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OOS Bass fishing video


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It has since been removed from Youtube.


If you know how the Maitland typically looks, imagine a few guys fishing a pool. They catch I believe to be 3 smallmouth, of decent size, and release them, somewhat half-hazardly, but released nonetheless. They also catch a steelhead in the video. I think they called themselves the Bronte fishing club.

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It has since been removed from Youtube.


If you know how the Maitland typically looks, imagine a few guys fishing a pool. They catch I believe to be 3 smallmouth, of decent size, and release them, somewhat half-hazardly, but released nonetheless. They also catch a steelhead in the video. I think they called themselves the Bronte fishing club.


They new exactly what they were doing was wrong and if you read any of the comments you would have seen that, I also reported it and may have a copy if the MNR needs it

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They new exactly what they were doing was wrong and if you read any of the comments you would have seen that, I also reported it and may have a copy if the MNR needs it


The comments showed that they did NOT know it was illegal.


Youtube comments - always a source of thoughtfulness and respect.

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The comments showed that they did NOT know it was illegal.


Youtube comments - always a source of thoughtfulness and respect.


from what i read in the comments when the video was originally posted told me they knew full well that bass were out of season.

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Can someone PM me a link for this vid Im very interested




Same here.... I missed it!


Well as luck would have it, I downloaded it before reporting it so that if it got taken down before the CO's got a chance to see it the proof would still be easily available. :D


I uploaded the file to my site.

Be patient as the file needs to download to your machine before it starts playing. ;)


OOS Bass Fishing Video


I also took a screen grab of the video description.



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Taking a picture while common is NOT! Legal, the reg's say any OOS species MUST be returned immediately to the water, taking a picture is NOT immediately. I happen to know a CO who will ticket you. so let's all beclear. It is not legal.....


Heres the section from the regulations



"Fishing season opening and closing dates vary depending on the species and the area. It is illegal to attempt to catch fish for which the season is closed, even if you are going to release them. Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back into the water. Closed seasons protect fish at vulnerable times of the year, especially when they are spawning or protecting their young."






"Hey guys. Glad that you were out enjoying sport fishing. Looks like you guys are well on your way towards becoming accomplished anglers. Nice high quality gear by the way. Fishing is a wonderful contributor to our economy. Your license fees allow me to feed my family - thanks for that.


I see you were out doing some late season steelhead fishing on the beautiful Maitland River. That's awesome. Very generous of you guys to film your adventures and put them online for others to enjoy. I see that you happened into some OOS smallmouth, and released them all. Good on you guys. You guys probably didn't know, but catching OOS fish and releasing them is still technically illegal. Allow me to clarify. If you come here again for late season steelhead, try to fish pools and use baits that allow you to hook up with steel but keep the bass off. If you find you are consistently catching bass, the law stipulates that you need to switch baits or move on to another pool, so as to avoid catching OOS bass.


Since you guys posted this video online, you obviously weren't intentionally breaking the law.


We've had some anglers send in your video to complain. So we thought it would be fair to give you guys this warning, so next time you can follow the regs appropriately.


If you guys only caught a few incidental bass, and released them all, you did not break any laws. Taking a picture with an OOS fish is legal. Try to be as gentle as possible with the release of fish. This comes with practice and experience."

Edited by UglyBug
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Taking a picture while common is NOT! Legal, the reg's say any OOS species MUST be returned immediately to the water, taking a picture is NOT immediately. I happen to know a CO who will ticket you. so let's all beclear. It is not legal.....


Heres the section from the regulations



"Fishing season opening and closing dates vary depending on the species and the area. It is illegal to attempt to catch fish for which the season is closed, even if you are going to release them. Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back into the water. Closed seasons protect fish at vulnerable times of the year, especially when they are spawning or protecting their young."



you name the amount of money and I will bet you that amount that it is not illegal to take a picture of an OOS fish.


oh and PS. members of this forum have emailed the MNR and posted the replies

and while it could be possible to be charged while taking a photo, there is nothing illegal with taking photos of OOS fish

Edited by Terry
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Taking a picture while common is NOT! Legal,




By that logic anyone taking a picture of a slot sized walleye or slot sized musky, or any musky while fishing with a conservation license is breaking the law since they're not legally able to possess the fish. dunno.gif

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Talked to 2 C.O.'s at the Saugeen Bluffs Maple Syrup Festival & they said if you are caught taking a picture of an out of season Bass they would charge you, been told this before by other C.O's also, I've asked them after reading posts on different forums, we used to take some photos but not since I've talked to them back a few years ago, have a GREAT OPENER everyone

Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif

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I started a conversation about this regarding Musky that are under the slot size earlier this year. There is a lot of room for interpretation in the regulations. As a result different CO's seem to interpret the regs in different ways. The fact that in Saugeen if you are seen taking a picture of an OOS bass you will get charged, but if you do the same thing in Kawarthas you will be fine. In the interest of not getting away from the topic too much I will not say any more about it.

My problem with the video is the way the bass were treated. They had a net, net the fish, unhook the fish in the net and release the fish from the net. Letting fish role around on the rocks is not cool.

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I started a conversation about this regarding Musky that are under the slot size earlier this year. There is a lot of room for interpretation in the regulations. As a result different CO's seem to interpret the regs in different ways. The fact that in Saugeen if you are seen taking a picture of an OOS bass you will get charged, but if you do the same thing in Kawarthas you will be fine. In the interest of not getting away from the topic too much I will not say any more about it.

