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Softwater report on Lake X...and a PB!


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It has been a LONG winter, and both Fishnsled and I were excited to find that there was some open water to fish!! I wont tell you where we fished...let's just call it Lake X for simplicity sake. Here's a hint though...it's one of these lakes that have open water....




The day almost didn't happen, but we managed to get out there despite all of this. First, Fishnsled found out that he had some trailer lights issues, so he had to take care of that before he left to come and get me in the morning. Then he arrives here later than we had planned and he says "my cranking battery is dead". That's no problem...I take the battery out of my boat and put it in his. Finally we are on the road to this mysterious Lake X. A looonnng drive down the highway and we arrive at the boat launch. I had called earlier in the week and they said it would be open from 8 to 5....and guess what? No one is there. So we go around the bay and find a beach to launch off from. As you can see, we are in the wilderness....away from any and all people. We need to protect Lake X or else people will fish it all the time.




We finally get out there...the winds aren't too bad...the temps quite comfortable. Being out there in the wilderness again on soft water was amazing. As I said before, this past winter was too long and it was great just to be in the boat again...fish or no fish! Here's our setup as we hunt down some staging trout.




The fishing was slow, but as I said...it was great to be out there on Lake X, trolling around. After Fishnsled says "I've tried this early season thing before and I've never had any luck", one of the rods goes off! This is a big fish!! After a mighty battle, I net this beast. As it turns out, it's his PB Brownie!! Congrats Fishnsled!!!




We fished from 9ish til about 330 in the afternoon and then called it a day. Not a day filled with a lot of fish, but a really nice one was boated. Can't wait for the rest of the season on Lake X!! Just hope people can't identify where we were...it's a small lake and if it gets overrun with boaters, it could destroy the fishery.

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Great job on the Photoshop Cliff but how did Rob know that we were fishing the Finger Lakes.... :ph34r: It was awesome to be on the soft water again Roy and running out to the spot in the morning on near glass conditions was fantastic...even with the brain freeze from not putting on my touque. :canadian: A great fish to to start off the season and even better that it was a PB. B) Can't wait to do it again. Thanks for a great day Cliff and for all your contributions!!! You really shouldn't have. :good:

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That's a great Altantic you guys got there! I hope that I can take advantage of the invite next time... I'll blindfold myself so as to not give away that secret spot! If I can't see the road in, I can't tell anyone else!


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