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"my legal right"


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Too funny!!!!!! I have fished for the better part of 40 yrs so I certainly don't need any schooling from anyone here on the finer points of conservation, regulations, yada yada yada. I can assure you. I have been forever preaching moderation to family and friends and anyone else that cared to and even those that didn't care to listen.


CO's, Biologists and others of that ilk that work in the system do a masterful job with what little resources they have been given as well as the countless hours filled in by volunteers. I tip my hat to the whole lot. Its the brain dead Mother FRS at the top and their minions that I have a growing disdain and passionate hatred for. They have taken our, your, my money for years and have done nothing but confuse issues. Had a look at a ramp lately, driven down pothole riddled roads and noticed the vanishing access to everywhere as well as dwindling fish stocks??????Thats the REAL WORLD!!!


All they do is take, steal, pilfer your money, rejig a few words and "NOTHING" else, and that is supposed to make you fall in line and listen to what the no-nothings have to say? No thanks. I can legally catch limit day after day, gift hundreds of them all away and if I stop for lunch and eat one or two I cannot catch more to fill my bag limit? Are we all living on the same planet? WOW!!! They must be mailing the Kool-Aid now.



Up until a couple of years ago it was a rarity when I kept my catch, let alone limits but as I get older I am enjoying the catch as well as the whole experience more completely than ever before and for that I must follow every single, solitary rule to the absolute letter? Those of you that want to follow each other down the kill chute, can, as well as pile onto guys like me when I pinch ya a lil. Either way, I'm going to enjoy my shore lunch... and y'all can enjoy all day KinderCare , another farce that your sport was sacrificed for.


IMO. Any help anyone, including experts, clubs and federations and the like gives this GOVT in particular is the wrong approach. They don't deserve it.



HOOKED! Thanks man. I get it. Just ain't into swallowin bro.


Edited by moxie
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all points of view respected and accepted in my corner.... but .....

what if ?

My buddies that got caught were reported by an angler that followed the rules/law and was kinda jealous about them stockpiling the freezer...he had been watching them bag a limit everyday for over a month.


I'm not about to take that risk.

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Ya know where i see this stockpiling brought up alot are perch discussions. Particularly on sites that talk a little more perch than OFC. " freezers gettin low " is the mantra guys talk about 300 fish limits day after day, grabbing 19 lbs of fillets 4-5 times a week its inconceivable they arent exceedin their possession limits


How can you fish for 40 years and ask a question like does 2+5 fish = 5 fish? The only math problem here is yours...

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Too funny!!!!!! I have fished for the better part of 40 yrs so I certainly don't need any schooling from anyone here on the finer points of conservation, regulations, yada yada yada. I can assure you. I have been forever preaching moderation to family and friends and anyone else that cared to and even those that didn't care to listen.


CO's, Biologists and others of that ilk that work in the system do a masterful job with what little resources they have been given as well as the countless hours filled in by volunteers. I tip my hat to the whole lot. Its the brain dead Mother FRS at the top and their minions that I have a growing disdain and passionate hatred for. They have taken our, your, my money for years and have done nothing but confuse issues. Had a look at a ramp lately, driven down pothole riddled roads and noticed the vanishing access to everywhere as well as dwindling fish stocks??????Thats the REAL WORLD!!!


All they do is take, steal, pilfer your money, rejig a few words and "NOTHING" else, and that is supposed to make you fall in line and listen to what the no-nothings have to say? No thanks. I can legally catch limit day after day, gift hundreds of them all away and if I stop for lunch and eat one or two I cannot catch more to fill my bag limit? Are we all living on the same planet? WOW!!! They must be mailing the Kool-Aid now.



Up until a couple of years ago it was a rarity when I kept my catch, let alone limits but as I get older I am enjoying the catch as well as the whole experience more completely than ever before and for that I must follow every single, solitary rule to the absolute letter? Those of you that want to follow each other down the kill chute, can, as well as pile onto guys like me when I pinch ya a lil. Either way, I'm going to enjoy my shore lunch... and y'all can enjoy all day KinderCare , another farce that your sport was sacrificed for.


