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Walleye Scar (from prick) on Finger


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I got pricked by a Walleye a few weeks ago on my finger. It went so deep that my finger started bleeding. Not sure what part went in, but the hole is like a needle went in. A few weeks later and the scar is still there it doesn't seem to be getting better. It is very painful that I can't apply any pressure on it (when lifting things etc).


Does anyone know of a (proven) Remedy to make it go away. Thinking of going to see a doctor about it.



Edited by manjo39
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Go see your doc. It's likely what Bill said,you have a piece still in there and it is probably infected. Get it looked at, in the meantime, soak it 3 times a day in some warm salted water to help draw any infection out.

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Pour some rubbing alcohol over it and put some polysporin on it and a bandaid for a few days!


X2 Good advice. A sting from pretty much any fishes fins can and will give you an infection or simply cause a leision where bacteria can get in later and cause one. Their slime has bacteria and so does the surrounding water so its easy for infections to set in once the skin is broken. If this remedy does not improve the wound in a couple days or if you see puss or fluid you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Their slime has bacteria and so does the surrounding water so its easy for infections to set in once the skin is broken.


I had my thumb sliced open by a musky tooth one time and ended up with 8 stitches in it. The Doc told me the combination of fish slime & bacteria from the lake water is a very bad combination and to ALWAYS get any serious cut checked by a doctor.

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I had a pike tooth in my finger for about a month once. I figured it was just infected and kept popping the top and soaking in peroxide until one day I got mad and squeezed it so hard a tooth popped out. That was about 5 years ago and I still have a bump on my finger from it.

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I always have a small bottle of Anti-bacterial gel in my tackle box. We all know how geting poked by a catfish hurts like hell for a few days. Well just use the anti-bacterial gel and the pain is gone instantly. So it would probably do the same with other fish.

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I thought their slime would have anti-bacterial effects?


Slime is anti-bacterial to the fish it belongs to. Since we are the intruder AKA as bacteria to the fish...hurting us is what it's supposed to do. :)

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Same thing happened to me last year. You defenitely have a piece of the spine in your finger. Mine festered up really good after a week then I punctured a hole in it and just started to squeeze the wound till the little black piece of spine surfaced. I grabbed it with a small pair of tweezers and voila it healed up after a day or two. Hurt like heck for the week it was in there tho. No need to see a doctor, its easy enough to do yourself.

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