My problem with the video is the way the bass were treated. They had a net, net the fish, unhook the fish in the net and release the fish from the net. Letting fish role around on the rocks is not cool.


I offer the bet you you to


you can not be convicted of taking photos of OOS fish

Edited by Terry
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Do what ever you want i really don't give a rats backside. just goes to show you the level of care some people have....So go ahead and justify whatever..





yeah some dumb CO could charge yo,u but no court would convict you

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I offer the bet you you to


you can not be convicted of taking photos of OOS fish


I have no doubt that with some effort, and the assistance of a lawyer that charge would be overturned, but not many of us have the resources in terms of time and money to fight such a charge.

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I will make the bet and will defend myself


and by the way there has never been anyone in ontario charged with taking photos of OOS fish ever..

about 5 years ago the MNR sponsored a winter derby on simcoe

a muskie won the longest fish category along with a photo


and the same thing happen on Temagami an OOS fish won the MNR photo contest...no charges and they allow the entry and it won..

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I finally watched the video. Is it normal practice in that area ,to use live minnows for trout?


My personal opinion is,Im fishing for trout,no problem. Bass are in the same area,no problem.Bass on,bass reeled in,released.


If a quick photo is to be taken,then do it quick.Don,t parade the darn thing around.And for letting the bass flop around on the rocks like they did,thats worse then taken an OOS pic of a fish.


Bottom line,they knew exactly what they were doing. IMO GUILTY.


Have I done something that others would find not kosher,yep,but I wouldnt be throwing it out there on youtube.

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thats the law. But what is causeing the problem amongst us is the ETHICS of ANGLING


As good law abiding citizens and anglers with high ethics, we all would put the fish back in the water as gently as possible, with out pics.:whistling:


In a perfect world, maybe, but i am sure there are pics of OOS fish in all of our personal photo books.


The problem is caused when photos are shown and bragged about on fishing forums and you tube.


This community, in the regs, frowns upon the display of OOS fish.Its not against any forum rules if you do, but its not an accepted practice.


In stateing that, this community is doing its part to stop OOS fishing and poaching, IMO.


By removeing the audience, you remove what drives these people to do such things.


Legal ? No


Common Practie? Yup.Unfortunately so.

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Does anyone know about the bronte fishing club? Are all of their members travelling around filming rock flopping oos fish caught one after another? IMO these guys got all dressed up to go fishing and dont care what they catch as long as they get something to post. Personally, i wouldnt want this video to represent my fishing club. Pick up the fish! Ya got gloves on sally!

Edited by smally21
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I have have had a lengthy discussion with this several times with several CO's as well as office staff at the MNR. They way its written is to allow the CO discretion in laying a charge.... EG you catch a Bass out of season, snap a pic and return it, no harm no foul, CO lets you off. You catch a Bass Take its picture, drop it, pick it up toss it in the livewell while you get your camera batteries changed, take it out, take a picture, measure it, spend a few minutes reviving it in the water and let it go. The CO can charge you at the there discretion. Be careful, be mindful and use your head. I don't take pictures of OOS fish purposely because i am afraid I am the one thats gonna be made an example of. If its oos, it goes right back in asap. End of story.

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I have have had a lengthy discussion with this several times with several CO's as well as office staff at the MNR. They way its written is to allow the CO discretion in laying a charge.... EG you catch a Bass out of season, snap a pic and return it, no harm no foul, CO lets you off. You catch a Bass Take its picture, drop it, pick it up toss it in the livewell while you get your camera batteries changed, take it out, take a picture, measure it, spend a few minutes reviving it in the water and let it go. The CO can charge you at the there discretion. Be careful, be mindful and use your head. I don't take pictures of OOS fish purposely because i am afraid I am the one thats gonna be made an example of. If its oos, it goes right back in asap. End of story.


and you almost hit the nail on the head

the regs. summary doesn't give enough detail but the long winded full regs. do and if you handle a fish took long ie: taking many photos or leaving the fish on the deck while you are doing something else or putting it on a stringer or livewell they will say that fish is now in your possession at that point they can charge you if it's OOS or a fish in the release slot or a fish with 0 limit...

if it's a legal fish even if you release it it can count against your limit. because they have determined you had it in your possession now if the fish floats to the surface, that is even more charges if it's OOS...but the taking of the photo is not a chargeable act ... taking to long as to imply possession of the fish is a chargeable offense

and in defense of taking photos they have stated that taking photos of muskie with a 0 limit license is perfectly legal....unless the fish dies , then it goes back to the charge because you kept it long enough to have possession of the fish

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All I can add to this is Myself and all my Extended family have hunted and fished for over 50 years in Ontario and thu out Canada and the U.S. and NOT A ONE !!! has ever been charged by a CO . Been stopped checked out hundreds of times over the years , BUT NEVER been charged .. Its not that hard guys , read the regs error on the side of caution , no folding over the tails or streching them out to meet the slot limits , leave skin on fillets , no oss fish , if your fishing pike and all you are getting is bass MOVE, no going too close to damns ,etc. etc. ,Your only hurting yourself because if you truely love fishing YOU WILL DO EVERYTHING you can to not harm the resourse .

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