IMO. Any help anyone, including experts, clubs and federations and the like gives this GOVT in particular is the wrong approach. They don't deserve it.



HOOKED! Thanks man. I get it. Just ain't into swallowin bro.



hopefully one of the " imbecile" MNR officers is on here, and pays you a visit... You have been gishing for 40 years? Good for you, doesnt give you special rights and privilidges just because you dont agree with some of the rules....

For the record, the MNR intself does a good job with the resources they have.... the real problem is government funding. They are busy pretending to be " green" and caring about the environment and resources, but the constant cuts to funding and officers proves otherwise.

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my frezzer will only have 2 possesion limits if im lucky for the winter months. hopefully walleyes and mmm yellow perch. rumour has it there will be an amendment of possesion. watch its from a mnr manager.. for some this may anger and others it will get them thru the winter months if theres no ice.

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Are you for real or are you trolling here?


What makes you think that eating a fish exempts it from your limit!?!?


Good question.As long as it still in ya, you theoretically are still in possession of it.

If the MNR pumped your stomach, and tested the fish DNA, and

proved the species and source, you could be charged with poachingwhistling.gif

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I used that argument one time when discussing this with a buddy. His answer was right, but they could have been observing you, see you having a shore lunch and get you that way. Hey who knows? :dunno:


My feeling is that yes this is possible. But even more likely this would be the situation. They charge you, the case goes to court, it may get tossed out, it may not get tossed out, who knows? What I do know is that your reputation has been compromised, it has been published and the way media presents all cases the public automatically assumes guilt. Then to hurt you even more you just spent a ton of money on legal fees and made your lawyer happier as he spends your money on his next vacation.


Why bother trying to press your luck? It's just not worth it. Follow the rules and if you feel that bad luck is looking for you then keep the grocery store receipts for the sportfish you bought until you eat it. Not all that difficult to understand.

I heard of this occuring on Brunswick Lake south of Hearst. The CO's secretly watched the shorelunch (likely through binocoulars), then later stopped the boat and checked limits, including the lunch meal they were over their limit, the CO's went back to the shorelunch island to look for/ collect carcasses and skins incase they were needed for evidence


I heard that story told by the guilty people, around a campfire, having a few drinks

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my frezzer will only have 2 possesion limits if im lucky for the winter months. hopefully walleyes and mmm yellow perch. rumour has it there will be an amendment of possesion. watch its from a mnr manager.. for some this may anger and others it will get them thru the winter months if theres no ice.


Heard the same thing about walleye limit changing to 2 fish sport license on Nipissing this winter.

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We had 2 guys maybe 20 years ago take something like 300 Speckles out of a couple of streams, I heard about it in the spring & reported it & there were none to be caught for years after that, I quit fishing for them so the youth in the area could try finding some & they have come back but not to what they were when I was a kid fishing, I still get asked were I used to fish & always tell the Local Kids & they are catching them again, hopefully I can get my grand daughters out for a few some time, filling your freezer for winter does hurt no matter what you think

Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif

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There's lots of people who consider a day on the water that doesn't end in taking one's limit home a waste of time. All of us know someone like this. All of us also know that these types would never count a fish caught yesterday against today's limit. Let's be realistic here.


I've never once heard someone say something like, "I wish I could keep this otherwise legal fish...but I checked before I left the house and I've got a limit in the freezer already." I have heard a few individuals proudly brag about having a "freezer full" though.


The likelihood of having your home searched and being charged for breaking the regs over a zippy or two of fillets is practically zero...this fact is not lost on those who ignore the law.

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I've never once heard someone say something like, "I wish I could keep this otherwise legal fish...but I checked before I left the house and I've got a limit in the freezer already."


Well, I have.


And I've been that guy too, the one time I still had a couple caught walleye in my freezer.


