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Bucket list fish


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I've been talking to a few people over the last couple of days and I realized that it seems like everyone who enjoys fishing has 'bucket list fish' or fish they have to catch sometime in their life. I was just curious what everyones here were. There are no restrictions to the list, I have some that have to be caught on specific equiptment to just different fish. A few of mine are.


I want to catch a Longnose Gar and a Sturgeon

I want to catch a trout or salmon (preferably trout) on my fly rod. Also preferably in a river.

I want to catch a 15+ (preferably 20+) pound Northern Pike.

I want to catch a 10+ pound largemouth bass.

I want to catch a peacock bass.

I want to catch a blue marlin.

I want to catch a 5+ pound trout through the ice.


My list is constantaly changing and updating, as it should for something like this, but my 2 main ones that I would love to accomplish are the Gar and the Sturgeon.


What are everyone elses?

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Golden Dorado


Those taimen would be great too, something about a 100lb trout sounds exciting.


But those 2 are more of a dream. More realistically this winter I'd like a 30" snook on the fly.

Edited by timmeh
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Realistic bucket list fish that I'm currently working on catching are a 50" musky, 40" pike and a 30" walleye.


at least your being realistic!


Sounds like your bucket list involves lakes to visit, moreso then fish to catch. Head to my area, you might be able to scratch em all off in a few days

Edited by manitoubass2
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at least your being realistic!


Sounds like your bucket list involves lakes to visit, moreso then fish to catch. Head to my area, you might be able to scratch em all off in a few days



Whereabouts are you located? Several of the lakes around here contain those fish but catching them is another story lol. I imagine I'll catch a 50" musky or 40" pike (had a big pike on earlier this year that got off boatside when I grabbed my net that had to have been close) before I catch a 30" walleye. I live right by the bay of Quinte but I'm such a walleye newbie too that I have no idea where to even start and I've only fished it a couple of times without success. I've been putting my time in for musky/pike this year but no big ones yet. It'll happen, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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Whereabouts are you located? Several of the lakes around here contain those fish but catching them is another story lol. I imagine I'll catch a 50" musky or 40" pike (had a big pike on earlier this year that got off boatside when I grabbed my net that had to have been close) before I catch a 30" walleye. I live right by the bay of Quinte but I'm such a walleye newbie too that I have no idea where to even start and I've only fished it a couple of times without success. I've been putting my time in for musky/pike this year but no big ones yet. It'll happen, hopefully sooner rather than later.


I'm on Rainy river between Rainy Lake and LOTW.


It's nearing fall time here, and it gets pretty crazy how big the migrating fish can be, and for a period of time, huge pike and walleye are super aggressive.


And LOTW had just insane amount of huge musky, always.


BOQ hey, yeah, just stay home and learn that water, lol. It shouldn't take you too long to get a walleye over 30"




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Its funny, when I was younger, and then again a few years ago I hooked into a walleye that was 25" and I'm content with that. Don't get me wrong, if I get one bigger I'll be pleased as punch, but bass and pike are the mosters that I would like to see.


Also if my buddy who has a cottage on Quinte ever gets a boat I have a feeling a 30"+ walleye is in my future...... gotta get on talking him into that.

Edited by jeremy84
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Blue ( Pickerel) Walleye ....Doré Bleu.

Et puis j'essaye pas de commencer d'la chicane. .. Not poking any bees nests.


... Et ca commence... Haha

I know you know where to get blue walleye (whistling)... I think you may have already caught one!


My" realistic" list:

Big laker (10+lbs)

Any musky, when I get the right gear.

Gar from nipissing.

Aurora trout.

Inland rainbow

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