canada lol


Give that some thought... I've had one since I was 8 years old.. haven't shot anyone (other than my sister in the ass with a bee bee gun) in the last 43 years.

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Don't get me wrong, my Dad and uncle all own firearms as well as a few other friends - I'd be happy to give a firearm to an adult who could show they'd be responsible in the use of one lock and key storage included so things like this don't happen

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Unfortunately, these punks make it harder for all of us who are responsible, law abiding firearms owners.

The law makers can't control illegal guns, so they target us and tell the voting public they've tackled the gun crime problems.


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There was always guns in the house when I was growing up [army brat] but I was MORE afraid of what would happen to me if I touched them than if I used them.........................



It's called responsible parenting and that is what is lacking in todays world. I too grew up with guns in the house and I was taught at an early age how to use them but I would never have dared to touch one of them without permission.


Kids today are taught there are no consequences for their actions; we don't keep scores in games because heaven forbid little Johnny might feel bad because his team lost. We don't fail them in school if they don't work hard enough to pass because that might expose them to failure. Kids do whatever they want and as a parent you are very limited in what you can do about it.


Just try smacking a kid on the ass, you'll be lucky if you don't end up in jail. I had plenty of smacks on the ass when I was growing up, taught me to respect authority. Got the strap in school a few times too (and I deserved it) taught me that there were rules and that not respecting them wasn't acceptable. When my mother said "go to your room" I went because I knew I was going to end up there one way or the other and mom had a pretty good back hand (it only took once to learn that, never tested it again). Tell a kid to go to their room today and they will tell you to go play with yourself (well you know what I mean).

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15,16 AND 17 !!!!! :wallbash:

Prolly get a slap on the hand and a month or 2 in Juvie. Like Cliff said, as parents, our hands are tied by society decideing how we should raise our children. Very sad story, but not a damn thing we can do about it. This will happen again.

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15,16 AND 17 !!!!! :wallbash:

Like Cliff said, as parents, our hands are tied by society decideing how we should raise our children.


I'm sorry I don't completely agree with that; My parents taught me and I taught my kids manors, respect and how to deal with society, in the privacy of our home. Those lessons started the second my kids could understand the word NO!

I have a few family members (in-laws) that let their kids do more or less as they pleased, during their toddler's years through to their teens. Now that they are "young adults" they are complete and total A holes; they have no respect for anyone or anything and the world seems to owe them something.

Now my kids were no angels; but when they screwed up, they knew there were going to be consequences and that I would follow through making them make it right.

So is it society or the parent not following through with the job of parenting?




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I'm sorry I don't completely agree with that; My parents taught me and I taught my kids manors, respect and how to deal with society, in the privacy of our home. Those lessons started the second my kids could understand the word NO!

I have a few family members (in-laws) that let their kids do more or less as they pleased, during their toddler's years through to their teens. Now that they are "young adults" they are complete and total A holes; they have no respect for anyone or anything and the world seems to owe them something.

Now my kids were no angels; but when they screwed up, they knew there were going to be consequences and that I would follow through making them make it right.

So is it society or the parent not following through with the job of parenting?




That is the problem Dan, as a parent you can't even raise your voice to them anymore let alone give them a swat on the backside. I have some friends, their 15 year old daughter took the car keys out of her mothers purse and stole the car. They called the cops and darn near ended up getting charged because they left the keys where the kid could get them. To get back at mom the daughter claimed her mother had verbally abused her. It took months and countless interviews for the mother to finally clear her name. The kid ended up getting her own apartment as soon as she turned 16 which her parents had to pay for.


My kids were both brought up to understand that there were consequences both good and bad. I think anyone on here that has met them will say the same thing, they are both polite, respectful, hard working kids! The differance is that my kids are now in their 40's, they were brought up in a different time where "if you do that I will smack your ass so hard my hand will hurt" meant something.


Try that today and you'll be in jail and the kid will be laughing at you!

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I red that article yesterday, my heart says if you’re 17 and you kill because of boredom you’re old enough to take full responsibility for your actions, he deserves the death penalty. Some people may be against my opinion but this what needs to be done to set an example to hopefully minimize such incidents from happening . If sentences are toughened up idiots like these teens will think twice about committing a crime.

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My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim and of the youths that just changed the lives of so many people. I don't think we can begin to imagine this kind of horror.


Someone knew they were trouble, someone knew they were capable of such things and we will likely hear that someone tried to report these guys to the authorities and nothing happened.


We don't have an appropriate penalty in place for those boys. But we can try to protect someone else by not turning a blind eye.

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I don't think this is about guns, it's about being ghetto hood rats.


Don't think this was 'ghetto hood rats', this happened in a town about the same size and distance from big city

as Newcastle is to Toronto.

The murder rate is 3 times higher in U.S.A than Canada /per population for some reason.


Tragic senseless stuff..

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The side effects of a nation that values money and possessions over human love and affection.


People need to learn respect for this planet. Respecting humans comes naturally after that critical first step.

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I don't buy into the mindset that guns are evil....I have had guns all my life and so far to this date they have never hurt anyone. In fact I can guarantee until a gun is interacted on by a human it will rust back into a pile of scrap metal and not hurt anyone. Blaming guns is like saying spoons make people fat. I can go thru any house and show you 100 ways to kill someone with legal products laying around. Blame what it really is PEOPLE who are to stupid to own a gun.




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I don't buy into the mindset that guns are evil....I have had guns all my life and so far to this date they have never hurt anyone. In fact I can guarantee until a gun is interacted on by a human it will rust back into a pile of scrap metal and not hurt anyone. Blaming guns is like saying spoons make people fat. I can go thru any house and show you 100 ways to kill someone with legal products laying around. Blame what it really is PEOPLE who are to stupid to own a gun.




so you're jus saying the states has more dumb people? :) hahah just playing but I had to take it when I saw the opportunity lol

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