Some people strive to obey the regulations, no matter how slim the chances of getting caught are. Others, apparently, strive to do whatever the hell they like.

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To paraphrase, you think MNR staff are stupid and overpaid, and have personally tried to produce regulations that confound and confuse you. You don't like this. As a direct result, you will ignore the catch and possession limits and keep more than your daily limit. And you'll continue to do this until they are paid less or do something more for you. Did I get that right?


I wonder how many of those "public sector lightweights" you spoke of are members here, because they love to fish too.


I'm pretty happy to be here in Ontario, enjoying what we have. I feel the MNR plays a critical role in protecting that. Are they perfect? Nope. Who is?

Do I push for continual improvement? Yup. That's how things get better.


I guess I can excuse you for focusing on what you like because I am guilty of it as well at times. When I refer to lightweights I am referring to Politicians and the underling "Yes" men, and women who couldn't give a damn about our resource or are just to comfy in their position to question anything except pilfer away the hoards of cash we send them that has been promised time and time again to be used in the scope of our resource. And yes, they are grossly overpaid and compensated when compared to the same private sector positions. They are not perfect but shouldn't they strive to attain it instead of making excuses or writing more rules?


As far as possession limits. I have never(not yet anyway) kept more than my legal limits, but you probably conveniently skipped past that as well just like they have to letter after letter that I've sent with them with my concerns only to be answered with the usual computer generated hokey pokey bull "We have received your letter and have acknowledged your concerns blah blah blah.... which really makes me feel like an important part of this deal.



I have decided, like an ever growing number of citizens that I will pick and choose my spots until the puppet masters stop playing fast and loose with my dough and my family's future. Answer me this. Is it right that natives can do what they please at the fisheries expense ? Last time I checked my birth certificate I was still a native of this country as well. Thats just one of my issues but as my posts demonstrate its not the only one.



My proposal would be this: I've been fishing for years and have caught and released many limits and although it would be illegal I will choose to release the odd fish from my banked limits. Sound like a fair proposal? I think so. Stay tuned.

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Excellent local meat hunter quotes:


"Thats the rarest fish you can catch here, you better eat it!"


"I'm not wasting my time fishing if I'm not bring home a limit"


"I didn't spend 30 bucks on a license for a bunch of stupid pictures."


"My limit stops when i stop catching fish"


"It doesnt matter if it's perch, bass, musky, walleye.. There shouldn't be limits"


"I dont care where you fish, if you're getting 5 gallon pails of perch, you stop when you run out of pails"

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I think that you are wrong when you say ,"I'm pretty sure I have the right to not let the MNR into my house ". As I understand it they have the legal right to search your vehicle or your house without a search warrant, giving them more power than the police.




This myth has already been put to bed by Woodsman on page 2 of this thread.....

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Not sure "myth" is the right word as this is a common misconception that some CO's will play off. Also some police will also play off this as they are also considered the same as CO's if they are investigating a F&W violation.

Edited by Woodsman
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I've driven after 2 or 3 beers, max.


Since I've stayed under my limit for so many years, I think tomorrow night I'll drink a 24 then drive up to the cottage.


Stay tuned.





Really Sinclair? At least I won't endanger anyone's life if went through with my proposal. Let me ask Y'all out there how many times Y'all have wet a line and run into a hot day of fishing? 30, 50, 80 fish days. as soon as you reach your limit do you and head home or do you target another species, or cull your catch? If you practice catch and release how many fish do you take the chance in injuring and/or exposing to other predators? Give me a break and stop lying to yourselves. You guys would rather fight me on this issue than stare the truth right in the eye and take a real stand against the system that just imposes more rules, costs and a litany of excuses. Goin Walleye fishing Saturday. Betcha we don't get skunked......

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I guess I can excuse you for focusing on what you like because I am guilty of it as well at times. When I refer to lightweights I am referring to Politicians and the underling "Yes" men, and women who couldn't give a damn about our resource or are just to comfy in their position to question anything except pilfer away the hoards of cash we send them that has been promised time and time again to be used in the scope of our resource. And yes, they are grossly overpaid and compensated when compared to the same private sector positions. They are not perfect but shouldn't they strive to attain it instead of making excuses or writing more rules?


As far as possession limits. I have never(not yet anyway) kept more than my legal limits, but you probably conveniently skipped past that as well just like they have to letter after letter that I've sent with them with my concerns only to be answered with the usual computer generated hokey pokey bull "We have received your letter and have acknowledged your concerns blah blah blah.... which really makes me feel like an important part of this deal.



I have decided, like an ever growing number of citizens that I will pick and choose my spots until the puppet masters stop playing fast and loose with my dough and my family's future. Answer me this. Is it right that natives can do what they please at the fisheries expense ? Last time I checked my birth certificate I was still a native of this country as well. Thats just one of my issues but as my posts demonstrate its not the only one.



My proposal would be this: I've been fishing for years and have caught and released many limits and although it would be illegal I will choose to release the odd fish from my banked limits. Sound like a fair proposal? I think so. Stay tuned.


If the same ridiculous premise was applied in the context of hunting, would you shoot multiple deer or moose to account for previous unfilled tags?

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Really Sinclair? At least I won't endanger anyone's life if went through with my proposal. Let me ask Y'all out there how many times Y'all have wet a line and run into a hot day of fishing? 30, 50, 80 fish days. as soon as you reach your limit do you and head home or do you target another species, or cull your catch? If you practice catch and release how many fish do you take the chance in injuring and/or exposing to other predators? Give me a break and stop lying to yourselves. You guys would rather fight me on this issue than stare the truth right in the eye and take a real stand against the system that just imposes more rules, costs and a litany of excuses. Goin Walleye fishing Saturday. Betcha we don't get skunked......

First off with your mentality, you obviously live in the north where fishing pressure is far less an issue.


And second, i usually do smash 50-60 fish in a day. No need to cull or change species, because it's perfectly legal and safe to keep catching and releasing them. A CHANCE that 10% of what i catch will die with normal c&r practice. So thats 5-6 fish. A limit. And likely only very small fish will be the rare victim of mortality, rather than the breeding fish stuffed to the door of your freezer.

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Let me ask Y'all out there how many times Y'all have wet a line and run into a hot day of fishing? 30, 50, 80 fish days. as soon as you reach your limit do you and head home or do you target another species, or cull your catch? If you practice catch and release how many fish do you take the chance in injuring and/or exposing to other predators?


There's no legal limit to the amount of fish one can catch and release, whereas there is a legal limit to how many of certain species of fish you can keep. I might "take a chance [of] injuring" the fish I catch and release...but I'm fairly certain they have a significantly better chance of survival than the ones (legal or otherwise) that you take home.


I always laugh when a meat fisherman tries to suggest that catch and release is as harmful to the fishery as limiting out. Your assertion that C&R is not beneficial over ignoring limits though is downright hilarious. At least it would be if it wasn't kind of sad.


Have fun and good luck walleye fishing this weekend. Hopefully not too many people with the attitude that they are "owed" fish over their limit due to previous less-than-limit outings have fished there before you...otherwise you may very well get skunked.

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Really Sinclair? At least I won't endanger anyone's life if went through with my proposal. Let me ask Y'all out there how many times Y'all have wet a line and run into a hot day of fishing? 30, 50, 80 fish days. as soon as you reach your limit do you and head home or do you target another species, or cull your catch? If you practice catch and release how many fish do you take the chance in injuring and/or exposing to other predators? Give me a break and stop lying to yourselves. You guys would rather fight me on this issue than stare the truth right in the eye and take a real stand against the system that just imposes more rules, costs and a litany of excuses. Goin Walleye fishing Saturday. Betcha we don't get skunked......

Ps. Where ya headed? I'll give the MNR a heads up. I'm sure if you explain that you released your fish 20 years ago, they'll be nice and lenient on you. :)

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